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Everything posted by Sam3773

  1. We need to score first to prevent us falling to shit like normal.
  2. Lescott showing everyone why he isn't playing up front.
  3. Not bothered if he goes or stays. Has potential to be good but unfortunately was highly overrated in my opinion after one season. I don't like him, but that's based on his attitude this season. Forgetting off pitch antics, after his Lord and saviour was sacked, he became vacant on the pitch. It was almost like Sinclair had been giving him playing tips. Needs to mature in attitude and ability and then, only then, can we start deciding if he's any good. Unfortunately for me he's an average kid with a bad attitude.
  4. Has the be the worst defensive partnership since... Well, since Richards and Lescott. I miss Philippe.
  5. It's one of the more 'winnable' games we have left so who knows. I'm feeling a little optimistic of some points but wouldn't be surprised if we get none.
  6. I like it. It's cleaner, seperating out the football activities from the business activities. This way football people are in charge of the football and business people are in charge of the business.
  7. Statement from the club. http://www.avfc.co.uk/page/NewsDetail/0,,10265~5429868,00.html Interesting set-up. Thoughts?
  8. I mugged Hollis off when he first came in and it's too early to tell if he'll be successful, but he's started on the right foot. In two months he's started an investigation into where we are, got shot of two people who were less than great for the club and brought in some great experience in the board members. Small steps, but he hasn't put a food wrong yet and seems to be in full control at the moment. I hope he continues to do good here. I'm sure the biggest thing for us to judge him on in the short term will be his choice of replacement for Fox.
  9. I thought I'd look back, as I always do when someone leaves, to see my first views on him joining in the vague hope I never get excited at an appointment again. I remember that quote and his talk about restoring Aston Villa to our rightful place in the Premier League. He has quite literally done the opposite. He (probably) leaves us in a place outside the Premier League. I know it hasn't all be his fault but unfortunately he was instrumental in our current situation. You had one job, Tom. One job.
  10. Can they sack Paddy on Paddy's day?
  11. Interesting that he stepped down. No big payout then? Where do we go now? Surely paddy has to go next and then the rebuild can begin. I can't see Randy going anytime soon, especially bringing the General back on board.
  12. I know the jokes came out after Almstadt, but this is still on right? Even after Fox walking?
  13. And another one bites the dust.
  14. In sure he has a thread hidden away somewhere. Apologies mods if he has one, but he's back! http://www.birminghammail.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/aston-villa-owner-randy-lerner-11055402
  15. Heeeee's back! How long until he's back on VT then?
  16. I can only judge the board on the appointments they've made so far in Little, King and Bernstein. I hope the run of seemingly good appointments continues why they replace Almstadt, Fox and Paddy.
  17. I had no idea what he did. When he came in, I was expecting something akin to a DoF. Apparently my expectation was mis-placed. I'm happy he's gone, because hopefully it's the first of many. I'd probably still like a DoF.
  18. Annnnnnnnnd he's outta there! http://www.avfc.co.uk/page/NewsDetail/0,,10265~5422097,00.html
  19. Paddywhack's given me an idea. Everyone print these out in colour. Wear them all game. Then walk out on 74.
  20. If Blackburn can sneak a chicken in, we should be able to get a few banners passed the gates. If they don't let us bring peacefull protest in, I see no other option but to look to flares, beach balls or tennis balls. All are easy to hide and get in the park. I hate resorting to that kind of protest, but if the club give us no choice..
  21. I just read something in Twitter regarding Tennis Balls at the next home game. Is this you guys or another group? So many protestors.
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