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Everything posted by TheAuthority

  1. Yeah he's going to have to bring him off for Tielemans
  2. That light show is particularly lame when only about 15% of the crowd are are taking part
  3. Watkins, Bailey, Diaby & Rogers. Blimey!
  4. Hope Henderson doesn’t take Tim to school
  5. The conductor might notice the trombone part is missing
  6. So gutted I have to work during this.
  7. Ok, so ignoring the last line of your post. You are saying that, because he is part of the best squad in the world, and not playing because the best striker in the world plays ahead of him, that makes him a better striker than Watkins. Surely you see that your argument is non-sensical? I'm just trying to (desperately) understand why you would say that. (Unless you can't admit that, for at least this season, Watkins has far outperformed, and is therefore a better striker than Alvarez. That could all change next season.) It's okay to admit that you're wrong!
  8. So, it’s a hypothetical season of statistics that you’ve imagined? I’m just amazed - we have a Villa striker who is putting up some of the best numbers in Europe, in the toughest league in Europe. As Villa fans, this is incredible. We haven’t had someone with this kind of productivity since Gary Shaw. It’s baffling that you rate a striker higher, who, by your own admission, doesn’t play that much.
  9. A few years ago I renewed my UK passport from the US by mail and it was all fine. I remember reading then about applying for a passport for a child who was born outside of the UK - it seemed pretty straightforward. I will make sure I read the instructions really carefully though!
  10. I'm really not trying to get into a "I'm smarter than you conflict," I'm genuinely interested why @paul514 would put Alvarez in the top ten strikers in the world and not Watkins who is measurably one of the best strikers in Europe this season, and, well, Alvarez isn't.
  11. By no means am I a Republican but at least there is clear thinking behind the policies she outlines. Trump on the other hand is just a chaotic, racist, manipulative conman.
  12. What an absolute shit show. I'm so sorry about that!
  13. But again, my question is, please make the argument that Alvarez is better than Watkins because I see nothing that would indicate that.
  14. On what planet is Alvarez a better striker than Watkins? Ped doesn't even play him as a striker.
  15. This injury started last summer in the U21's. I wish International football was just scrapped. It's shyte. All it's done for AVFC over the last 15 years is get our best players poached. It's boring to watch and with a goon like Southgate in charge it's infuriating to watch. My first world cup was Mexico '86 and it was awesome. But football has changed and FIFA is one of the most corrupt organizations on the planet. The FA are a joke. Throw it all in the bin is my opinion.
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