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Everything posted by sheepyvillian

  1. I've started Billions , it certainly demands your full attention, to the point where I can only watch one at a time . Intriguing kind of concept though with some fine acting .
  2. Exaggerated the Exaggerated, I like that . And I respect your opinion , but you know what ? Cause you do .
  3. It's ludicrous to want my team to play a better brand of football ? You know what , I think I'll keep it ludicrous , see how galling you find that .
  4. That's what VT is for ,a platform to express ones opinion . And people can label that opinion however they like . It's nothing to do with a " now culture " . Let's keep it real ,all I would like ,is to see my team playing a better brand of football ,nothing more ,nothing less . It doesn't matter if you find it galling ,I'm sure many others do , but that doesnt mean I become silent . Your in no position to tell me to put anything to the back of my mind .
  5. Villa Park was like a fortress in those days . That team played some wonderful two touch football .
  6. We aren't playing good football , and surely I'm entitled to be unhappy about that,and only when we start to play in a way that I find pleasing ,only then will my unhappiness start to subside , of course I'm happy when we win ,thats a given ,but do I like the style in which we win ? Not particularly . So there you are , it is what it is .
  7. I know , it needs to be more " attractive ", if you ask me.
  8. Trust me ,you need one on VT . It's crazy how worked up some get ,reminiscent of the Alamo, and unfortunately I'm on the American side . But nice to see you appreciate a sense of humour.
  9. I'll have you all know ,I'm made of sterner stuff than Ashley Westwood . No transfer requests for Sheepy . And tbh ,that ship as now sailed .
  10. Don't scrape the barrel, its embarrassing.
  11. Terrible plagiarism, hence the silence , don't let the setbacks deter you though .
  12. . , Man City , Liverpool and Spurs ,all play attractive football, and I guarantee the supporters of those clubs wouldn't trade that for anything . What is the problem with me wanting the team I support to play attractive football? If Bournemouth can ,then so can we .
  13. Trust me , he had them passing the ball from Day one because that's how he likes his teams to play .
  14. You said Bergkamp, that's singular ,and you know very well regardless of the players ,Wenger ain't playing no direct football ,Why ? Because its not very pleasing on the eye.
  15. Attractive football is attractive football , its a philosophy some managers like to instill in their sides .
  16. So without Bergkamp , Arsene would of had them playing in the same manner has George Graham's Arsenal ?
  17. If my memory serves me correct ,I don't recall Arsene Wenger having to take his time for Arsenal to play attractive football ,and that was with a side who had previously played very direct . If that's how a manager wants his team to play ,that's how they play.
  18. Where did I say I wasn't happy with us winning ? I wasn't happy with the 30% possesion , and ,last time I checked, I'm allowed to be.
  19. It's amazing what you can interpret from a post .
  20. I'll have the attractive football ,and winning , please .
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