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Everything posted by leemond2008

  1. BWHAHHAHAHAHAHAA watch out for thr "direct line group" basically every fucjing thing you try to insure with is the same thing It's a big ghey D as the simble thing, everyone is the same. Churchill, direct line, NIG, prudential, EGG, privilege, pretty much anyone you insure with the money is going to the direct line group...I don't think I'm actually supposed to mention that cuz we ain't separated from RBS insurance yet, oh well
  2. that is the boss (she isnt his wife) overtime was offered to everyone I was the only one to agree to do it and the people in the pub over the road are me mates not people I work with Methinks I have not been rumbled just yet
  3. **** IT **** EVERYTHING **** THE OVERTIME I cant stand the thought of them bastards in the pub whilst I am here working ive just told me gaffa to shove the overtime up his arse 51 MINUTES TILL I HIT THE PUB I feel so much better now
  4. EXTREMELY PISSED OFF I gotta work until 8 o'**** clock tonight whilst all my mates are in the pub down the road literally 2 minutes walk from the building where I work AAAGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH I could kill a pint now
  5. yeah I do minimise but its still something that I have to be pretty carefull about
  6. This, especially with some of the things I have posted during works time just lately, really dont need my gaffa reading some of them posts by accident
  7. Dont let everything get on top of you mate. You only have to look at some of the usually faces on the OT forum to see that things can go full circle within the space of 2 or 3 weeks and everything will soon be looking bright. Chin up dude. I'm trying to keep me chin up and all that but its a bit of a struggle at the minute I just cant be arsed for anything still the one good thing is that I dont really speak to people at work due as they are all morons (bar from a few) so I dont have everyone badgering me trying to find out what is up with me
  8. I mite fly over to the ''things that piss you off'' thread on my lunch break and spend a full hour moaning and complaining about every little tiny thing that I can think of that should cheer me up a bit
  9. I'm feeling pretty **** depressed today man you know when you hit them times when it just feels like absolutely everything that can dampen your mood will all erupt at once got some shit going on already, the doctors didn't fill me with glee yesterday, I have no **** money, I haveto work a 12 hour shift today and tomorrow. I just feel really pissed off today.
  10. I see that the Mayweather - Cotto is on boxnation where does this leave the average viewer who pays for fights? isnt box nation £10 a month for a minimum of 6 months? will it be available for £17:99 on primetime or whatever as well I'm not fussed as I have boxnation so I wont be paying any extra to watch it any way I was just wondering if this would be available to the casual boxing fan
  11. Just got back from the docs by the way. Apparently the MRI shows that there are bone like fragments floating about in the area, the socket to my hip is abnormal and I have early signs of impingement syndrome all of this will more than likely result in early arthritis and could result in a hip replacement when I am in my late 30s or 40s. Gotta go the hospital and have a chat with the specialists to see what they do from ere but it will mean either another MRI scan with dye or sommet like that or an exploratory op then I will need to go back and have the op to get it all sorted. Oh yeah and my left hip is showing the same signs as the right one :-(
  12. To be honest we all normally fall out of the rounds as the night goes on anyway, come the end of the night we are normally to pissed to remember who's round it is or you all move onto the shots and it all gets messy from there
  13. when I'm in a pub we normally drink in round when there is two or three of us and we all pretty much drink at the same pace any way so its simple if there is a bigger group of us then it will normally get split into two groups eg. the first three people are automaticly in a round and the second people fall into their own little round etc always works fine, it doesnt even get discussed it just happens
  14. Your a strange strange man! you have no idea, my mind is the scariest place I know but the picture of two dogs having it off does actually have a little bit of relevance to something in the office, there was a little joke behind the reason I was drawing it
  15. Has anyone ever seen two cats shagging???? Do they do it like dogs???? I can only imagine that they do. Does this mean that cats shag doggystyle???? I just drew a picture of two dogs having it off with each other and the thought crossed my mind
  16. yeah can I do that? I want a copy of mine thing is though the person I am seeing is a complete cockend who can barely speak english and doesnt really like me very much
  17. I gotta go the doctors later and get the results from my MRI scan today quite looking forward to it to be honest, my hip/groin has been giving me pretty much constant grief for about 2 years, they recon that its either the onset of arthritus or because of my manky joints due to my hypermobility I could have torn a muscle or something like that hopefully I should find out once and for all whats actually up with it
  18. HAYES CARLL DRUNKEN POETS DEAM ITS A SHAME GIRL DOWNTOWN BAD LIVER AND A BROKEN HEART just realised caps lock was on but cant be arsed to type it all out again MJMOONEY you really have gotta listen to this bloke he is **** brilliant, looking on his wikipedia page and he is compared to Towns van zandt, although no where near level of the great man himself you can definately see the comparisons both albums are quality ''flowers and liquor'' and ''trouble in mind''
  19. ooohhhhh about **** pubs pricks who jump to th front of the que and dont wait their **** turn I am a bastard in most aspects of life I am the first to admit it but when it comes to being served at the bar I will always point the barman in the rite direction if someone has been waiting longer than me, also if I am getting a massive round in and someone is behind me I will ask them what they are getting if they just want a pint or two I will let them go before me as I get pissed off if I am waiting for 1 pint of stella and some word removed orders 12 pintsof fosters 4 bottles of reef 5 sambucas and 9 packets of salt and vinegar crisps also if I say to a barman ''that bloke was before me'' the least I would expect from them is a tiny little acknowledgement it really gripes me when they just continue with their order and dont even bother to say cheers, well **** you too you parasitic arse hole I hope your lips drop off so you cant order a pint ever again
  20. I hate it when they put those adverts on about cancer and the likes of that. I know its a serious subject but I watch telly to be amused to to depress the **** life out of myself, I have to mute the telly when they come on
  21. dont try and worm your way back into his good books now the damage is done
  22. ''things that cheer you up?'' this has no place in a thread like that the OP was obviously caught in a bit of a dilemma about what to do with said receipt and certainly didn't come across as though this ''stroke of luck'' cheered him up at all I welcome this topic with open arms and hope that our responses have helped you decide what to do with the burden you are now carrying JUST TAKE THE **** MONEY!!!!
  23. the fact that I have agreed to do overtime this week that doesnt bother me because I'm the only person thats doing it which means that I am in the office by myself so I dont need to make polite chit chat with anyone the thing that annoys me is that the lights go off if no one is moving around and I quite like sitting in here on my own in the dark (strange I know but I'm pretty antisocial and quite like things like that) any ways, the lights have just gone off and some silly mare from litterally the other side of the office comes waddling over to say bye to me...I DONT EVEN KNOW YOUR NAME AND NOW I'M GUNNA HAVE TO WAIT ANOTHER **** 1/2 HOUR FOR THE LIGHTS TO GO OFF **** OFF why does someone I dont know feel the need to say goodbye to me??? she is probably just being polite but I really couldnt give a **** if you left and I never saw you again sounds like a pretty pointless rant I know but there we go
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