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Everything posted by Paddywhack

  1. Holte End Season Ticket Holder here. I'm going down still, singing at the top of my voice and supporting the team. Didn't realise that was classed as giving up. I didn't know I was doing anything wrong to be honest.
  2. I'm trying to pick a favourite and it's the hardest choice I've ever made in my life.
  3. CTRL+C, CTRL+V, CTRL+C, CTRL+V, CTRL+C, CTRL+V, CTRL+C, CTRL+V, CTRL+C, CTRL+V, CTRL+C, CTRL+V, CTRL+C, CTRL+V, CTRL+C, CTRL+V Are you related to our stupid board by chance? You seem very defensive for this shit manager. *sigh* No, I was referring to the fact you keep posting exactly the same sentences. I've heard dance music less repetitive. Never mind, carry on. All ive heard you utter is whimsical shite about nothing. Youve not even made a half hearted attempt at trying to argue any position on McLeish. All you do is try to sneer (rather crapply i might add) at those who rightly call out McLeish for what he is -IE- a shit manager - who is not good enough for a Premier league side. Yes I have, I just havent felt the need to repost it every hour
  4. CTRL+C, CTRL+V, CTRL+C, CTRL+V, CTRL+C, CTRL+V, CTRL+C, CTRL+V, CTRL+C, CTRL+V, CTRL+C, CTRL+V, CTRL+C, CTRL+V, CTRL+C, CTRL+V Are you related to our stupid board by chance? You seem very defensive for this shit manager. *sigh* No, I was referring to the fact you keep posting exactly the same sentences. I've heard dance music less repetitive. Never mind, carry on.
  6. Seriously you only have to read the last few pages to read where "stupid things about" others have come from, posters labelled muppets (I think that was yours), stupid and laughable. Oh and I apologise in advanced for those offended by capital letters or large text but THERE ARE NO PRO MCLEISH POSTERS ON HERE FOR **** SAKE It's brilliant isn't it? A handful of people still don't understand that there's not just a straight choice between wanting to castrate McLeish and thinking he's the best thing since Ron Saunders. I challenge people of the former opinion to find somebody who thinks McLeish is doing an absolute wonderful job, because seemingly this is who they are getting annoyed at. I'll wait quietly.
  7. "agree with me or you're not a villa fan" now. Haha brilliant! I didn't say that. I don't agree that Petrov is a good captain, but if some think he is then fine. But when 'Villa fans' still make excuses of this manager who has proven to be terrible at this club (as predicted), then they obviously don't like this club anymore. You sure love his relegation tactics don't you? I bet you was glad he put 6 defenders on the pitch against Spurs, try to keep the scoreline down against several 'giants', enjoyed his awesome 'Plan A' tactics against Swansea, enjoyed his 10 men behind the ball against Arsenal when we were 0-2 up and his masterful subs against Newcastle that cause us to lose the game. You sure love his relegation tactics don't ya? Again, this club isn't for you and that goes for everyone who's still making laughable excuses for a man who has 6 wins out of 24 (soon to be 25). Can you honestly not read that back and cringe? Nevermind, I'm doing enough cringing for the two of us.
  8. "agree with me or you're not a villa fan" now. Haha brilliant!
  9. I want Enchiladas. Ye man! 'e iz betters than battyboy mcginger aaaaiiii ....sorry. I tried :oops:
  10. And how has his "awfulness" been proven? :? Erm..relegating a Premiership side 2 times within 3 years. He had far better resources than some last season and still relegated Birmingham via his curmudgeon shite antifootball mismanagement with his own shaped most boring side possibly ever to play in the topflight. Hes a proven failure in 'Premeirship experience' terms. Hes a terrible manager and should be nowhere near a Premiership side. Hed be on the dole now if it wasn't for our utterly stupid board. Lets be serious for a minute. SHA are NOT a PL side they are Championship shite at best. They are at their level. He also won a trophy with them last year did he not? How many trophies did St. Martin win with FAR greater resources at his disposal? As for him being a "terrible manager" didn't he also promote that shower of shit from down the road. This will at least put him on a par with Hughton who many here seem to abuse themselves over on a regular basis. "curmudgeon shite anti-football" - Seriously? Do you actuall watch our games? Do you not see him screaming at the players to get the ball on the floor, pass it and get forward? No? Should've gone to Specsavers then mate. He's 24 games into the job, playing with a team who apart from N'Zogbia, Hutton and Stevens are not "his" players. The real reason you appear to be so blinded with hatred for McLeish is that he used to manage that bullshit down the road. As with the rest of you who brand anyone with a modicum of patience or positivity "McLeish apologists" I didn't want him. No one did. But he's here, and he's staying. The faster some of you lot get over yourselves the better. If we all got behind the team AND the manager and stopped behaving like spoilt little children I'd bet my house that things at VP will improve a damn sight faster. A waste of your time typing it though, unfortunately. May aswell just..
