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Lerner's Driver

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Everything posted by Lerner's Driver

  1. Exactly. You just know he closed his eyes as he passed it forwards. So unnatural!
  2. Caught in possession and almost gave a goal away
  3. So many horrible squad players at our club, it's painfully obvious why we need upgrades. I imagine the thinking was, 'here's a team we should beat, go and show me why you shouldn't be shipped out'. El Ghazi Nakamba Taylor All failing to justify their squad place.
  4. This is so blindingly obvious it really doesn't need saying, but then piercingly original insights aren't for everyone, especially if those types of people are known for their intransigence.
  5. Who knows how we will end up using him, starter, impact player, squad depth... I think he will be a useful option, if not just for his pace. Also, it doesn't absolutely follow that one disappointing season leads to another. The one thing which does raise a concern though is the lack of any crossing he seems to do. Judging by the showreels he's all left foot on the right wing, meaning he cuts in to shoot more than anything else.
  6. We were quite lucky in that first half not to concede, but also showed the odd spell of decent play. Cash looks confident on the ball, but may need to think about positioning. United were most dangerous when Dan James had too much time and space to run into. McGinn showed some nice play and the goal was pleasing in an old school way. Watkins' diving header reminded me of Andy Gray, properly aggressive!
  7. Do we know what budget we are working with? No, we don't. There have been rumours of £100m, but like everything else, that can only be journalistic guess work. If the club thinks we need players and we can afford them, go and get them.
  8. It's normal, why are you scared of it? Embrace your destiny.
  9. He's pretty athletic for a big bloke - some lovely saves in his highlight reel. He just oozes confidence in a way we've not been used to!
  10. We've all done it and felt that gut wrenching rush of shame when you commit to something you don't believe in, but imagine owning the Mail, or working there and having their business model as your reason for getting up in the morning. You are essentially a washed up old whore (or the pimp if you're the owner), whose job it is to trick people into consuming your product, by providing a service that is not what it says it is. You essentially hate, or pity your customers for their stupidity in believing your schtick, but you are desperate for their money because you are lazy, so you justify it by saying to yourself, if they buy it, it's their fault for being gullible. And I know, it's technically free because the advertisers actually pay for it, but that's exactly why the content is so cynical and soulless. They only want you to click, they don't care if you enjoy it. The Mail's modus operandi is a thoroughly modern capitalist love story... transactional, empty, shameful and bankrupt. A cheap and nasty punt.
  11. Well said. Some of this lot have lost the plot.
  12. You are allowed to express your discontent, of course you are. I'm interested though, what in your view is the best possible outcome you could arrive at from doing so on here?
  13. I assume yours was a rhetorical question, but if not, have a read of his posts and take a guess.
  14. Exactly, having time is all very well, but the more it disappears, the greater the need becomes. And the greater the need becomes, the greater the risk of further disappointment and panic buys. Whatever the actual reasons are for not having got players in yet, the perception of struggle is also important. Like most of us, plenty of players must look at what happened last year and wonder how we got out of trouble.
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