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Everything posted by Pez1974

  1. Kinda somewhere between Yoda and the Comma-less kid Simples
  2. Nah, it's a 6310, with a button missing. Probably the i version, so it works abroad. Next on the Phones 4 Morons channel.........
  3. I thought a fair few people on here thought we should go and get Liam Trotter as a DCM from Milwall - an average Championship side (let's be honest, they could only beat us with a last minute goal at home!) We sign a player from overseas of a similar age, from a similar club in a similar(ish) position, to play in the same position, and who has actually received some international recognition (for a country with decent players, unlike over-hyped English talent), and people moan. Wow.
  4. Don't know what to make of it? He isn't Bannan. Or Ireland. Or Delph (who has improved a bit of late). Or Holman. Or KEA. That is a perfect start.
  5. 4. Point v's WHam, and a win out of the blue, because we can do stuff like that. The only problem is that we will, say, beat ManC but have gifted 3 points to relegation rivals. But I might be drunk
  6. Good luck to him - it ain't his fault he's shit. Hopefully he does a good job a few months, and they take him on. IMO he isn't good enough. He is a walking card, and should have been sent off at least twice last season. Lowton will make mistakes too, but should learn and become a better player over the next 12 months. Plus he's a lot cheaper, which is the club we are now.
  7. This is great. I never get in before the lock, but have now! Gotta get me a funny picture.
  8. Guys quality, and clearly loves the club. Someone will probably **** up the new contract though
  9. Shit - €10m for him. 3 or 4 years ago we'd have been able to afford that. Except MON would have preferred someone who was 28 and already played in the Premier League! About what we agreed for Ireland isn't it. On he will probably be on less wages too.
  10. I think getting rid of Hutton is more important. Warnock is gone in 5 months anyway, so although it would be nice to save his wages, the 2 1/2 (?) years left of Huttons is more important.
  11. La Liga strugglers Real Mallorca want to sign Aston Villa full-back Alan Hutton, according to skysports.com And we want them to sign him. Do they need 2?
  12. Warnock, Hutton, Ireland, Bannan and N'Zogbia get led to their execution. That'd be **** funny.
  13. Intersting stuff, and I love the stats. What they don't show is the why? Why do our defenders not pass to the midfield, for example. I also think that many people blame the midfield for the pressure we always have on us. Yeah, Bannan and Delph may complete passes, but if they are hospital balls which the defenders lose, whose fault is that really? I suspect the stats will show the midfielder completed the pass and the defender lost it, or hoffed it long and out of trouble.
  14. I feel the same. And I don't expect us to win.
  15. I can't understand why people put Weimann out wide. He is a finsher; he can't cross or pass very well (although by the standard of recently, he is as good as anyone else) and his decision making is quite poor. However, his finishing is outstanding. Play him alongside Benteke and he will score goals. His workrate upfront is a bonus, not a reason to play him out of position.
  16. Grumpy! If nothing else, the picture on page 2 is worth the thread alone. Mine went hom for my 4 year old daughter. She loves stuff like that. She didn't want it!
  17. Welcome to the new rant section of Villa Talk! As for last night, although there were certain players who were not close to good enough, I will actually blame Lambert most of all last night. The line up confused me, as it did not suggest a coherent shape to the team. Barcelona get away with it, but they are good with good players. We can't and didn't. Ireland, N'Zogbia, Gabby and Bannan all seemed to have a 'floating' role, with only Benteke and Delph having an actual role to play outside of the defense. This was massively exacerbated in the second half when we lost a miniscule of creativity from Bannan (who at least kept the ball moving in the first half) for the statue that was Bent, and worse still when we lost some width in the team by replacing Bennett. At this point Bradford only had to deal with a frontal attack, and they did. So for the, the tactics were shocking, and if PL planned this, we have a problem. If the players did not know what they were doing, we have a problem. Bennett made a couple of mistakes early on with passes, and a few in the crowd got on his back and his head dropped. After the played the cross for Benteke's goals, half the team rushed to him - he is clearly struggling with confidence, and I think too many fans are quick to get on at him, instead of trying to support him. Finally, congrats to Bradford. We were shite across 3 halves of football, but they could only beat what was put in front of them.
  18. West Ham manager Sam Allardyce says he is finding it tricky to bring in the defensive reinforcements he needs. "We've been trying in the whole of the window to try and bring in a defender, but not been able to clinch a deal yet," he said. "That is probably because we have been looking for a short-term deal in loans, as in terms of not permanent deals." Got a left back and a right back for you if you want Sam. Both internationals. And they have both played with one of your centre halfs, meaning that can play with minimum adjustment. You can have 'em both for **** all, just pay their wages. PS. as we are being so nice and helpful, any chance of Diame in return? Or Noble?
  19. Pretty tense - need to start fast and get an early goal or 3 to settle us all down. Made a promise to myself to give the team total support for the game - but will let rip at the end if we go out. I am picking up my cousin who said to "be there for 6:00, if we want to be in the ground for 7:15" **** idiot, hasn't he seen outside this week!
  20. LDV? Not a massive worry for me. If the glass were half full, negotiating a new deal having secured European football by winning the League cup for a record equalling 5th (?) time, we should be getting more next season anyway.
  21. He wouldn't dare **** this up. Would he? Nah, he must know that us going out would be major headlines. After the Southampton penalty, and his previous with us, any controversy will be plastered everyone. Surely the little **** wouldn't dare?!?!
  22. Yep. But no player excahnges unless we initiate them
  23. Agree on the need to keep PL, as consistency is the big issue at the club. I would love to think that next season would be the brave new dawn, but I thought that this season was meant to be the new dawn too. Yes, we lose another couple of high earners, and perhaps we can shift some of the clutter both in the high earners (Ireland, Hutton, Given, Bent, etc) that are left, and some of the ex-academy players (Bannan, Delfouneso, Albrighton, etc) but that leaves us needing to bring in another shed load of players, presumably from the lower leagues or overseas, and another rollercoaster. I am desparate for us to stay up and show real progress under the new business model, but fear we could stay like Wigan for another few seasons, rather than make progress.
  24. Hutton for me is a big no for me. He has barely put a foot right since he joined the club; poor defender, walking yellow/red card and contributes almost nothing going forward. Why we would play he ahead of Lowton, who has been sound, sometimes very good, and has great potential. Warnock is another matter. He clearly has ability, and has shown some form for us in the past, albeit infrequently. However, LB is a problem position for us, as is DCM where he did OK for a few games last season. For me, he is worth a punt, perhaps Milwall, if no-one else wants him. The fact that he is a tosser doesn't really come in to it - are there many footballers who aren't tossers nowadays?
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