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Everything posted by Paul33

  1. Bruce would have done okay last season. Give him a bunch of shit players with no option to change them and he will squeeze an extra 10% out of them. He is the proverbial turd polisher. However, give him a bunch of talented players and a requirement to construct a team and a basic style and he (and his backroom cronies) do not have a clue what to do. He is out of his depth and totally lost and the players know that. We really are going down and if Bruce stays then we will probably not win another game this season !
  2. We need to start the same XI for the next five games back-to-back no matter how crap they are. Constantly changing starting XIs and changing formations might seem the thing to do but it really is the opposite of what we need. Those players need to learn to play with one another and without the fear that one mistake means they'll be dropped. Just don't start Gresford !!!
  3. At least my football team got **** on Valentines Day !!!
  4. Who is the defensive midfielder ? Gulp !!!!
  5. Good post - just got back from my 200 mile round trip and that is the best summary I have seen. Didn't play well but deserved to win by at least two goals and we'd have been happy with that. Much to improve but we really did lose today because we were unlucky in front of goal. It happens !
  6. Not Y1 - that's Forest. X1 definitely and presumably W1 and W2 as well. I fancy V1 but not sure how safe that is !!!
  7. Just got back from Bodymoor ...... great to see the influence that Bjarnason and Jedinak are having on the new Ashley Westwood.
  8. Anybody buying tickets from NFFC ?
  9. CORRECTED: "Still better record than most of our strikers ..... combined !"
  10. Chuba ? Not another salad dodger surely ? Could at least have a Flabby & Chuba strike force !!!
  11. Only one down after that dross .... that really is a result!!!
  12. Is it me or is McCormack looking ..... fat?!!!
  13. Can we not play Amavi on the wing so he doesn't need to defend? He'd be better than Adomah who plays like an asthmatic Giraffe with gout!!!
  14. Misses an open goal then gets up holding his bollocks !!!!!
  15. How shit is Amavi? Must be the worst defender in the Championship .... another goal he has given away!
  16. Plenty available online for sections above villa fans !!! http://tickets.nottinghamforest.co.uk/PagesPublic/ProductBrowse/VisualSeatSelection.aspx?stadium=CG&product=H16LAS&campaign=&type=H&productsubtype=&productIsHomeAsAway=N
  17. Lansbury will be announced at 3pm Thursday ........... ....... according to Twitter !!!
  18. BS ..... that is down with the Lescott car tweet explanation. Stan was bitter and had a dig but got caught out !!!
  19. Stan ..... have some respect ..... STFU !!!!!
  20. Carried on where we left off on Saturday. Turgid, dreary, slow build up with absolutely no creativity or ambition in midfield and forwards all playing out of position and looking lost. We keep buying good players who then become crap players in a Villa team ..... we have a cancer of a mentality that has haunted us since McLeish/Lambert days. We have to change the entire way we play and that can only happen with the right players ..... I hope Dr Xia has deep pockets !
  21. So long as Ayew doesn't play, we will be okay !
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