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Everything posted by sheepyvillian

  1. I hope that wasn't with a complete lack of irony?
  2. I'd imagine they're asking themselves that .
  3. Show me an instance of Newcastle consistently having less than 50 % possesion , and then have a look where they are in the league . I can't think of any other " big " club who would end up with only 30 % possesion, playing at home to Norwich. And please no boring ,pedantic dissertation on the demise of Aston Villa .
  4. If Norwich can play attractive football ,and having spent nothing in comparison to us, then what's out excuse ?
  5. Yes , an ability to keep possession of the ball.
  6. Who questioned wins ? It's the possession stats I have issue with , like I said ,when playing at home we should be having at least 50% possession.,regardless of the result. Fast.,we're the biggest team in the league,and Imo we should be playing like it .
  7. What is it with Villa and possession, its an embarrassing state, especially when you consider the opposition in a lot of them games . For me ,when we're at home it should be a given that we have more of the ball . We're a big club, last time I checked.
  8. Line of Duty , Peaky Blinders : two of the most ,Imo, overrated shows ever . Oh , I nearly forgot , Luther too .
  9. Having seen the Rio Ferdinand documentary , and having always had a liking for him , as a player and as a seemingly decent lad , that opinion is now confirmed . His honesty about the difficulty in dealing with grief, was painfully moving , and I take my hat off to him for having the courage to share that pain so openly . Hopefully, others who have gone through similar heartbreak found some comfort from it . I hope so .
  10. I really hope this kid makes the grade, what a boost for the Asian community that would be. Hopefully he'll become the first of many .
  11. Built two ,yes two , of the greatest Villa sides to ever grace the game . Deehan ,Little and Gray . Just the mention of that forward line gives me goose bumps .Ask anyone who remembers about the night they put the mighty Liverpool to the sword . A truly great side ,And even with the loss of the great characters from that side ,along came an even better one ,and the rear, as they say ,. For me , Ron Saunders is an absolute legend . Long Live The King .
  12. Can't wait for Fargo season 3 . The last 2 were brilliant ,can't see this being any different.
  13. That's exactly what it is . .A form of protection so they can mingle with the general population ,but to me it's an insult to the religion .
  14. It's crazy what I witnessed in prison . You've got sex offenders turning Muslim just has a form of protection ,and to me that is just a total insult to the faith, but it seemed ,to me ,like most of the other Muslims were okay with that ,I mean ,come on, you can't get more disingenuous than that,and anyway, even if there is an heaven ,your telling me there letting in sex offenders ,if that's the case ,I'll take the stairs down.
  15. It's really weird where Leeds are concerned , I mean considering how long they've been in the doldrums, there as always been a kind of aura about them . That Revie era had a certain romance about it. What a team of characters, Lorimer ,Bremner ,the elegant, dirty Johnny Giles and many others who were part of a great side . They never really got over the debacle of the European cup final against Bayern Munich, and then Cloughie took the reins and told them they'd been nothing but cheats, wonderful man management, I think he lasted about a month, oh well, such were the days then . There was something about football in the seventies .
  16. I thought the endings to all the series were somewhat contrived ,which ,for me ,kind of ruined everything that came before.
  17. I wouldn't gainsay that ,tbh .
  18. Anyone remember the Ugo debut against Norwich .?, At the time he was being hailed as the next God ,not too much pressure on him then . I think that was the 92 defeat ,courtesy of the aforementioned Ugo .
  19. For the record , April 1st happens to be my birthday , don't laugh , the upside being no one ever forgets . A fine performance on Saturday , and if that's the only present I receive, then I'll be more than happy.
  20. Probably take up wrestling ,because thats all he does nowadays. Terrible fighter to watch.
  21. Triple G won that fight , it just wasn't in the destructive style everyone has come to expect . I thought Jacobs could of been a bit more offensive, and let's be honest ,triple G hardly had a mark on him, as opposed to Jacobs ,hence the shades at the post press conference.
  22. Some of these posts , honestly , how do people take themselves so seriously.
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