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Everything posted by smg

  1. Surely Kodjia could have done something to prevent the cross in the first place for the equaliser ? He was way out of position yet made no effort to get anywhere near the ball, pathetic.
  2. We are in the same division they play us next match they are above us in the league and they are on tv why wouldn’t they sing about us ? City rivalry or regional rivalry they really aren’t that far away.
  3. Oh that explains it then, thanks.
  4. There isn’t a game that we play where our fans don’t sing about the blues consistently, I think that makes us obsessed also ? Or are the rules different for other sets of supporters
  5. We score five, should have won, we concede five, should have lost, we drew and got a point over a season probably a decent result. Not all goals conceded are goalkeepers fault the ball has to pass ten other players before it gets to him. He is not blameless but some of the reaction on here is comical.
  6. I think the distance involved and 3 games in six days might also play a part. Norwich is also a bxxxxer to get to.
  7. Why would anyone sit on the subs bench without their socks on ? Took him ages to get ready. If Adoma had been up and able to walk quicker when he left the pitch we would have been playing with 10 men while he got dressed. Not very professional of him.
  8. I’m not sure the old premier league world we used to belong to are that bothered about us. If followers of the club forget about what others think and get behind the club we might move on. We were a founding member of the football league, we won trophies over a long period of time. We still have the the same famous name but we are playing (deservedly) at a lower level. We will get back but it will take time. Those on here that think we have a divine right to be successful are in for a very frustrating few months.
  9. Do some on here just watch to focus on errors?
  10. smg

    Pre-Match Thread

    Yes the full backs and wingers may be poor but what can we do until January ? Bolasie clearly is not inspiring anyone that picks the team in training.
  11. He is touted as a £40 million player by some but at the moment his biggest contribution is winning free kicks some of which are highly dubious. He has talent but he needs to start influencing matches and adding to the points total.
  12. What has he actually done to warrant the hype that surrounds him ?
  13. Keeper doesn’t look a total fool not what some are saying
  14. BY improving current players in those positions or replacing them in January if they don’t improve?
  15. Good to see a few are sticking their necks out to say this is a shit appointment so sometime in the future they can say told you so.
  16. It can’t be John Terry he doesn’t have the badges yet
  17. Or Faria for the same reason with Terry as assistant ? Dream team. Actually could work.
  18. Jardim a manager who is about to be sacked for winning one game in nine with a top club in a shit league and some on here are wetting their pants that he might be our next manager. Onwards and upwards.
  19. You can’t beat a rumour especially if you can’t back it up with hard evidence, Rumour has it Birmingham city are a football club
  20. Who is the new manager that is going to do this ? Have I missed something?
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