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Everything posted by heystally!

  1. If we lost MON at this point now, another manager would have a week to build his own team. Every manager has their own style, and they want players who will fit that style. So unless we found a manager who could automatically use these players for his own style, we'd be going backwards. If MON went now, we'd finish a lot lower than we will with MON in charge. The time to change managers is the summer (unless you're relegation threatened and need a quick fix to get through the season). I say, judge MON on this season. We're in Europe, we've had consecutive top-six finishes, we're a good club. Let's see whether MON can keep that up, and maybe even go beyond that, before calling for his head.
  2. For me it is definitely Petrov. It just seems as though a lot of these judgements have been made based on one competitive game this season, in which we fielded a team in which we had lost our two best players. Stan will come good. He is respected by the players, and his performances last season showed he can lead by example. But we still need a leader in the defence, for the defence. And we don't have that right now.
  3. Hi General, I am not envious of your position at the moment. It seems as though there is a lot of discontent from some sections of our fan base, and you it is truly great of you to look at all comments constructively and not take anything personally. I personally was not able to attend the Wigan match on Saturday as I was out of the country, but from what I was told by those who did go, and judging by reactions on here, it was not a good day for the claret and blue boys. Some of this may well be down to maybe having an over-successful pre-season. Maybe beating the likes of Porto, Juventus and Fiorentina left the boys too confident ahead of the competitive campaign, and as a result they underestimated Wigan. But it does seem that we have not effectively replaced our two key individuals from the last two campaigns when we finished 6th both years - Martin Laursen and Gareth Barry. I do see the benefits in MON leaving bigger transfers until the end of window, which does seem to be an approach he likes to take (two years ago it was Davies, last year it was Milner), as the players are more available once other teams have reinforced. I do firmly believe MON's spending is not over, and to judge him on this transfer window with 13 hectic days left is ludicrous in my opinion. However, as the season starts before the end of said transfer window, we do expect a decent enough team to be in place to compete the first two, three, four games of the season. At the moment it does not seem like we have that. And the points dropped against Wigan, and the tough games coming up against Liverpool and Fulham, could come back to bite us when we see the final table in May. I am optimistic for the season, I do believe we still have a couple of bigger signings in the pipeline, and I do believe we will go from strength to strength and get ourselves up the other end of the table in a short amount of time. Our record under MON is extremely positive - we have finished the last two seasons in 6th place, making us the sixth best team in the best league in the world. Two seasons ago, we qualified for Europe for the first time in a decade. Last season we qualified automatically for the first time in over a decade. MON has taken us forward, with the backing of a the best board in the league, and I am sure we will have progressed once again come May. But I'll let you know how I'm feeling at 5pm on September 1st. Keep taking it on the chin. Best wishes, J
  4. In the middle of 'The Great War For Civilisation' by Robert Fisk, a journalist who spent 30 years in the Middle East reporting for the Times and Independent. Really good read, he's gotten some fantastic stories, met Bin Laden three times (before he attacked the US of course), met lots of high up people in Iran and Iraq. Really enjoyable political history. And I'm taking on holiday 'The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time' by Mark Haddon. Heard it's very good.
  5. Hi General, I agree that this is a very nice gesture from the player, but maybe a way around it would be to put up a large net behind the goal during the pre-match warm up, kind of like what golfers use so they don't smash a ball through someone's window.
  6. That is Guzan mate. Haha that'll be why. I just looked at the starting line up, saw Friedel's name and thought nothing of it. ........ Is it me, or does Guzan look like Friedel's dad?
  7. If we're not going to use: Viva Delfouneso Viva Delfouneso Viva Delfouneso Running down the wing Watch his dreadlocks swing Viva Delfouneso then it could be: Viva Albrighton Viva Albrighton Viva Albrighton Running down the wing Hear the Holte End sing Viva Albrighton or something.
  8. Hi General, I have to say an idea such as listed above would be very good indeed. I currently own a couple of older shirts from my youth. I'm not the most sentimental of people - I think more along the lines of I have the memories in my head, so don't need to hoard my memorabilia. If it was possible to make such donations happen - if not to a globally based charity, then even to Acorns, as gifts for the kids - then I would happily contribute to this. All the best.
  9. Frank Turner - To Take You Home Great song from a great artist
  10. Juve would have won it, were Trezeguet and Iaquinta not two piles of shit. Just for those facts, we deserved to win it.
  11. Hi General, Whilst the fans here at Aston Villa, myself included, love the fact that our board is very modest and does not spend their time in the papers or on the news or at away games necking pints (:!, the role that Randy and yourself play at this club is invaluable. You can guarantee if the boys do go on to winning anything this season, the chants of "USA! USA!" will be out in full force.
  12. the same ..they have also won it 2005 But to be fair to use, they only had to play Boca, Real Sociedad and Sundowns, and then Lyon in the final. Whereas we played Malaga (and lost, making the achievement better ), Atlante (Mexican Champions, and American Champions League winners), Porto and Juventus. I'd say ours is better
  13. Two questions: 1) Who thinks Gareth Barry is feeling a bit gutted that he'll never get the chance to lift a cup now that he sold out for the money? 2) Can we use this in the Spurs thread to tell Glaston that Villa have won more Peace Cups than Spurs?
  14. Yeah he's ugly isn't he. Well played Guzan. Nicely done.
  15. This. And class pen from Young. The only part of his body which didn't aim left was the foot he kicked it with.
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