  11. And how has his "awfulness" been proven? :? Erm..relegating a Premiership side 2 times within 3 years. He had far better resources than some last season and still relegated Birmingham via his curmudgeon shite antifootball mismanagement with his own shaped most boring side possibly ever to play in the topflight. Hes a proven failure in 'Premeirship experience' terms. Hes a terrible manager and should be nowhere near a Premiership side. Hed be on the dole now if it wasn't for our utterly stupid board. STILL have to judge him on his time before even he got here? He's no chance of ever winning some round WTF are you on about? WAke up FFS He has won 6 **** games in 24 Prem games with us. He has won 3 games at home with us. Have you not noticed our record this season is a mirror image of his miserable Birmingham side last season? Honestly you McLeish apologists need to wake up. He was a fantastically SHIT appointment and has been doing utterly shite and has a shit previous record - Hes a shit manager - who else in the Prem would have appointed him?? You need to wake up Calm down Your original 5 reasons for not wanting McLeish here was to do with his former club. That just struck me as a tad odd. You don't want him here, fine. Nor do I actually, but my reasons are only for what has happened during his time at this club.
  12. And how has his "awfulness" been proven? :? Erm..relegating a Premiership side 2 times within 3 years. He had far better resources than some last season and still relegated Birmingham via his curmudgeon shite antifootball mismanagement with his own shaped most boring side possibly ever to play in the topflight. Hes a proven failure in 'Premeirship experience' terms. Hes a terrible manager and should be nowhere near a Premiership side. Hed be on the dole now if it wasn't for our utterly stupid board. STILL have to judge him on his time before even he got here? He's no chance of ever winning some round
  13. What gain would Mr Lansley get from defending McLeish. It's just an unbiased view that a lot of people on here can't swallow. Not saying I agree with it, but I thought it was a better read than, 'waaah waaah, we're wubbish now, waaaaah! mcweish out, waaaah, waaaaah. he's wubbish, mcweish out waaaaah'
  14. I think all twenty of them are going to look pretty silly.
  15. he might lose the ball often but at least he has balls and courage to want it I love Barry Bannan's balls. For me though, the best thing about Barry is he knows size isn't important and so he's happy to get in there with the big boys and shake them off if necessary. He's also got a smashing tackle for a little one.
  16. Absolutely fair play to you mate and I wish you the best of luck with it all, but I'd have to put this in the 'things you don't get' thread. I'm not doubting the feeling of accomplishment, achievement and the enormous sense of pride you must feel, but for me, none of that could possibly be worth risking my life. Out of interest, the people that rescue people from mountains, are they keen mountain climbers themselves or do they just rescue people? I just picture the same fireman climbing a ladder to get that same cat out of the tree over and over again. As I say, good luck with it anyway. Keep us updated!
  17. yup I agree with this completely, I aint been to a club or anything like that in nearly 2 years, cant be arsed for it there are too many dickheads around these days FWIW i'm not yet 30. Thirded. I'm 24 and hate clubbing. Always have done. Unfortunately, sometimes it's unavoidable, like for mates birthdays for example. I'd love to be kicked out of a night club by a bouncer. Not beaten up, but just removed, that would be delightful.
  18. Madness SERIOUSLY get on my tits. Very irritating sound. After re-discovering my love for them over the last few months and telling people so, I discovered a lot of people think the same as you. Marmite, perhaps.
  19. I found this little tinker hovering around on the third page, too low IMO. Bump. Madness, the band. They never fail to put me in a better mood.
  20. #98 - Talk openly about masturbating, but never get caught. #99 - Never admit you pick your nose, try your best to not get caught.
  21. Give it a rest mate Not sure why people are finding this so far fetched after the obvious dissent in the camp at Newcastle. McTool clearly hasn't got a scooby and I would probably rather the palyers self managed as they couldn't make any worse of a job. McTool has shown from day 1 that he doesn't know how to balance a side and this is probably as frustrating for the players as it is for the rest of us. You have convinced me the players are self managing themselves. I believe they choose their own subs too. I reckon McLeish and his team just spend training in the corner muttering to themselves, scratching their sacks. I think everytime we've lost this season it's because McLeish was managing the team and whenever we have won it's because the players were managing the team. I also think this is a very valid point that has been raised and it is worthwhile spending our time discussing.
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