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Everything posted by blunther

  1. To be honest if we expand capacity without doing anything about transport I'll probably knock it on the head. The days of 33-37k were okay, but getting out of the area when we sell out is terrible, I can't imagine how it'd be with 50k. I'd bike, scoot, tram, train, bus, drive, whatever it took if it got me the 6 miles home quicker than 90 minutes but it's starting to take up too big a chunk of my weekends with having to leave so early and get back so late for 90 mins of football.
  2. That equation works in terms of the level of acceleration being determined by the force applied to a given mass. But we're not talking about how fast a lambo can accelerate but the force applied when it careens into an object. For a simple example, what damages a fence more, a car undergoing acceleration from 10mph to 30mph, or the same mass going a steady 100mph? In this case we want the kinetic energy which is related to the square of the velocity of the object.
  3. What would acceleration have to do with it? Force is determined by the velocity and mass of the body. Unless it's a piss weak fence that isn't a 20mph accident.
  4. He needs banging up for a long time if that's the case, not just licence removed. People driving stupid cars they can't handle like **** excited kids should be put somewhere they can't do any harm. Prick.
  5. How crass to boo an opposition player for one of the scummiest teams in the world. Glad I didn't go tonight with those rocket polishers clapping him.
  6. Kevin Friend and Mike Dean. Of I'd known that at the start I wouldn't have bothered.
  7. None of the main three looking like great signings at the mo. Ashley young our signing of the summer so far....
  8. Was just about to say about the same. Didn't like the idea at first but it's grown on me. If it goes through then welcome and let's see what you can do. Not calling him Stevie G though. I have my limits.
  9. Why, because some no marks on twitter are saying it? Why would they know?
  10. Four at the back. Bailey to start please thanks.
  11. Not very good at all. Let's see Bailey start next game and get back to four at the back. Great goal from Ramsey and end of the 3-5-2 experiment are my positives. It has its uses but it shouldn't be the go-to every game, nor do I think it will be with Bert and Bailey available.
  12. Now we deserve to be two down. But the ref blew for half time. VAR gave the pen. Surely the pen is it and the whistle goes once the pen is saved. Where did the extra few seconds come from?
  13. Not in the game at all. Needs a change. I don't know what but can't leave this til 60 minutes, game will be long gone.
  14. Seems there's only one team playing judging by the Sky coverage so you have to think Arsenal have a chance against themselves.
  15. Indeed, if we're playing this formation I'd rather play Hause, our own player who's not let us down when he's come in. Harsh to leave him out.
  16. Don't like it. Hope I'm proved wrong.
  17. Probably have taken three points from those two away matches. Tough run of fixtures that. Just looked at the fixture list and it doesn't get that much easier though. Tough league.
  18. Imagine going back a few years and thinking we'd have a proper villa lad as manager and we'd be going out to smash teams like Man U, Liverpool, Chelsea; wouldn't win them all but we'll give as good as we got and be a proper team to fear in the premier League again. I love this man. He's my hero.
  19. Yeah this. I wasn't that bothered about England the last decade anyway, but they can get in the sea now.
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