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Everything posted by Grasshopper

  1. Gerrard won't start ..... he'll be on the bench ! That wont stop them They'll even bill it as "Slippy G comes on to save the day"
  2. how about Cheer up Slippy G, oh what can it be..................
  3. Prepare yourselves for the " Slippy G-Media-Wankfest" commencing sometime this afternoon reaching overdrive by Sunday Lunchtime.
  4. Just 2 points from a spot on post. an unbelieveable turnaround
  5. Considering Tuesday's games importance (v QPR) ManU v ASTON VILLA Guzan Hutton Vlaar Senderos Lowton Bacuna " Sanchez " Delph Gabby N'Zogbia " " Benteke (Bacuna switching RM/WB between a 4/5 at the back - Gabby tracking back on right) ASTON VILLA v QPR Guzan Hutton Okore Clark Cissokho (if fit) Richardson (if Ciss not fit) Lowton (Ciss/Rich not fit) Westwood Cleverley Delph N'Zogbia Benteke Gabby
  6. How about an advance on the new TV money, or just getting a loan to the same amount. Then putting all it on "ManU to beat Villa" today. that should rake a few million in.
  7. Eventually it gets to UEFIFA, then Splatter takes his cut and passes the rest on in brown paper bags
  8. The point pro/contra Sam/Tim is irrelevant. we were going down under Lambert and probably out of the FACup. Sam was not openly available. TS was, and came. Since TS is here we're out of the relegation zone, going to Wemberleeeeee and along with playing some positive football we have our destiny in our own hands (considering who plays who). I really dont want to waste my brain on what might be. matchday after matchday as long as we are getting closer to survival I dont care. Go Tim, Go Villa and may results go our way. If we are a premier league team next year, well done Tim (& Tom Fox). anything more than 1 wemberleeeeee trip is a bonus, and a welcome one
  9. I'm happy to say that I'd leave the ream selection formation and tactics to Sir Tim Lord of Aston Manor. He appears to know what he's doing. 3 pts would be fantastic 1 pt I'd be happy with. if Swansea just happen to be better on the day and we gave a good account of ourselves I wouldnt be too upset, disappointed, but not angry.
  10. I'm sure it's a little bit more staight forward than that. A Blu-nose obviously has no logical perception of the art of the beautiful game or Kit-colour. Most of them have the dissadvantage of living near the Sty and are probably attracted by the smell
  11. Dennis Wise absolute C U Next Tuesday
  12. Could you please stop posting because you're saying everything I want to say
  13. Absolutely. But the actions of about 100 idiots should not be allowed to sour the enjoyment of a further 32,000. Except that it was, and not just by the media. I, personally, am still angry at certain comments aimed at those who were on the pitch after the final whistle. Comments on this very website that were not challenged nearly enough in my opinion. I agree. The complete over-reaction by not only Villa fans on here, but fans from every club was just strange. Anyone on the pitch before the final whistle, I understand the criticism. But some of the comments made about fans being on the pitch after the game had finished was completely ridiculous. I'm not really entirely sure why one is better than the other? Don't invade the pitch. Rocket science, it isn't. Because celebrating on the pitch is completely different to running on the pitch while a game is still in play. The primary concern - I'd assume - with a pitch invasion is that the playing staff aren't safe. Is there any difference between this happening during a game (whilst players are on the pitch) or immediately after a game (whilst players are on the pitch)? Absolutely. But the actions of about 100 idiots should not be allowed to sour the enjoyment of a further 32,000. Except that it was, and not just by the media. I, personally, am still angry at certain comments aimed at those who were on the pitch after the final whistle. Comments on this very website that were not challenged nearly enough in my opinion. I agree. The complete over-reaction by not only Villa fans on here, but fans from every club was just strange. Anyone on the pitch before the final whistle, I understand the criticism. But some of the comments made about fans being on the pitch after the game had finished was completely ridiculous. I'm not really entirely sure why one is better than the other? Don't invade the pitch. Rocket science, it isn't. Again, what the **** has intelligence got to do with it? Perhaps people don't understand "don't invade the pitch"? Thus, intelligence issue. Which part of "One should not invade the pitch" is difficult to understand?
  14. When did we play in Lille, Switzerland? Was in Hamburg myself, Also Odense and Prauge. Maybe I'm mistaking Pre-seasons games Lille was a 1-1 Switzerland was a game when D Dublin played Center Back
  15. the song just walk away rene?
  16. City are Shite Lose to Burnley pffft More than shite in CL Citeh had no history City had no soul Poor-man's (rich) ManUre City are to united what the Sty are to Brums Royalty
  17. Grew up 2.9 Miles Now 1.9 Miles European Work base 466 Miles
  18. Europe for me (work there often) Was in Lille, Switzerland & Hamburg great for the memories. Foreign fans are so respectful, welcoming and open. their knowledge of "our game/teams" puts us to shame.
  19. I will really piss myself if Blackburn beat Loserpool
  20. I think War Pigs would send a better message myself. or Iron Man Intro (Guitar Slide........) I'm a Villa Fan Daaa daaa daa dit dit Diddle diddle dit dat daa dit dit
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