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Everything posted by TheAuthority

  1. So Mcleish takes the only player in the team who is scoring (Weimann) and plays him out on the left wing where he doesn't have experience and can't do any damage.
  2. Now I have to choose to support either Chel$ki or Candleface - what an awful choice
  3. bwhahahaha Carroll - "The most expensive Englishman in history."
  4. Hahaha Lol. Carragher is a Joke show tosser.
  5. completely undeserved - but hopefully it'll keep 'the King' there for longer
  6. bwahahahah Carrol gets a header on target
  7. Liverpool look completely devoid of any confidence.
  8. TheAuthority


    I moved here in 1999 at the age of 24 as a grad student. Initially I really didn't know if I would stay or not. As life progressed I got my first work visa 2 years later and then my green card in 2005. About 18 months ago I moved to New York City and immediately felt completely at home. After about a week I realized I was never going back to live in England. I also love California and the West in general. I'm going to spend 11 days in Maob, UT this summer visiting Canyonlands and Arches national park. What I personally enjoy is the optimism and enthusiasm which is in abundance here. I was discouraged so much growing up in the UK from virtually everything. "Know your place, don't aspire to anything, life is shit, get a crap job and then retire in a country which is miserable." It is the opposite here. People do pursue their dreams, and even if they fail they can start again with no shame. The politics probably seem insane from the outside but it's because there is such a lot of people hence a broad range of opinions and special interests. But if you took Europe as a whole it's probably just as nuts.
  9. People are mentioning the 3 academy kids that created the goal. Remember, we also had 3 academy graduates in the starting 11. Gabby, Herd & Albrighton. Is the there any other Premier team that can boast that?
  10. The best way is to actually learn an instrument or the piano/keyboard. Trying to learn it like a language is much more difficult and far less rewarding. Learning to play something will give you a far more holistic experience IMO. What's your goal for learning to read music? To be able to read on the guitar or to be able to write music down so that other musicians can read and play your compositions?
  11. blimey - hurry up - one of heskey's shots could down ya !
  12. Creating possibilities up front. Passing the ball and maintaining possession in midfield. Pretty solid defending. If this is the McCleish Villa then I like it!!
  13. Watching at 37,000 feet on a flight from New York to San Francisco on ESPN2. I love the 21st Century!!
  14. I'll forgive it just this once. Oh, very true. I'm not sure that allowing objectionable views to be aired (at whatever level) prevents the possibility of reasoned public debate, though. Reasoned debate can also use unreasoned, unreasonable, objectionable opinion to inform itself just as much as it can use staid mainstream opinion. By automatically excluding the extreme and objectionable aren't we likely to exclude the radical? It can be but it doesn't have to be. No argument has to be delivered with reason though one would think that it ought to help its cause if it were put forward so. That it doesn't is, probably, a deficiency of the audience. This doesn't excuse those putting forward their thoughts in such a way (indeed one could suggest that it is even more morally bankrupt that they do this because they see a clear opportunity and thus seek to exploit the power that may be obtained) but it may suggest a way out. It's an exit that seems rather obvious to me - education. Not the Blairite bollocks soundbite but real education - teaching people to think, to question and to decide for themselves. Completely agree with both points in bold, especially the last line. Some of my work involves the US public education system - it's quite frightening.
  15. Sure, the manner of presentation and the "tabloidinaization" (I'm irked that you got me to repeat that! ) is an issue. Its main issue is when it spreads through a level of broadcast media (and beyond) such as it has. I don't expect objectionable views to be expressed reasonably, though. Perhaps it ought to be more of a concern when they are. Apologies for the word invention ;-) Surely a public debate conducted without reason becomes a farce: from there we may as well choose gladiators, or employ an army... My personal preference would be female mud-wrestling (apologies again if this offends.) An impassioned opinion can be delivered with reason. When a public television network/media outlet chooses to invoke rage and anger and apply it to political issues for political gain. Isn't that just manipulation of the ill-informed?
  16. I'm not sure I'd want that. Is the world a better place for not having objectionable opinions in it? Surely it's a better place because it has objectionable opinions countered, debunked and so on? The problem is the amount of power wielded by those with objectionable opinions not that people hold them or express them (that they may/do act on them becomes a diferent kind of problem). I'm fine with objectionable views. Just express and debate them with reason. The extreme presentation employed by Fox breeds hysteria and polarization in US society. Fox News mirrors the same pattern of "tabloidinization" Murdoch took in the UK. Sex, scandal and essentially style over content of any real issues. Take CNN, unfortunately it has changed beyond recognition since Fox took to the air. (Glossy banners/tickers and even glossier daytime female lipstick.) All in an vain attempt to compete with the sensationalist views and style of Fox News.
  17. Thats fantastic! Great NYTimes article: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/07/19/world/europe/19tactics.html?_r=2&hp Fingers crossed these revelations will get the abhorrent Fox News station in the US shut down.
  18. how crap are we at throw ins? We just seem to lose the ball everytime
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