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Everything posted by sexbelowsound

  1. Massively sad how obsessed with Gabby you are On a more important note, how the hell did you do those zzzzzz??
  2. Monday's are bad mate. No need to be on the sauce that late though! Just smile!
  3. I actually think Rampage looked much better than he did during his Bellator stint.
  4. Go chuck a tenner on it then. Soften the blow. No thanks, I never said I believed it would happen. Relax then. We'll be fine.
  5. Go chuck a tenner on it then. Soften the blow.
  6. 18/1 for both Leicester and Hull to win their midweek games. Easy money.....
  7. I'm one of the people who thinks we'll be fine. It's nothing to do with complacency, in fact far from it. I'm actually quite relaxed about the whole thing simply because if we can't get the points required from the home games we have left then we deserve to go down. Simple as that.
  8. Guzan is a massive reason why we are still in the league. I find it hard to be too harsh on him, even if it was a ridiculous mistake.
  9. Something needs to be done about our defence in the Summer. Yesterday we conceded 3 completely ridiculous goals and it doesn't matter how good we are in attack, if you're conceding like that you are going to be in trouble.
  10. Garry Gardener? He's being pedantic, it's Gardner I know, I was replying in kind.
  11. Realistically it was always going to look bleak after today. That's our hardest game gone and if we play keep playing like we have done I think we have the potential to pick up all 9 points from our home games.
  12. I like Sanchez but his goal cannot override another iffy performance from him.
  13. Man City doing there what we should have done.
  14. How in gods name do we allow that to happen there. **** joke.
  15. Sanchez you useless word removed haha
  16. Under Lambert with the start we made this'd be 8-0
  17. Bacuna really is turning into a solid player.
  18. There needs to come a point where these stupid individual errors stop.
  19. If we can get in at half time still in this I expect Sherwood to send a rocket up their arses and we'll be much better in the second half.
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