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Everything posted by vreitti

  1. When did I say that? I just think it's a little ironic that the only players seemingly "blended" in Bruce's team is the ones he didn't sign. I do actually seriously question the managers ability, even if you don't.
  2. So you think it was a brilliant move changing a formation that had just won two games on the trot and produced 8 goals?
  3. You're not seriously still persisting with this argument? How long does it take to have them "blend"? Should we wait until Christmas? Then sign a few more in January, that'll need at least until the end of the season in order to "blend". Ever wonder why players signed by Steve Bruce seem to take forever to blend?
  4. I know we all want it to mean Bruce walking out soon.
  5. Why on earth would we need to set up so that we are dependent on our full backs attacking, potentially leaving us unnecessarily exposed at the back, when we have an abundance of attacking players in the squad? You're not seriously suggesting Hourihane operating as a runner? It just isn't his style, nor does he have the legs for it. And who then would you have as a playmaker? Jedinak or Whelan!? Onomah on the other hand is a natural runner, and I'm actually pretty astonished Bruce has managed to see that we needed such a player. This doesn't leave room to play both Whelan and Jedinak, as it should be.
  6. Exactly, and you just know Bruce will make sure he finds a way to utilize them both at the same time, irrespective of what it does to our build up and attacking play. We will be set up not to concede, and hope to snatch a few 1-0 wins every other week.
  7. I wouldn't say it was carved in stone exactly. He could've, and still can help himself. He needs to cut the bullshit, on and off the pitch, and deliver performances worthy of a continuation.
  8. There really isn't much point in trying to figure out the best eleven, as Bruce will undoubtedly be changing it from one week to another, no matter how many we did or didn't score with a given setup. If he could, he'd still be playing Bacuna.
  9. Indeed. I'd rather he didn't do anymore interviews.
  10. Furthermore I sense that it's already a done deal. Why else would he be covering his own ass this extensively? He cannot seriously be that thick, surely he realizes he's losing the fans this way? I don't want to hear about the 'hatchets', ever again.
  11. Noticed Davis was celebrating the "hard fought" point on Twitter. Not only has Bruce managed to completely dampen the expectations of the fans, he's also infected the same low level mentality to the team, which really is depressing.
  12. Tongue in cheek obviously. Just a simple squad strength comparison, a poor player replaced with a slightly less poor player. FWIW I wouldn't exactly 'classify' Bacuna as a cm either, as he's barely a footballer IMHO.
  13. Don't think we actually need him tbh, but I suppose he's (slightly) better than Bacuna at least.
  14. Agreed. It's as if he already knows he's going to get the boot.
  15. Yeah, this is indeed worrying. No more of these scoring 4 goals a match performances please. The 'Bruce out' brigade must stay strong!
  16. You should seldom change a winning lineup/formation. Especially not in our situation, where Bruce hasn't managed to produce anything close to last weeks performance before, in his 40+ games in charge.
  17. No it's not, as he's been dogshit every time he's played for us so far.
  18. http://www.birminghammail.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/aston-villas-conor-hourihane-hat-13504937 Guess we can drop the debate whether we'd have had the same result with Gabby or Hogan up top. “He was the main reason I had so much joy.” CH
  19. I was under the impression GG had left us already, some time ago.
  20. Whilst I'm very happy with the superb result against Norwich, I like so many others, believe it was more a case of his hand being forced in regard to the lineup, rather than by choice. Will he follow it up this week with a similar, positive approach or revert back to the negative, defensive-oriented garbage we've had to endure for the last 10 months is key for me. Also Davis simply has to start against Bristol C, as his display was one of the most impressive debuts I've ever seen in a villa shirt. I can't say for certain how many more "impressive performances and results" would be needed for me to completely change my view on Bruce. A HELL OF ALOT! More importantly I really want to see some genuine progress in the coming weeks and months, that's for certain. I suppose I'm fine for the time being (with him still being here), just seeing what happens one game at a time. Having said that, I'm not opposed to him leaving right away either, if we're able to get in a modern, more progressive replacement. If by some miracle Bruce still manages to get us promoted this season, he's for sure earned the right to have a go in the PL, imho.
  21. Can see him scoring plenty if given an extended run in the team. Having said, no doubt he'll lose his place to Lansbury or Jedi next game.
  22. These latest comments claiming we 'got carried away with the euforia' in regard to Terry says it all. He's lining up one excuse after another. When in reality the whole football world knows he's completely clueless. I really can't see the good Dr. buying into this load of bollocks.
  23. He simply cannot continue with this silence. Come on Tony, do what needs to be done!
  24. I can't stand this absolute garbage anymore. Surely that was the final straw?
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