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Everything posted by srsmithusa

  1. "One bad apple don't make a whole bunch, girl." The business aspect of this is easy as "ABC." But the transfer deadline is a pure "Thriller." I wish Hutton would just "Beat it." If PL can hijack the Ince move, would he be a "smooth criminal." I fear that if we don't strengthen the midfield it could be "Dangerous" There, I decided to punish the apple discussion, but trying to start a stream Michael Jackson reference nonsense.... that'll show em. I decided to "start with the man in the mirror."
  2. I will join the now certain prediction of a meltdown tomorrow. We'll either melt with excitement at the amazing developments or VT will have a meltdown with acid that there was no "meltdown". Either way, there will be meltdown. HH will be right one last time.
  3. I really don't like being fair to BJ 10. It feels dirty, but to be fair to him.... About game 15-19 on the chart above was a pretty lousy trajectory and I was pretty depressed about it. Any upward trajectory must eventually slow and reverse. I doubt we are on our way to a 38 game win streak. Now, to feel better about myself, I think BJ 10, (and others) are deeply passionate Villa fans who want us to be great. They are just sometimes annoyingly negative about the people or processes thet think inhibit our greatness. If they blamed the 11 players wearing the other uniform, or the guy in black, or at least 19 other clubs all doing their best to harm our success, I would find them much less annoying. (Sorry BJ)
  4. Yes, you're negative, but you're also on an agenda, possibly to harm the relationship between the club and its fans. Otherwise there's no reason to post on this frequently read thread. Your post has nothing to do with transfer speculation. Perhaps you could put it in "where will we finish" or "why paul lambert should be fired" " or, I love stirring up problems more than I love villa". Any of those would fit.
  5. When I'm bored, I send a text to a random number that says "I hid the body, now what?"
  6. I know it may come across as shallow to many but I agree with you. I want us to be relevant again. I think we would all like to be relevant. But I for one, don't want it when it's just paid for. Everything man city or Chelsea wins is not from hard work and devoted fans, it's from rich people buying whatever trinket they want. I'm not interested in supporting some rich guys ego. I picked villa because they were blue collar. We've gotten where we are by support and hard work of blue collar fans. Our history of one with real struggle, including relegation, and dizzying heights as hard working underdogs. Maybe it's just an American thing but I doubt it. If Lerner sells, and I prefer that he would not. I hope it's not to some mega million moneybags, either corporate, or individual. I want us to succeed, because we work hard, we buy smart, we manage well, because our fans work hard to support and motivate the players, where the players love the club for what it is and what it represents, not because of the outrageous salary it pays them.... Sorry to be dramatic, but that's MY Villa One last thing, the big clubs have huge international followings, but even their fans are shallow. Tagged on to someone else's success. Footballing morons. No thanks, I don't want those fans any more than I want the ego driven owner that paid for them. Maybe that's just me,
  7. How do you know that or are you stating opinion as fact? Yes, do tell. Someone else on here said it was Lescott? No it was'nt Lescott, it would have been obvious he is earning way above we could afford. There's also a reason Moyes don't play Zaha, its not public knowledge but some of you may know. ....pray do tell ? You're doing it wrong. Your supposed to ask for a PM. BTW. Foreveryoung PM me with the reason,
  8. I see what you did there..... Funny negative man!
  9. Too new to the religion to ever see god play, but even from old films it's easy to decide he was comfortably the best. Laursen, of those I've seen.
  10. I think HH might have been Jed Steer. Think about it, the one player with both hands and hair. Plus, since HH was exposed, Jed has not featured in a single league match. Conclusive!
  11. Or, you could argue that Guzan could have gone more aggressively and got a touch on the ball. To me the point is Guzan tried to make a fair play, Suarez tried to cheat. Where's the blame lie?
  12. MLS have apparently an interesting strategy to increase fan base. Bring home (in) players that will be in the World Cup... Or perhaps on the fringe. Give them a long contract, the player gets lots of playing time now, pre-cup, they get visibility, (probably confidence against lesser competition). The team gets foreign (or domestic) press coverage, a greater foreign following, if the player does well in the cup, the league will have done very good business. Are we looking at any number 10's in a World Cup fringe? Might be smart business risk. BTW, I don't think our strategy is best understood as buy cheap, I think it's buy smart business. Buy low, sell high, all that business investment stuff. Sometimes I think it looks like buying cheap because it's similar to buying "penny stock". Very little downside risk compared to very large upside potential.
  13. That's no sweetener - its like putting salt instead of sugar in someone's tea. Unless it's somebody from Norwich reading this. In which case, Hutton is a great player, a huge benefit to your team, plus, when he comes and plays for you, and excels it will really show up lambert and make him look like a real prick in the way he treats clubs and players. Honest.
  14. Great tactics from the start. Weimann neutralized Gerrard, KEA stepped far forward, truly baffled the defense. Bacuna, Clark, vlaar, Westwood, literally took turns frustrating the diver. Gabby clearly did well. Hard to find a bad performer in the first half. Both goals were the result of great movement from gabby, but also from the goal scorer. Second half, two changes, Lucas came on so Gerrard pushed forward, we didn't adjust well. Gabby went off from his first half "boarding". The dive was a dive. A keeper has every right to come out and slide for a ball. In one sense, can't blame the ref because guzans legs shielded the view of any contact, but, that may hurt his case.... He couldn't really see. So, if a player is running full speed and his right foot get's taken out, which way will he fall....? Hint: it isn't to his left. DIVE. no doubt. Even if you argue Guzan should not have gone out, which would mean the keeper doesn't have the right to make a clean play, his "naive" decision does not mean it wasn't a dive. Just means the dive was sellable. Bacuna looked great first half and scared the second. I wonder why. Was it the sylla for kea swap? My only complaint tactically, is I think Marc would have been a better option than sylla. But the right side would still have struggled if Bacuna had played the same, either way.
  15. For crying out loud. Blaming holt for the goal is picking who to blame before the game starts and then finding what you're looking for. What you are calling a pass to the keeper was deflected by the defender otherwise it was a brilliant through ball to a great run by KEA.
  16. I would like to dedicate that goal to all those who blindly assert that Andi is shite.
  17. I agree. Don't know why people care so much about the "we go again" thing. Here we go again. It's better than "we'll just give up and not bother trying."
  18. I'm a villa fan in the states. Let's see, I can pay 1 thousand dollars round trip flight plus a room, or watch it on tv. Nearly all are televised. Only missed 1 league match this year. Plus, I know from the lips of one of the three that RL, PF, PL, talk on the phone nearly every day and several times a day during a window. RL has never been one who wanted to be spotlighted. Reading too much into it, I think
  19. Mine too, but I think your key are stuck somehow. Also, just because other deals worked faster with less delay and less fuss, doesn't mean RL doesn't agree with us. In fact he stated the same thing!! See, you and I agree with the BPL manager, Lambert. We must be football GENIUSES!!
  20. Bored, fed up, pilled up and dating Johnnie Walker Blue. Empathize with the first three, envy the fourth.
  21. Umm actually I didn't. I was just responding to the quotes cited. Praisedmombo and you, I did not go back And read all the posts leading up to this. if we traced it back enough quotes, I'm sure we'll see other examples that predate yours. I don"t point out logical fallacies in every post on VT. Nobody does, thank goodness, we would end up discussing nothing else, I noted this one only because it seemed egregious and based on previous posts from you, surprisingly so.
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