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Everything posted by Paul33

  1. Agreed ..... rather have Ken Bruce !!!
  2. No disrespect but nobody gives a shiny shite what you do as you are a nobody to the masses. Jack is a footballer for a team that is idolised by tens of thousands who pay huge money to support and fund that team and everything he does WILL be analysed and reported ..... that's the price all footballers pay for the huge money they earn. If he wants to live a "normal" life then get out of football, give up your millions and get in the job queue !
  3. Jack needs to realise that - despite the hype - he has achieved jack shit so far and his average performance for Villa over the last two seasons has been abject pants. He has potential but he remains a poor performer and is lucky to even make a currently mediocre Championship side ..... hardly worthy of the high life and parties !!!
  4. Heard RDM talk of "two year project" very many times !
  5. Best performance from Ayew since he arrived here and Kodjia made the best debut I've seen from a Villa player in decades ...... disappointing result and the playing style needs to evolve loads but there are real positives happening at last !
  6. We have a forward line to die for and a defence that looks decent for this level but our style of football remains - as it was last season - slow, laborious, turgid, negative and offering the opposition plenty of opportunities to spoil. We need to move the ball from back to front at four times the current speed, either through attacking wide men or midfielders who are dynamic and positive. I don't get what RDM is doing by continuing to play this stodgy style of football when you have guys up front who need the ball early and need the crosses. Is there something wrong with RDM that he doesn't see that or are the players going against his instructions ? Confused !!!
  7. Don't blame Gabby, if I were him I would stay put too. It wasn't his fault the club offered him the contract he is on so why should he walk away from it or relocate the family in order to play elsewhere ? Villa will play him somewhere at some level at some point and when they do, he will have his chance. Personally, I'd drop Ayew for him tomorrow !!!
  8. Go Bert ..... not had a Villa Bert for some time !!!
  9. Paul33

    Adama Traore

    He only goes past them because he can run faster than them ..... unless I've missed something !
  10. Paul33

    Adama Traore

    He is just a guy who can run fast and that is it. He is a 1 out of 10 in just about every other department, his attitude looks iffy and he is injury prone. If any fools are prepared to pay anything for him then sell ..... or just trade him for a bag of training balls !
  11. Ayew does not want to be here, has reacted badly to us not releasing him and now is going to coast through games with no interest in the team, only in his own profile. How stupid must we be to play him ? He should be in the reserves and left there until he changes his attitude !
  12. Just need a couple of decent forwards, a good defensive midfielder, an attacking midfielder with vision and a couple of defenders ..... plus a decent goalie ...... and a new manager ..... and boy will we totally smash this rubbish league !!!
  13. Gil did nothing - Guzan I would have kept for sure !
  14. He will and he is selfish. As a forward, he is a disaster and - as I keep saying - we need to sell fast and replace him !
  15. ..... and sign him on Sunday ?
  16. One game - play for your future - shit or bust - would love to see it happen !!!
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