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Everything posted by leemond2008

  1. ooohhhhh about **** pubs pricks who jump to th front of the que and dont wait their **** turn I am a bastard in most aspects of life I am the first to admit it but when it comes to being served at the bar I will always point the barman in the rite direction if someone has been waiting longer than me, also if I am getting a massive round in and someone is behind me I will ask them what they are getting if they just want a pint or two I will let them go before me as I get pissed off if I am waiting for 1 pint of stella and some word removed orders 12 pintsof fosters 4 bottles of reef 5 sambucas and 9 packets of salt and vinegar crisps also if I say to a barman ''that bloke was before me'' the least I would expect from them is a tiny little acknowledgement it really gripes me when they just continue with their order and dont even bother to say cheers, well **** you too you parasitic arse hole I hope your lips drop off so you cant order a pint ever again
  2. I hate it when they put those adverts on about cancer and the likes of that. I know its a serious subject but I watch telly to be amused to to depress the **** life out of myself, I have to mute the telly when they come on
  3. dont try and worm your way back into his good books now the damage is done
  4. ''things that cheer you up?'' this has no place in a thread like that the OP was obviously caught in a bit of a dilemma about what to do with said receipt and certainly didn't come across as though this ''stroke of luck'' cheered him up at all I welcome this topic with open arms and hope that our responses have helped you decide what to do with the burden you are now carrying JUST TAKE THE **** MONEY!!!!
  5. the fact that I have agreed to do overtime this week that doesnt bother me because I'm the only person thats doing it which means that I am in the office by myself so I dont need to make polite chit chat with anyone the thing that annoys me is that the lights go off if no one is moving around and I quite like sitting in here on my own in the dark (strange I know but I'm pretty antisocial and quite like things like that) any ways, the lights have just gone off and some silly mare from litterally the other side of the office comes waddling over to say bye to me...I DONT EVEN KNOW YOUR NAME AND NOW I'M GUNNA HAVE TO WAIT ANOTHER **** 1/2 HOUR FOR THE LIGHTS TO GO OFF **** OFF why does someone I dont know feel the need to say goodbye to me??? she is probably just being polite but I really couldnt give a **** if you left and I never saw you again sounds like a pretty pointless rant I know but there we go
  6. why would you do anything???? I would take that as a massive win I got undercharged by £2 in subway the other week and I realised as I was walking out of the door...did I make them aware of their error...nah plus the fact that subway is ridiculously overpriced and shit, I dont really know why I went there lol
  7. I have Hypermobility it sounds like some sort of superhero power...believe me its not, its a real pain in the arse
  8. just listened to some of the stuff I got by Hayes Carll **** brilliant really got the texan sort of feel that townes and guy clarke had I'm just waiting for 5 o clock now so I can get cracking with me overtime and listen to all these albums properly
  9. Will check those out, ta. Did you see my earlier recommendation of Israel Nash Gripka's album "Barn Doors and Concrete Floors"? Very retro - "Let it Bleed"-era Stones/Neil Young/John Fogerty/Tom Petty/Bruce Springsteen/Steve Earle. Good stuff. nah mate I didnt spot that I'll take a look if I ever manage to get out of work, 12 hour day today though so it'll probably be tomorra lets just hope it aint too much like springsteen though...cant stand ''the boss''
  10. oh yeah to anyone who is into country style music, give Tim Easton a listen to discovered him the other week got an album called ''since 1966 (part 1)'' really laid back just him an acoustic guitar and a harmonica also I managed to find a download of an acoustic live set he done and it was **** brilliant, got a bit more life and pace than the studio album I got. If you give him a listen then see if you can get, to katie, california bars, baltimore, cigarettes and whiskey --------------------------------------------------------- oh yeah justin townes earles album 'harlem river blues' is pretty decent as well I was a bit dubious about giving him a listen seeings how great his dad is and the fact he was named after Townes van zandt but it doesnt sound to bad to be honest
