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Everything posted by Newry_Villan

  1. I can forgive the laboured performance when they're playing in over 80% humidity and mid 20s temperature. I'd be blowing out of my arse after 10 minutes.
  2. I think I'll sign up for membership as a way to get some tickets and get my son and I over to Birmingham for a couple of games. I feel for folks who go every other week with the price increases so I can't complain if it's 3/4 games over the season.
  3. Somebody is still advising him, doesn't matter if it's an agent or a solicitor or his brother or father.
  4. Somebody is still advising him, doesn't matter if it's an agent or a solicitor or his brother or father.
  5. Carney should think long and hard about his advisors and if they really have his best interests at heart.
  6. I agree with Gerrards stance. If he's not committed he shouldn't be around the first team and hinder the progress of other, committed youth players in the long run.
  7. Gerrard confirms contract offer has been on the table for some time. He hasn't signed so he thought it best for him stay at BMH and not travel to Aus.
  8. We could have another Gary Cahill on our hands here.
  9. Yea, but could you see Spurs dropping £70m+ to get him? I can't.
  10. If any of the top 6 do come in for him then it's just to weaken us as they won't have any need for him.
  11. I'm just surprised the club announced the fee we got. He's no loss IMO. He didn't want to stay and fight for his place. He'll more than likely be moved on in a season or two.
  12. Think AST Computers sponsored us for at least two years
  13. Can't see us recouping much of the original fee. £15m I think. He'll be loaned back to France for small fees until his contract expires, isn't that the Villa way?
  14. Browsing Twitter, majority of comments are let them offer massive wages for players we wanted to get us out of relegation, we'll go for better players bla bla bla. I'm thinking you guys are technically in the same boat as us, will have to offer massive wages to get decent players. They really don't like us those Barcodes. Did that stem from us relegating them when their hero was manager of them?
  15. Unfortunately it hasn't worked for Morgan here, long term injuries and the emergence of Ramsay has limited his play time. He has looked good in the rare appearances he has made but I think he'll be back in France for the new season.
  16. Didn't we have another Academy prospect ditch us for Arsenal on a free years back? I can't even mind his name so just shows how his career went.
  17. I didn't know that, in my head he's still 25/26. Doh. What I mean is he has Champions League appearances, he's a Europa League winner. You know, he has THAT type of experience compared to Mings who has only played consistently as a centre half with us.
  18. I've been critical of Mings, even said we should upgrade, but maybe getting Carlos in to partner him, an older, more experienced head, might calm him and take some pressure off him. We'll know by August anyway what will happen but I think we'll start the season with Mings and Carlos starting.
  19. The refs in our league would have blown for a foul there all day long
  20. There is no way the club would announce this on official channels if terms were not already agreed. Medical and sign the deal. Pictures in the morning.
  21. Roy Keane says we are too soft. I agree. Gerrard has to cull the weak players from the team.
  22. So yea, fired up for Liverpool, couldn't be arsed against Palace.
  23. I was on the fence but if rumoured €20m fee is correct sign him up
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