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Everything posted by Paddywhack

  1. I have absolutley no interest in boxing and didn't know about this incident at all, so I'm most likely speaking out my arse here. How is boxing still allowed? I'm not saying it should be banned or anything, I'm just surprised it isn't. Why do people enjoy watching two people smash each others faces in? Why do people want to smash each others faces in, especially after incidents such as this? I'm not taking the piss by the way, genuine questions. I just don't 'get' boxing or any other fighting sports really
  2. Ha, I'll let you know mate. I don't like the **** either, but I can turn my panic into affirmative action as opposed to crying and a refusal to go to bed until 2am. I'm more the latter, unfortunately. Actually, here's something thats pissed me off. We've bought a massive, pretty much perfect christmas tree for our flat. Got it home and realised it's covered in the little bastards. They've taken over the living room. The missus has to catch them and let them out because she won't let me throw my shoe at them :oops:
  3. Let us know if they work. I'm terrified of spi...erm...spending time with my girlfriend when she's see one aswell
  4. There's nothing to say about this that hasn't been said already, really. This game's vital. I'm hoping for a similar line up as against Man U and maybe just a little bit of fight and spirit please. Lose this and things are going to start getting pretty ugly come the new year. Despite that, with the upcoming fixtures in mind, perhaps we shouldn't write off December's fixtures just yet. I know that sounds laughable right now, but I recall similar doom and gloom last year when Arsenal and Plop were up next and we pulled two wins out the bag! Same again please, lads .. :| I'll get my coat
  5. I have a feeling we're going to get an easy run and get to Wembley, giving a good excuse to sweep our problems under the carpet by those who need to. Out of interest and purely hypothetical, would anybody take 17th for an F.A Cup win? Relegation for an F.A Cup win?
  6. Boring football and I expect us to be in the relegation zone in January, but I voted unsure for a few reasons. 1. I can't think of a realistic, better replacement 2. I wouldn't trust Lerner to think or find one either 3. I firmly believe managers need time. I think it's only fair to give him a chance in the transfer window now he's had time to assess the squad if Lerner backs him 4. Apart from the boring, defensive football, I don't think McLeish is doing an absolute awful lot wrong (*reaches for the tin hat*). I think our decline is largely to do with the players we've lost more than anything McLeish has or hasn't done. Personally, I think Houllier was doing a much worse job, in every aspect of being a manager and I'd have McLeish over Houllier any day Saying all that, if we are near the bottom in January, I'm sure I'll definitely want to see the back of him
  7. Everybody seems to get anal apart from me. Such is life
  8. I think they are going to feel our backlash after our draw with Swansea! You just made me laugh and I dribbled coke down my white shirt
  9. Every single day at work I'll try several times to remove a staple from some documents to then realise it's a photocopy of a staple. Everyday Another thing is flavours that aren't flavours. 'Bubble-gum flavour' is not a flavour. How can it be? You get different flavoured bubble-gum. 'Spicy flavour'. What!?
  10. I wanted cock (so to speak), so I put my middle name in Gorier Cock Rabies A Brier Cock Orgies
  11. I Grab Cookers Crooks Are Big Big Rear Cooks I have a rubbish name
  12. What I'd like to see; - -------------------Given------------------- Herd------Dunne------Clark-----Warnock -----------Petrov------Jenas-------------- -----------------Bannan-------------------- N'Zogbia-----------------------Agbonlahor -------------------Bent--------------------- What I think we'll see; - -------------------------Given------------------------- Hutton--Cuellar--Collins--Dunne--Clark--Warnock ------------------Petrov--Heskey--------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------Agbonlahor----- ----------------------Bent------------------------------
  13. Joking apart, has anything like this ever happened in any competetions? I'm not suggesting it's right, but if two teams that are playing each other are guaranteed of getting through if they draw, surely it would be quite easy for them to come to some arrangement?
  14. Yeh, this is why I thought he was nailed on for the job. Then yesterday I noticed that the Sunderland owner/chairman... can't remember his name, sorry... is apparently very close friends with Randy, so I'm no longer so sure MON will get the job. I'm missing something, sorry. Why would that mean MON probably won't be given the job?
  15. I have the feeling we're going to feel the backlash of their loss to Palace last night
  16. I remember you telling me this about 4 years ago. I said it then and I'll say it again. It's a terrible idea, move on!
  17. you got that calendar as well then? I refused to participate in last years secret santa but someone included me any way and I got that I mite just flip back and leave it on january after this Yeah, good shout. It was gonna be downhill from God onwards really, they peaked too early
  18. That tomorrow I'll be able to turn over my 'Aston Villa Legends Desk Calendar' to December and get to spend the Christmas period looking at Dwight Yorke's smiley happy face as opposed to November's Steve Staunton. This was a long, gruelling month
  19. I always feel I have a decent knowledge of music until I read these threads. It amazes me how people have heard of and remember so many artists, how they afford to buy all these albums (or find the time to download them) and then find time to not only listen to them, but listen to them enough to be able to put them in an a list of their favourites of the year. I thinK I need to up my game, there's clearly a lot of good music I'm missing out on. I've only bought about 5 albums this year, most of which were made before I was born
  20. Wow. I respect your opinion mate but...wow. For me Vic and Bob kick are heroes of modern comedy and IMO kick started the surreal comedy movement in the early 90's... :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: Now I've wiped the coffee from my screen..... Vic and Bob "Heroes of Modern Comedy" "I respect your opinion mate but...wow." I think like them or not they are, really. They were massive influences on The Fast Show, Little Britain, Mighty Boosh, Steve Coogan, The League of Gentleman. The list goes on. Nobody was doin anything like what they were doing in the early 90s, British Comedy needed a kick start and a new generation. I think Vic and Bob are the Kings of 90's and early 00's comedy.
  21. :shock: Wow, I'd hate to be sitting next to you this morning Rant away mate, I know what it's like working with twunts
  22. Wow. I respect your opinion mate but...wow. For me Vic and Bob kick are heroes of modern comedy and IMO kick started the surreal comedy movement in the early 90's... Got to agree here. I'm always in the mood for a bit of Vic and Bob, they never fail to cheer me up either. I was gutted when I heard shooting stars had been cancelled but I always much preffered the 'Smell of' and 'Bang, Bang' shows myself
  23. Yes! I remember thinking LMA manager was the most futuristic and realistic football game that could ever be made. Lost many hours on that Ultimate Soccer Manager. The 'manager' bit was a bit misleading. You could upgrade the stadium and change the prices at the food and merch stands IIRC you could bribe managers to let you win aswell
  24. I tell people all the time, even when I'm not. I'm having one now
  25. Paddywhack


    Congratulations mate! I'm proposing in New York on new year. I've spent the last two months looking and pricing up different rings and diamonds, it's so much more complicated than I realised. You can't just walk in and go 'that one', like I do with all my other purchases I still haven't got it yet, but it's been ordered. It must feel good to finally get your hands on it. Just have to hope she says yes now :winkold:
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