  11. rite o then mjmooney here is what I downloaded last night (I aint had a chance to listen to it all yet but I'll give opinions on what I have) James McMurty album - Just us kids - I really like the sound of this one, there is a track called god bless america (pat macdonald must die) which is pretty **** awesome. Its got a real drive by truckers/later steve earle sound to it childish things - not yet listened to it artist - shooter jennings album - put the O back in country - only had a quick listen to this and the quality wasnt great but it didnt exactly set me alight to be honest album - the wolf - listened to a few tracks on this one and its a bit country a bit rock a bit pop and a bit...I dunno, on first listen it is all a bit of an assault on the brain when trying to associate it with one genre but I think it will be a grower artist - shooter jennings & Hierophant album - black ribbons - thought this was **** great completely different to what I was expecting, psychadelic rock with a southern/country twang to it, bit messy in parts but thats to be expected when trying something like this its a concept album with a whole load of narrative done by stephen king about the government taking control of the airwaves or something like that really good album though I would recomend it then i have downloaded artist - Hayes Carll - flowers and liquor and trouble in mind but I havent listened to them yet
  12. last night I downloaded some alt country/southern rock sort of stuff james mcmurty shooter jennings (waylon jennings son) and some other dude who I cant remember off the top of my head some of the stuff sounds really good when i'm on my lunch i'll see if I can post up the names for some of the tracks (not that anyone will be interested but there we go) oh yeah leonard cohens new album if **** great as well
  13. I dont blame anyone for the protests they probably realize that they will not be listened to but there are some people who will never stop going down regardless of how much they are paying or how bad we are playing so they feel this is the only way to be heard.
  14. Shit just read that back and it sounds completely wrong... I dunno it's to complicated to pursue so at the moment I'm thinking **** it
  15. Just had a chat with my sister of all people, I never thought I would listen to her but she has reiterated what everyone else has said but I think it's finally sunk in...**** it I ain't Gunna wait for her to make the wrong decision and let my head myhead get **** up **** it, plenty more fish in the sea and all that, maybe someday she will think I was the one that got away and not viceversa (pissed so I probably got that last bit wrong) Looks wise she is/was way out of my league or so I thought so maybe it's just a self esteem issue...i dunno, let's see how I feel inthe morra
  16. Absolute chaos here tonight I'm round me mom n dads and me sister her boyfriend and their two kids are here, had to have the wrestling on all night. I'm just sitting in the corner getting slowly pissed man waiting to order my curry so I can **** off home afterwards. No plans tomorra staying in and doing **** all Sunday me mate is coming round mine and we will probably end up havin a fair few cans
  17. ah well this subject can be put to bed now any way as far as I am concerned. We have knocked it on the head for now, at least until we can sort things out, there are other factors aside from the work thing that makes it difficult. If any thing does happen in the future it will be a rocky road that we have to go down regardless havent really had the chance to speak to her properly this week so I dunno what she is thinking at the moment
  18. See if you wasnt on facebook you wouldnt have to worry about it
  19. Can't get it on YouTube Tim Easton- black dog (not a zeppeling cover)
  20. people who invite themselves along to places when you dont want them around person - what are you doing on lunch me - me and XXXXXX have gotta go and sort some stuff out person - alright then I'm gunna come as well then she proceeds to follow us round like an excited puppy waffling absolute shite for a full hour WE DONT WANT YOU AROUND FOOK OFF YOU ANNOYING LITTLE SWINE
  21. This. I'm into country music/Americana, and I quite like Cash in small doses. But he is MASSIVELY overrated. I used to love johnny cash (still do to an extent) but I only listen to him very rarely now when you look at the other artists in similar genres then you see how massively overated he is townes van zandt guy clarke steve earle steve young leonard cohen bob dylan they all blow him out of the water the man in black is good but he was far from the best
  22. another thing about the snow person 1 - were gunna get 10cm of snow this afternoon person 2 - I heard it wasnt coming until tonight person 3 - I heard that it is only going to be 8cm of snow tonight person 4 - it is going to rain as well though so it wont stick person 5 - I heard it is going to snow for 6 days straight and we are all going to die person 6 - I heard it is going to snow for 5 days straight and all the old people are going to die me - WHO REALLY GIVE A FLYING **** SHUT THE **** UP ABOUT THE SNOW jesus christ bring back the talk of christman **** parties
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