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Made In Aston

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Everything posted by Made In Aston

  1. I can't believe how good Bailey has become under Emery. Going from one of the only players not to have improved with unais coaching, to becoming one of the most dangerous wingers in the premier league.
  2. If we end up in 7th place,considering the points we have and games left, then something has gone seriously wrong.
  3. You misheard. Gerrard said it was a mo' excuses culture.
  4. I calculated his xG for the season as being 0 back in June, so he is massively exceeding expectations.
  5. 'lovely funny scene ' & 'the whole bench was laughing'?! Absolutely no one was laughing in that video footage. Sounds more like Quentin has been given a line to feed the press from the club to brush the incident off. It's quite clear Emery is arguing with Digne and no amount of revisionism will convince me otherwise.
  6. I see Dougie had two fingers strapped up after the game. I wonder if it was a injury that was caused the last time he was out fishing at Lake Lehmann.
  7. If we do the business against Luton next week then we could well find ourselves 11pts clear of Man Utd with 11 games remaining. That puts us in firmly in control of a top 5 finish.
  8. BBC reporting that we are drawn against 'Jordan Henderson's Ajax'. How much were they paying him in Saudi for him to be able to afford to buy the club?!
  9. Don't keep me hanging so long until your next post.
  10. Shame we are not playing Liverpool any time soon as they have got more ridiculous injuries than us at the moment. Missing 7 key first XI players!
  11. This is so tedious. Every time a big club loses a manager Emery gets linked. When will they understand that he isn't going to be leaving us in the next few years. He has said he is not going to move, has put together a structure behind the scenes with his close mates and we have invested in Real Union. He has a project here that he would be mad to leave right now.
  12. Emery seems to agree, as when Kamara was injured he turned to mcginn to fill his role instead of tielemans.
  13. Not critical of you specifically but why do people call Lenglet or 4th or 5th choice CB?! He is back up to Torres... not Konsa or Carlos (unless there is a defensive crisis ) so is 2nd choice. Likewise they aren't back up for Torres.
  14. Scary that he was meant to be the tactical brains behind Gerrard! How bad must Gerrard be if he is having to rely on Beale's (lack of)ability.
  15. I think it's pretty clear that he doesn't have a future with us now. Even if he hasn't been told directly, he should be able to work it out from the lack of game time. I think Rogers will start to get more minutes than zaniolo soon and he will only be used if we are down to bare bones
  16. If you mixed the best attributes of Pau Torres and Paul McGrath then you would have the ultimate defender.
  17. Big shout of to MotD once again. Insightful analysis as always!
  18. He was getting in advanced positions to support the midfield and making decisive passes that cut Fulham's midfield open. None of our other defenders do this as well as Pau.
  19. Without accountability then these things will keep happening. I could understand it if it was a difficult, borderline call, but this was as clear as day. Incompetence suggests they don't have the ability to do the job. This decision was not about ability... it was about knowing something is wrong and making a conscious decision to ignore it. It's gross negligence and in most jobs you would get sacked for it.
  20. The more I think about that penalty incident the more I get mad. It is such a clear and obvious error that I can't believe that any reasonable person would decide otherwise... especially TWO 'trained' officials. It's incredibly negligent at best and they should face disciplinary action.
  21. VAR was even worse then usual today. They messed up the lines for deciding whether Moreno was onside or not and didn't overule the ref for a stone wall penalty, as they 'didn't want to knock his confidence'. It's about making the right decision...not protecting your colleagues.
  22. Heck takes my money when I'm in need Yeah, he's a triflin' friend indeed Oh, he's a cocksucker way over town That digs on me (uh)
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