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Everything posted by punkiller1981

  1. I am fairly confident that unless Man City come in for konsa this isn’t going to be an issue of him moving, it seems more like papers seeing a top player playing for villa while liverpool are playing a midfielder in the back 4 and Spurs are playing Eric Dier and we know how much the sun etc hate that. reality is I doubt Liverpool could afford him and they will have an abundance of Center backs when they get injured players are back. Spurs definitely can’t afford him and they are going to be going into Jose’s 3rd season which is when he blows the club up from the inside if he even waits that long given they won’t get near champions league
  2. I will respectfully disagree with you on that I thought mings aimless punt and lack of urgency to get out until it was to late to allow Antonio to bring the ball down and lay off for the first goal summed up the overall sloppy lack lustre performance by the whole team
  3. I don’t think the has ever been a club in the premier league ran worse than us for those 2-3 years prior to relegation. I know teams have gone down with less points but the running of the club to plummet from regular Top 6 to clear bottom of the league was inexcusable
  4. I thought Mings was fairly average and for the 3rd goal I thought he should have been more aware of woods pulling off the back of him and in all honesty for a guy if his size his arial ability against the better headers is not great however the 1st goal for me is on Barkley he made no attempt to bloke or change the path of Ben Mee so he was able to wander in with a free header.
  5. Need to learn to deal with teams that go route one to a big target man. Playing anyone other than Hause against woods worries me
  6. FWIW Barkley has had a mare as the blocker for that first goal
  7. I think a mings replacement is needed in the summer.
  8. Reminds me in his movement of Paul McGrath. Obviously not anywhere near that level as a player yet but the way he carries himself gives that air of McGrath about him.
  9. So presumably he can sit up in the stands and communicate by a phone or in this case shout or have shakey walk 5 yards to were deano is sitting by the bench
  10. No it doesn’t it’s called building a squad
  11. Your almost describing Jose there too. Set up to play for a draw
  12. Thought he played reasonably well on Friday unfortunately at 20 I think he and all the other 20/21 year old that played looked a million miles away from being ready for premier league football in my view. Where as i thought the likes of Barry and Hayden Kessler looked like they could play minutes already and sylla to be fair to him. I always worry when a 20 year old isn’t banging the door down to the first team.
  13. I prefer to think of them as football tourists. Must Utd “fans” these days are like Liverpool fans in the 80’s they supported the side that wins the league every year and now they are a mix of not liking the idea of supporting a failing team and belief that Utd have a devine right to be top of the league and pick any player they like. They don’t really understand football Just the little Utd bubble they live in. Probably the type that wanted VAR because the only thing that matters is the right decision not the entertainment
  14. I prefer to think of them as football tourists. Must Utd “fans” these days are like Liverpool fans in the 80’s they supported the side that wins the league every year and now they are a mix of not liking the idea of supporting a failing team and belief that Utd have a devine right to be top of the league and pick any player they like. They don’t really understand football Just the little Utd bubble they live in. Probably the type that wanted VAR because the only thing that matters is the right decision not the entertainment
  15. I personally hate the idea of VAR. not sure what was wrong before hand. All that’s happened is shit refs have admitted they are shit and then used there shitness to completely ruin the game. At least before you could moan after a game about the ref and move on now I spend more time being pissed off that VAR exists. Given that it was meant to be there for clear and obvious errors why can’t they say right you get one more look on the tv at normal speed because the game happens in normal speed not slow motion and if you can’t decide after that go with the original decision. Or scrap it completely because I think the sport was ok before 2 years ago ???
  16. Just on this “big 6” who are they exactly? Are arsenal in their ? Given current status. Spurs surely chat be classed as big 6 because they never win anything and haven’t for 30 plus years. I assume Leicester are in there as recent league winners ? Does anyone actually know
  17. Usual lazy journalism as play again today I see. Jack is a brilliant player and playing well so he would of course want to give up being captain of his boyhood club to move to Manchester
  18. And how long before the top 4 teams in the super league want to stop the teams below threatening there dominance and then you have the same issue within the European league as exists in all the other leagues. I know Asian supporters put money into the league but should they really influence the English league? No they shouldn’t but they will.
  19. I agree the USA sports set up is designed to be prosperous for all and they do all make a lot of money and part of the reason for that is not dulling down the leagues with the same rich teams winning everything and diluting the interest in the league because they recognise competitive leagues as good for the overall brand. In football other than in England and to a certain extent Spain the European leagues have winners who are on 8,9 year winning streaks how can that be entertaining and sellable when you no the final outcome to the product before it’s even started.
  20. I’m sure it’s been raised on here already but 3 clean sheets in a row when did that last happen. And I think 5 out of 6 away clean sheets too. I think the keeper and defence need huge credit including Hause and Elmo
  21. Is it fine though, was football so bad before VAR I’m incline to think it was better and more entertaining. If we are not willing to accept mistakes from refs then maybe we should not accept them from players too and have robots playing. Mistakes from players and officials are part of football and it makes it more interesting. VAR has allowed refs to admit they are rubbish but still allow them to be rubbish but just use tv to do it. Not every decision needs to be right as long as it’s done in good faith.
  22. I think the difference was intent and Hause (who I thought was excellent) wasn’t looking to cause injury where as Livermore was. It wasn’t even his first attempt on jack it had 3-4 goes to try and nail him. You can imagine big Sam telling him to launch into him first chance you get to let him know your there. Good stuff Jake at least you got a shower while the water was still hot.
  23. I love Hause because I accept his limitations and I’m games like Burnley you know he is the type of heading machine we need. Agree with all those that say his distribution lacks some quality but heading and tackling are his game and the was a time when that was a centre half’s job. I also don’t think he is slow either. I would get one of our coaches to really work him hard on his distribution and who knows we might reach that holy grail of improving a player. I think it’s worth a try
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