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Everything posted by catanzaro

  1. I look at a team that is on the cusp of signing Wilson, who may be really good for one full season, if they’re lucky, and thank McGrath that isn’t us.. It made my Sunday.. I predict Bruce getting sacked in Autumn ‘21 and Wilson will be injured, so the media can say it was unlucky on Bruce.. The point I want to make is, I think we’re in a better position as club than I’ve seen for years so I’m not going to panic just yet. UTV
  2. I wouldn't disagree with you on this; transfers don't come in the order you'd ideally want so it does really depend on what the final position looks like.. On whether I'd spend 6-8m on Swift,, again a good point, I'm not sure I would, but that is without knowing the dynamics of the squad..
  3. In the next phase of our evolution we will need to have a solid group of midfielders that can rotate in to the team with very little impact to the overall team performance. I'm guessing Swift has the potential to be this type of player, someone who can cover for SJM or nail down a starting spot if he can acclimate to the Premier League. Also, I'm guessing Smith knows him from Brentford's 15/16 season (if I've got my timings right) so he has insight in to his personality and application. So in conclusion, I don't think this is so much 2nd or 3rd choice more just a different type of transfer target.
  4. I hear that Gareth Southgate eats all his food with a spoon... and pretends it's an aeroplane coming in to land
  5. Trust me.. the Northerners can’t speak southern Italian
  6. would be a real shame if we never even tried, if anyone at the club need an interpreter then PM me and I'll help you have a chat with him I agree we should be thinking in these terms. We're Aston Villa after all!
  7. Totally agree. He has a great track record.
  8. This will be the final nail... I can't cope with anymore depressing news FFS!
  9. Is Etienne Capoue totally out of the question?
  10. Nice one Archie... great post I try and spread the Villa religion in Calabria, when I can.
  11. He is such a tool... I can't wait to hear the plop fans applauding their team when they finish lower than 10th next year.
  12. I'm not someone who posts much, but I read VT constantly, I was really hoping that Rogers was holding out for us, after initially refusing the plop, I think he's a better manager than RM, just a feeling, no real proof, although any of you out there who have to recruit managers, will no what I mean. But, if we can't get him I'm happy with RM, although, I can see Randy getting upset that he has spoken to the reds... Still away to go I reckon!
  13. I know Rogers turned down being part of the Liverpool process; but why do we think he's not interested in us, he doesn't really get a mention here? He may think our situation is far more appealing after following AM.
  14. I was thinking, if it turns out that Rogers has snubbed Liverpool to throw his hat in the ring for the Villa job, and if I was making the decision (and it was my money at stake) this would make me sit and think,,, and then appoint OGS.
  15. I can't wait for tonights suspended betting!! The most fun we've had as Villa fans recently is when we don't have a manager. Last years anticipation for Ancelotti in hindsight seems really funny.
  16. excuse my ignorance; who are the bad apples?
  17. It's clear that McLeish is operating under a salary cap, so he takes a risk and releases Makoun and takes on JJ. It failed. I can see why he was tempted, but in hindsight it looks silly. We all new deep down that JJ was an injury risk.
  18. .... I think now would be a good time to ask... has betting been suspended?? :winkold:
  19. when this is all over, and god I hope it's soon, there will be left, a gaping 18hrs a day when I'm not hitting refresh!
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