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Everything posted by KAZZAM

  1. He had a great chance when someone squared it to him in the box but refused to hit it with his right. Just unleash that right foot Bertie.
  2. Yeh he was miles better today than he has been. Not sure that makes up for a whole season of being shit.
  3. Big Big win for us. Shouldve been 4/5-1 in the end need to be alot more clinical in future. Chukawuemeka looks sicccccccck
  4. Soon as Jack went off they instantly got a lift.
  5. Kicking Jack all over. Omg whys he going off ffs.
  6. It should be 3/4-1 to us this is getting frustrating.
  7. Fair okay Brighton. Great for there fans.
  8. Behave, they are just catching out teams 'on the beach' with there superior fitness now.
  9. Guess Spurs will get Danny ings to replace and pocket the rest.
  10. Call me bonkers but I do believe we should use foreign referees in the Premier league in the future. The Premier league should be looking for strong refs which can't be easily influenced across the globe. They should be well payed to attract them and even flown in and out from there country per game. I personally believe English referees have an unquestionable bias towards certian teams. And even fear making the right decisions against the top teams as fan backlash on social media scares them. Whenever a controversial moment happens in a game with any of the big teams(scum 6) the spotlight on the decision is insane and they fear fan backlash in real life(death threats) . I mean the fans from the scum 6 are the overwhelming majority of fans and they pile in whenever they feel wrong and it's hard to even see right and wrong sometimes when an overwhelming bias is at large. Returning to the original idea I believe referees from abroad would be partially immune from this. As they wouldn't see your local dickhead scum 6 fan out whilst shopping if they flew in and out. Also another thing to take into account is English referee's integrity and who they really support or where they are from I also think this is fixed as most foreign referees won't have serious loyalties.
  11. If he's still starting next season then our summer recruitment has been poor. I don't mind him rotating into midfield but if we are thinking first xi his name shouldn't be there.
  12. He's too average to play in the AMC position thats for sure. I mean you have to have a hint of creativity to play there i dont see anything. So weird by Dean infact its baffling.
  13. Damn not seen VAR piss on someones chips like that. Hilarious.
  14. Albrighton is playing right wing back. Could you imagine them trying that versus Jack. Marc would get destroyed by Super Jack.
  15. Leicester and Chelsea cancelling each other out so far. They're both very defense first can't see many goals here.
  16. Yeh ill be quite happy when Burnley go down, robbed us twice this season.
  17. That's the type of wacky link that normally turns out true. However 26 never played in a proper league and the guy didn't even spell his name right so gonna guess its bull.
  18. Sounds like he loves everything about his life at Villa except not playing in his latest interview. Don't think he's gonna leave unless forced.
  19. Gratz on Anwar getting in the Dutch provisional squad for the Euros.
  20. Set piece taker in the summer has got to be top priority. How many more years of WDFAFC ?
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