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Everything posted by sexbelowsound

  1. Think it's fair to assume this means Robinson, Gardner and possibly Johnson given how well the the first and last have done with Preston Daniel Johnson has signed for Preston permanently no? Agree on the other two though.
  2. But he actually said, "flying the flag for Tim Sherwood and Aston Villa" Well in that case even better. It's no issue either way.
  3. Should have said Charlton, Millwall, Palace or Wimbledon then.
  4. The only real concern about next season is the unknown.
  5. TBH, Looking out for himself or as he put it "flying the flag for Tim Sherwood" goes hand in hand with doing the same for Villa. Sherwood cannot succeed if Villa don't as well. He was simply saying that he was a hands on coach and doesn't like delegating too much because if things go wrong its the manager that gets sacked whilst in most cases the people in the background stay at the club. Really enjoyed the interview.
  6. Folski, you should apply to be one of those people that does the rolling news feed of games.
  7. The thing that annoys me most of all about the potential sale of Westwood is that I honestly think he isn't just a sitting midfielder and has more to offer the midfield. I think given the chance he could play the role that Cleverley plays and take part in the play further up the field.
  8. I can see the merit of starting Sanchez ahead of him tomorrow to be honest, even if it would be incredibly harsh of Westwood,
  9. Planning to replace him in the squad with Gary Gardner maybe? I like Westwood a lot but i'm willing to trust the manager on this if he thinks its the right thing to do.
  10. Not sure we can afford to go 'full Harry Redknapp' on signings so youth is what i'd expect to see.
  11. I think that Lambert has left us with a really decent squad to work with next season so hopefully Sherwood won't have to spread the funds he is given so thinly and we can start getting in some real quality.
  12. Looks shopped! Like a small child catching a giant.
  13. Jack's ability to dribble with the ball is a rare talent. Comparing him to Marc Albrighton is an insult.
  14. He was being asked about the midfield and how much they've contributed to the turn around in form and he highlighted Richardson's performances at left back and how he has given us more attacking threat down the flanks.
  15. Sherwood rates him highly judging by his pre Man City press conference. Edit: Its actually in the video where he is sat outside with Cap'n Jack.
  16. Sun journo an Arsenal fan maybe? Doing his best to rattle the kid who is going to rip their team apart in the final maybe?
  17. If you want mate I can PM you that document I got from Lex Griffin. Obviously the macros are tailored to me and like we discussed previously there probably isn't anything in there that we didn't already know but you might find something in there that'll help......
  18. Could it be that you are eating too few calories? What about trying re-feed days to keep your metabolism guessing?
  19. Fair play mate, 1850 calories must suck! I tried carb cycling before, it was OK but the low carbs days were tough.
  20. I read somewhere that calorie totals should be readjusted every time 5lbs is either lost or gained. Have you looked into carb cycling?
  21. That quote stuck with me too. I've said before in other threads that I think if Villa "did a Man City" then football would lose something for me. Yeah it would be great to win stuff, but it wouldn't be as special. I completely agree with Chris. Sunday felt amazing and I don't ever want it to not feel like that. I'd love Villa to win more stuff. But I'm actually ok with it just being occasionally, and not every year! Are you crazy? Who wouldn't want to sign Messi and Ronaldo and buy the Champions League. On a serious note, I completely agree. I get more pride from seeing Villa step out onto the pitch than any plastic fan will get from celebrating countless bought trophy wins. Sunday bought all the emotions of football flooding back and I said in the match thread that it reminded me of the time when I was a kid where I would sit and watch the Villa vs Tranmere penalty shootout until the the tape actually stopped working. I hope that feeling never leaves!
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