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Lerner's Driver

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Everything posted by Lerner's Driver

  1. Was important we stopped the results (if not performances) rot, so a massive well done to all, with particular acknowledgements for Martinez and McGinn. We deserved 3 points and got none against Wet Spam, so to pinch all three today helps to even things up a bit. Can relax now!
  2. Would take a point now. We are capable of beating them and hope to be surprised, but I'm expecting another loss due to the unwelcome return of defensive mistakes and poor finishing.
  3. Jack 'buys' a lot of fouls and occasionally just plain dives, but he is also pole-axed pretty often, so the dislike of him is likely to stem from an entirely understandable mix of envy and hatred. Quite frankly, who cares!
  4. Yeah, I thought of him too, but he won't be chosen because he won't play enough, so ideally it should be a regular to help him build confidence in himself in that role.
  5. We probably aren't going down this year thanks to our improved creativity and the fact we clearly do have goals in us (if only we'd bloody score them), but... it's far from being an absolute certainty. Last night, Smith said: "play like that and 99 times out of a hundred and you win", but Aston Villa seem uniquely capable of not getting the results their play deserves and that is a mentality thing. Before lockdown at the end of last season we focused intensely on keeping our shape, being hard to score against and breaking strategically to great effect. We had the balance right. After the early season results this year, it feels like we have kidded ourselves into believing we can sacrifice some of the defensive play in favour of all out attack, but we aren't good enough for that yet. Currently, the defence has gone back to being unreliable, so if we do go down it will be because that has not been addressed. Smith does tend to go on fairly long streaky runs, so don't be surprised to see us lose again before the penny drops that we have to tighten up. A team with flare and creativity is pointless without defensive solidity and strikers that take their chances.
  6. Jack gave him the one against Southampton because they both wanted him to keep scoring - it was an on the pitch decision, which Smith should now put right by giving it to someone more clinical. Either Jack, Douglas, or Barkley.
  7. Let's hope there's some more ups soon then, cos losing, however it happens, can 'set in'.
  8. We aren't getting higher than that this year.
  9. Most other Premier League teams playing like that would have put West Ham away, but Villa can't. I honestly think we are unique in how successfully we sabotage our own chances.
  10. the definition of Aston Villa is a million ifs and buts.
  11. Against Man City after losing 4 of our last 5, sure. Smith is about to go on one of his shitty runs, you can just see it coming.
  12. Let's be clear West Ham are lucky to have won that and it was another performance with plenty of positives in it, BUT our old failings never go away. It is literally pointless dominating teams if you continually shoot yourself in the foot again and again, by switching off defensively and then fail to score countless times. Typical **** Villa. Keep this up and the season could soon turn to shit.
  13. They are and we should and we have in other games this season, so all the signs are positive, but... we've always got a defensive rick in us, as Mings and Targett are frequently at pains to point out.
  14. Had a bad feeling before the game because Brighton were due a result and when a team are looking to improve their form we usually oblige. Another weirdly random game though, we were simultaneously lucky not to concede more and unlucky not to score more. We deserved a point and had it stolen from us, so it's hard to feel anything but shit about that. We are a proper Jekyll and Hyde team at the moment, which is better than just being rubbish, but also really frustrating when they have shown they are capable of so much more.
  15. An increased risk when facing a free kick specialist like Ward-Prowse.
  16. Half-way has to be the target this season. Whether we get there, or are fighting relegation will come down to the ongoing questions around fitness, squad depth and our ability (or otherwise), to be at it from the start of games. Further recruitment definitely needed in January.
  17. We look good when the opposition lets us play and poor when they don't.
  18. Twice in row though, when you are hoping for a reaction, so it's fair to feel concerned. We struggle against teams who don't let us play. Simple as that.
  19. McGinn has been anonymous and we are just so slow, zero dynamism!
  20. How is it even possible to experience such a complete and utter reversal of form, commitment and ability in the space of one game?
  21. Like lots of players, when his team is flying, Ross' instincts are often spot on and he can really shine, but you suspect he's not the sharpest tool in the box, so he won't be thinking his way out of trouble when in difficult situations, like the truly elite players do. I still really like him and he's already shown his ability, but he wouldn't be with us if he was the finished article!
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