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Everything posted by sheepyvillian

  1. Tbh ,with that kind of football it's a miracle .
  2. As soon as the winning comes to an end ,what are we left with ? Not a lot.
  3. " Good football " ,see ,even Burton do that .
  4. The only cat's I like are the jazz musicians.
  5. If my memory'scorrect, isn't this the ground where our reserves demolished Arsenal's something like 10 - 1 ?
  6. The real funny thing is you actually thought about it .
  7. Burton on bloody Trent, can you Adam n Eve that . How did it get this bad ?
  8. Really enjoying Billions, aside from the sometimes complicated financial jargon its not that difficult of a plot to follow. I also think Giamatti is a fine actor .
  9. I suggest you watch the scene again and look carefully .
  10. I get that all the time In Bartley Green .
  11. This is true ,and we must never, I repeat,never underestimate the importance of percentages ,if only there were more of us . I live in hope .
  12. Oh come on ,its an improvement from the weekend ,not much I know ,but it's something . Don't get hung up on that possesion business, leave that to Sheepy .
  13. Every silver lining has a cloud ,apparently these opinions show a distinct lack of gratitude, but don't let that deter you .
  14. Absolutely love it . Humming the theme song in my head .
  15. And there's me thinking id done you a favour . Yet another guilt trip . May I offer a profuse apology .
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