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Everything posted by srsmithusa

  1. keeping the point to Gil. I still disagree. I see many times in a match when I think there is a good incisive pass available and he dribbles into the middle of the field instead. Again, I like him. I think he might be quite good, but I think he tends to slow the attack down much more often than he creates a breakthrough and I see spurned opportunities to do the latter.
  2. Actually, I like Gil. He works hard, he has some very nice skill. But I think he is the place where an attack goes to slow down. I wish he would be more direct and incisive.
  3. observation and question: I think all managers have a style they prefer and if they are good, will get there with time and money. But a good manager will take whatever he has and figure out a way to make it effective. I think Remi came in knowing he had four problems: Confidence. Lot's of new players still trying to adjust to the speed of the league. A defense that gifted goals as a hobby. An attack that was anemic. It has taken time, it has taken some trial and error (as it always must), it has hit some real setbacks with injuries and red cards and some baffling refereeing decisions, and a complete absence of support in the window. But he is getting us playing in a way that has a chance of succeeding in most matches at least. Question: Watching on television I could tell that we shifted the tactics a bit at half-time. The midfield was alligned a little differently. (Gana playing farther forward perhaps?) But it's so hard to tell on television when you can only see a small section of the field. Can someone tell me exactly what changed up? EDIT of course things changed after the second goal and the field opened up a bit, but I sensed something different before the goal and after, beyond just the more open field. It could be I'm wrong, but a poster above mentioned something to the effect that the changed tactic was good.
  4. lot's of skill, not positive enough.
  5. DDID.... with all due respect, you and I are fans. And just between you and me, some of these other fans on here are clueless about the game. I remain concerned that our board is being built with people with strong expertise in the financial services industries, but not people with expertise in winning football matches. I'm not convinced it's the same skill set.
  6. business and economics are essential. But I think somebody on the board ought to know a bit about the product. We aren't in the financial services industry.
  7. If the players show up responding to Remi, we'll get a 1-1 draw. If the players show up responding to the Board, 3-0 loss.
  8. umm, pretty sure he said last night that he was expecting money to spend this window based on discussions when he decided to come.... but maybe I'm wrong about that?
  9. can we put some extra chairs in the aisles?
  10. I kind of want to like this, but I really just agree with it.
  11. not arguing... honest question... how many player contracts expire this summer freeing up those wages? (I know that needs to be offset be reduced revenue)
  12. Maybe I'm just mad at the owner for putting us in this position. But it's spreading to where I'm annoyed at posters, too. We have been rightly angry for months at players who drop their heads and give up after a foolish error concedes an early goal. Some on here are IMO opinion rightly saying that the board has now done the same thing. It has given up. With this commitment from the board who can blame the players for just coasting and drawing their paychecks for this year (a la Zog). He did for years, the players have done in too many games, and the board is now doing the same outrageous behavior that assures ongoing failures. We just give up. But frankly, those who say we should have bought, or should still buy, championship level players to get ready for next year, are committing the same error. You too are just giving up. I complain when the players do it. I complain when the board does it. I disagree with giving up (even if you label it "realism"). It's the path to ensuring ongoing failure. We should have gotten and still should get the best forward we can find. Not that my opinion will change what happens or what anyone thinks.
  13. when you say "in here" are you talking about VT or VP?
  14. Phil, you're the one that threw out you wouldn't be fickle. I'll hold my own standard thank-you. If Gabby takes an "i give a $%&&" pill, and starts performing. I will absolutely change my tune and cheer like a maniac. You'll have to cope with me living in conflict with your "never change my view or else it's fickle" standard. Frankly, I hope that happens. I hope he scores 20 this season and keeps us up. But his track record is not promising. That's his fault. Not 6 managers.
  15. People used to think the world was flat. Most of us turned fickle in the face of new and overwhelming evidence. Since you won't change your mind about Gabby and thus avoid being fickle.... can I sell you some brontosaurus steaks?
  16. So Gabby's lack of performance outcomes and effort is blamed on KMac, Gerard Houllier, McLeish, Lambert, KMac again, Sherwood, KMac again, and Garde? (I feel like I'm Missing someone). At some point don't you have to think it's down to the player? How many managers can get nothing from him before it's his own fault? Not sure what the number is, but I am completely confident that Gabby is well past that number.
  17. He gave you his opinion. If you want facts you've come to the wrong place.
  18. the highlighted bit is where your plan falls apart.
  19. The reminder is a complement. But tbf being less horrible is not difficult.
  20. I don't think he said anything wrong really. He said fans are delusional "IF they expect the current team to be a force in the top flight." He went on to clarify that we will not simply walk over and easily beat the opposition. I think that would be delusional to think that. Look at our FA 3rd round record in recent years. Having said that, I can't say that I thought he did a great job as our coach and that he's delusional IF he thinks he did.
  21. really hard to tell for sure watching on TV so can't see positioning out of the screen, but it seems he has lately been playing the deep midfielder in front on Okore and Lescott. I think he is a big reason our defense has looked much more secure. He's got really quick feet into the tackle in close range. I've been impressed with him the last 3 outings or so in this more defensive role.
  22. Sorry, I have a job. I'll just count my memories as hallucinations and move on. But I do remember my hallucination where posters put that it was a waste of money to spend anything this window.
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