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Everything posted by vreitti

  1. I suspect the curse was just sold to Reading. Having said that, Gabby can f**k off too.
  2. Whatever issues there still might be regarding players, that is solely Bruce's responsibility to sort out, wouldn't you agree?
  3. I'm sorry but I just don't buy it, not anymore. The manager is the main problem here. That's not to say there couldn't be other problems too. Bruce has most likely lost the dressing room, which no doubt will yield performances like yesterdays.
  4. When you lose the support of both @TROand @markavfc40, you just know the writing is on the wall. I won't comment further on the shortcomings of Bruce, because it's certainly been done to the death. We need to hire the Fulham manager. Feels to me like the next Wagner.
  5. Anyone who isn't should change their medication asap.
  6. Gonna be a real battle against Cardiff. We need all the muscle we can get. I'd go with the following lineup: Steer Hutton-Chester-Terry-Taylor Whelan-Lansbury Elmo-Hourihane-Gabby Hogan
  7. Agreed. We're most definitely getting in another striker, seeing as Jimmy isn't available until after the international break at the earliest. Crouch on loan?
  8. Agreed. Perhaps he just doesn't listen to Bruce, him being a dinosaur and all. I still think Jimmy and the team would benefit even more from him being slightly less egotistical. He just isn't going to promote us singlehandedly. He isn't quite Messi, yet.
  9. He kinda reminds me of Brett Holman. God I hope it doesn't turn out quite that bad.
  10. I remember suggesting this a while back already. Now it's empirically proven.
  11. Absolutely, he had severe defensive frailties. Then again the potential was there, and in time he'd probably have developed. His ability with the ball was top notch. I don't think he was suited for the way we play though. He'll most likely flourish in a possession based team, where he's allowed to mature with ease.
  12. He still looks somewhat nervous and sloppy in possession, but offers something entirely different to Onomah, Whelan, Jedi and Lansbury. Meaning we have more options, depending on opposition and game state. I'm certain once he finds his rhythm, he'll be one of the first names on the team sheet.
  13. Yeah he's clearly not good enough for the championship, that's why one of the biggest clubs in France has loaned/bought him. We should rather ask ourselves why he didn't want to stick around.
  14. I really wanted him to do well too, unfortunately it turned out he was utter garbage as a footballer. I certainly don't hate him or any player for that matter, and it's quite sad if he's really this sensitive to "abuse".
  15. Perhaps he isn't though? Judging by Bruce's post match comments. Steer has been injured for a long time, so he got an adequate, familiar keeper in just in case. Competition is only a good thing, and more importantly it keeps Bunn far away from first team action.
  16. Apparently Amavi was initially set to play tonight, but was pulled off last minute due to his forthcoming move.
  17. Looks like a total dud, which is really bad since Green isn't exactly in great form either.
  18. That's actually more delighting than the win.
  19. It wasn't pretty, but I'll take anything at this point. We need results to build up confidence. Plenty of positives. Steer was excellent, O'Hare too. Onomah and Hourihane showed there's no need to start Bacuna. Samba better towards the end. Chester solid as ever. Birkir and Green were awful though. ,
  20. Not overly impressed with either Davis or RHM tonight.
  21. Hourihane has been fine tonight. Certainly a lot better than Bacuna was on Saturday.
  22. We started well enough, faded a little bit towards the end. We need to continue with the positive approach though. O'Hare and Adomah have looked very good.
  23. I actually like the way we play. My god that felt good to say. O'Hare looking very good.
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