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Everything posted by Paul33

  1. First game under Bruce where we looked to pass forward instead of back ..... we hardly passed it back at all today. I'm shocked but happily shocked !!! #positive
  2. That bit is wrong and that is why there is negativity. Thanks.
  3. Well lets hope it proves the right strategy come Saturday or we run the risk that ALL our games will become "meaningless" very soon and crowds below 20,000 will become the norm. I'm starting to seriously worry about what Bruce is doing to my club !!!
  4. So rest a couple of players but rest the entire first team squad ?
  5. Are we really THAT desperate now that losing one or even two players means we can't beat the likes of Forest ?!!!! Seems Bruce's negativity and fear is spreading to the fanbase now !!!
  6. The whole event was typical Bruce. We had the chance to compete with the country's top 16 on a high profile big stage and all we had to do was beat Middlesbrough Reserves at home and we never came close. To leave out your entire first team squad because of fear of injury is pathetic and typifies Bruce's fear laden approach to managing this club. Even if he didn't care for the cup and didn't care whether we won or lost, why not send the team out "off the leash" and play a 4-3-3 and tell them to enjoy themselves ? Why send them out playing that same old fear infused, negative dirge football that has been his trademark since he arrived ? The reason only 11,000 turned up is because, like me, they had zero expectation of seeing anything even mildly entertaining and that is NOT okay ..... it is NOT okay for this club to only pull 11,000 and it is NOT okay for a club of our stature with the roster we have to perform so pathetically against the second XI from Middlesbrough. Bruce is hanging by the most slender of threads at the moment and he brings that on himself with his abject failure to embrace this job and his abject failure to craft an attractive team from the best roster in the division. He'd better get it right on Saturday !!!!
  7. Once again the team is okay IF the midfield can deliver a more dynamic performance than we are used to. Davis can hold it up but he'll need at least two guys racing on to the lay off as they did against Norwich. If the midfield plays deep and ultra defensive then Davis is dead meat and its a case of hoping we can hang on to 0-0 !
  8. When you see Villa players gobbing off at one another when they make mistakes, you KNOW its all over. Bruce has lost this dressing room completely and needs to go NOW !!!
  9. Pure, total, complete bollocks exactly the same as every other game this season AND last season under Bruce and his useless coaches. It is so obvious that the players are hating every second of this regime. Bruce has to go NOW to give us the slightest hope of finishing above mid table !
  10. Bruce is a man with all the right ingredients for a great pizza but hasn't a clue what to do with them so cooks them in the wrong order for the wrong timings and ends up with something akin to a road traffic accident ...... but, even then, some fans are happy because it still tastes okay ..... ish ...... and its better than eating excrement so they are happy with that too !!!
  11. Good luck Villa and good luck Mr Bruce but you are setting yourself up big time if you get this wrong !!!! #UTV
  12. We had a chance tonight to make a positive self belief statement by picking a positive side ..... instead its a side that screams fear and caution which BCFC will love ! Hope I'm wrong but it seems to show a lack of confidence from Bruce and that has to seep through to the players. This is only Bristol City FFS !!!
  13. Because in the last five minutes, all of Bruce's tactics and influence went out the window and the players just said "f*ck it - we're going for it" and that just underlines that Bruce and his shite coaches are killing us !
  14. I've been hearing for months now that the players don't like Bruce or his coaches and the players don't get on with one another either .... now it is seriously starting to show! This club may be sound off the pitch but it is raw sewage on the pitch. Bruce is a turd polisher and with the squad we have, we need skilled management and coaching and that won't happen with this lot. Dr Tony has to act NOW!!!
  15. I don't swear but **** off Bruce right **** now you potato headed clearing in the woods on a stick!!!
  16. This club is doomed under Bruce .... he is clueless and has to go now ..... and I will slap the next person who says ' its only the third game - give him a chance' !!!
  17. If we were restricted to only players with surnames starting with "L" ..... I would leave Lansbury on the bench !!!
  18. Bruce Out ? Too soon ?
  19. Word doing the rounds is that he has damaged his liver ..... and isn't too good. Hope that is wrong but several people spreading that word !
  20. Chop Bruce and his coaching team ...... that is all we need !
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