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Everything posted by Mozzavfc

  1. Doesn't everyone get gifted £500k from mommy and daddy to buy their first home?
  2. I enjoyed the whole thing. Was like lighter version of all or nothing After finishing the series I'm still not a 100% sure on why Ryan Reynolds is involved. Rob McElhenney seems like a keen sports fans so I kinda understand his involvement, but I don't understand how he got Ryan Reynolds (who he doesn't know) to buy the team
  3. Basically anyone living in SE England
  4. Isn't that already the plan? Great British Railways is supposed to be taking over everything other than TFL and Merseyrail in 2023 https://gbrtt.co.uk/
  5. I don't see what they'd gain from occupying russian land, and could cause them to lose some of their goodwill with the rest of the world
  6. I think the goats are a reference to comics/actual Norse mythology. I think as a one-off joke the screaming would have been alright, but it was so grating by the end of jt
  7. No one seems very sad at the funeral
  8. Why is the BBC allowed to be so one-sided on this? Isn't it supposed to always be balanced regardless of the issue Climate change discussions have experts against an executive from shell or something Brexit discussions had experts against Farage Why does the monarchy not get any balance?
  9. Pakistan's gear is mainly old Chinese stuff, so it's probably in a worse state
  10. Surprised they have any aircraft left to mess around with
  11. Been lacking memes over the last few pages
  12. The team that write Zelensky's speeches are always spot on. Always so powerful
  13. It's illegal to have a swear word on a sign which is the breach of the peace part, not the anti-monarchy part
  14. Danger Mouse - Strangers https://youtu.be/yPdHD1neCV8
  15. Anyone else feeling too upset to go to work today?
  16. So glad we now have to pay for a state funeral, and then a coronation. Just add it onto the Tory debt pile
  17. This is going to be like the Gerard thread
  18. Mozzavfc


    He'd be a massive upgrade but he'll walk into a top European club
  19. Mozzavfc

    Energy Bills

    Tax cuts for the ultra rich. Tax rises for the rest of us
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