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Everything posted by heystally!

  1. Damn you Rob, that was my exact thought when I first saw this thread.
  2. If Blues went out of business, I'd buy St. Andrews, level it, place a single gravestone with the date they liquidated, and allow people to go and shit on it every year.
  3. This. Keep him away from this game I say. Why??? Don't you think every team we play haven't got scumbags who are going to chant abuse towards Luke's tragedy. I know for a fact ,if i were in Lukes position, any opposition fans giving me grief would make me play even harder The problems are: 1) It might phase him to receive that kind of abuse in his first match since May. 2) If it does fire him up, he might get a bit too aggravated and get himself sent off. Beye has been solid the last two games, I'd keep Luke at home relaxing, bring him in for the Pompey game.
  4. I don't really understand people who say they don't watch it much but every time they do, they are in stitches. Considering streaming shows online is so easy these days, I would be trying to watch more of it. cough
  5. Surely that belongs in the 'Riot Riot Riot' thread?
  6. 4-0 down with five minutes to go, and win 5-4.
  7. I wrote about three blog entries at the start of the year, and nothing interesting has happened to me since.
  8. Just watching Over Logging. As soon as the internet first stopped working, I couldn't get online. Freaked me out. There are just countless episodes that have me in stitches. Scott Tenorman Must Die, Something Wallmart This Way Comes, Two Days Before The Day After Tomorrow. Their take on events, exaggerating reactions to satirise public reaction to events, is genius. One of the best they've done is very recent - Margaritaville. The economy gets so bad that everyone reverts to a simpler, more pious way of living. Then Kyle, a young Jew, starts having his own opinions on how to solve the crisis, which is apparently speaking ill of 'The Economy'. Eventually Kyle saves everyone by sacrificing himself, taking on everyone's debts using an American Express card with no spend limit. Absolutely genius in its comparison with Jesus.
  9. A show that has been on the air for twelve years, I am of the opinion that it has developed into one of the best ongoing comedy series ever. I have most of the episodes on my laptop, and I can go back and watch them over and over again without ever getting bored of it. Yes occasionally they have resorted to eccentric plot lines and characters in the past couple of seasons, but when they are on the mark, the wit of the show is just spectacular. What started off as an adult cartoon with random story lines has now turned into a topical series which presents some remarkable parodies of world events and people. Opinions?
  10. Anyway, back to useless facts. According to this website:
  11. Really good book I thought. Took me an age to get through it (like with most books I read), but Naomi Klein does well to analyse corporations and their activities.
  12. The soft drink Fanta was created by The Coca Cola Company for the Nazis, because they wanted some variety from the original Coca Cola. However, Coca Cola claimed it was because they could not make Coca Cola in Germany due to trade restrictions, and had to make a drink using ingredients in Germany.
  13. Doesn't matter that Mellberg was Swedish, he's Villa through and through. And like those who are Villa through and through, beating Blues is just awesome. If we don't beat them at the Sty, I'm going to be extremely pissed off.
  14. Nah it's more painful than that. Not excruciating, but definitely a bit of a sting. The thing I found amusing was I was asked whether it hurt to pee, then I was swabbed, then asked for a urine sample, at which point giving the sample was painful! Did my doctor give me an STD?
  15. Well, it's an update of the existing one, but it's essentially a different application, new format. Much easier to use.
  16. I really didn't think this poll would be so close.
  17. Hi General, So another summer transfer window comes to an end, and as usual there are those who think we've made some solid purchases, those who feel we could have got better players, and those who are disappointed Ronaldo went to Madrid instead of here! I think I am somewhat between the first two. I believe MON has done a terrific job in bolstering our squad this window. Looking at squad depth, we haven't been this strong under MON full stop. At least two players per position is a scenario every manager wants, so injuries should not hit us as hard this year. And some of his signings have been very shrewd - Downing has proven his quality at both Premiership and National level, Delph looks like he'll be a real prospect for the future, and Beye has shown that he can offer a very solid option in place of Luke Young. However, I like many are still cautious about the replacement of Barry and Laursen. I have to agree that Laursen was more key to our fortunes than Barry - had Barry been forced to retire and missed the second half of the season, I think we would have got on a lot better than losing Martin. But nonetheless, it seems we have actually strengthened in Barry's position more than Laursen's! No offence to Richard Dunne and James Collins but I don't believe they are capable of living up to the high standards that Laursen set. Obviously this is difficult, but I was sure MON would succeed, and I feel he has fallen short. However, I'm not willing to write us off based on this window. We have taken six points out of nine, beating Liverpool and Fulham in the process, who finished 2nd and 7th respectively last season. Anyone who doesn't believe that is impressive is kidding themselves. But now it's time to build on that, and have a consistently good season, no fading away at the end of the day. I know Aston Villa are capable of success, and I sincerely hope that the current squad and the new lads coming in can all contribute to this. So ultimately, I'd like to pass on my thanks to Randy for once again backing MON in the transfer market (who said he was restricting MON's spending, eh? Third highest spenders?), and also to MON for building a squad of solid players rather than just a mish-mash of stars. Best wishes.
  18. Is 4-5-1 going to stick though? I for one certainly hope it does. I believe we have a very good attacking setup capable of really performing in that system, even more so when Downing gets fit. And really we have three strikers in Carew, Gabby and Heskey, which is easier to rotate with just one up front, especially given our attacking versatility (Gabby to the wings, Milner and Downing into the middle, etc). I just hope MON realises this for good, and we stick with it until things need a change up again.
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