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Everything posted by HanoiVillan

  1. Your assumption here is that Garde would have the same 'way of playing' with Benteke. You might be right of course, but you equally might be completely wrong about that.
  2. Guzan is atrocious, I can't believe he's so quickly been forgiven. Anyway, if he isn't the long-term answer (hint: he isn't) then there's no point putting him back into the team. We should be straining every sinew to get him off the wage bill in the summer, actually selecting him for games might give him the wrong impression.
  3. With Benteke. People keep ignoring this as if it's some kind of side-issue. Anybody could get better results out of a team with Benteke in it.
  4. For once. this is completely unfair to Gabby. Gabby had been the one who won the ball in the left-hand channel, and passed it to Cissokho, he absolutely didn't have time to get in the box. Gil, Veretout, Bacuna, one of them should have taken a chance and got there. But Gabby can't be in two places at once.
  5. Particularly hilarious. Noble is at least ten times better.
  6. I hope so. I'd still like us to recall him now, but I suppose it might not be an option.
  7. I can't actually get over the cheek of this. The guy is one of the best-paid players at the club, created 4 chances all season (Eriksen and Ozil often create double that per game) and I'm supposed to be blown away by him not looking like complete shit for once. Well, thanks Scott! You finally turned up for a match at the back end of February! Your first decent performance for - being charitable - six months! We're so lucky to have you, Scott.
  8. You want to know why I don't give him any credit? The worst Premier League XI of the season Scott Sinclair (Aston Villa) – 6.22 rating The captain of this side with the lowest rating of the lot, Scott Sinclair’s permanent switch to Aston Villa has been underwhelming to say the least. It may come as a shock that he is the only representative from the league’s bottom club, but that’s more indicative of the fact that the team have been completely abject as a whole rather than having had a few players let them down badly. Formerly known for his threat on the counter attack, the winger has completed just 15 dribbles in 18 appearances and created a woeful four chances for his teammates. http://www.football365.com/news/the-worst-premier-league-xi-of-the-season ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just let that sink in for a minute. The worst player in the division to have played over 900 minutes this season. But yeah, he didn't completely suck for one twenty-minute cameo (even though it didn't actually change the result). Whoopty-do.
  9. That Kalinic looked alright as well. Just our luck.
  10. Really? Even that scene on the porch with Rachel McAdams?
  11. The point made before, which I agree with, is it's difficult to make such a strong proclamation when the club has been in existence for 140+ years. However, I have to agree, he may well be the worst player to have played more than 50 matches in the Premier League era, I'm not sure who else would challenge him for that.
  12. http://www.theguardian.com/football/live/2016/feb/27/leicester-v-norwich-southampton-v-chelsea-and-more-clockwatch-live?page=with:block-56d1d066e4b0bd5a0524ce58#block-56d1d066e4b0bd5a0524ce58 GOAL! Stoke City 2-1 Aston Villa (Bacuna 79) 'Following his horror show against Liverpool, a performance that was so bad he was hauled into his manager’s office and asked to explain himself, Aston Villa utility man (a utility man who’s consistently useless in a wide variety of positions) Leandro Bacuna gives Aston Villa a chance of rescuing a point by pulling one back against Stoke City.'
  13. This guy is just a loser. ATEOTD, we can all make excuses, but he's been garbage for years. He doesn't score, he rarely assists, he's a weak tackler, he never takes a game by the scruff of the neck, he's just absolute pants.
  14. We need to take the lead before we consider playing with a handicap.
  15. I'd sub Bacuna off already. You can see he's going to cost us at least one goal. Garde tried to get a reaction; it hasn't worked.
  16. We're going to get absolutely stuffed here.
  17. I look back at Brett Holman, and think 'come back, all is forgiven!'
  18. Look at that line-up. Randy hang your head in shame.
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