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Everything posted by Dodgyknees

  1. 20 minutes in and it could be 4-0 to Sunderland. Twice hit the post, another good save.
  2. You can really see why Southgate picks Maguire.
  3. Damn, a free version of WWE2k23, maybe somebody claimed already
  4. I hope this works - https://www.humblebundle.com/gift?key=fRSpvDPfyFf2pkES
  5. This reminds me of our first games in Europe. Over confident and thinking we will turn up and win.
  6. “Mings got injured yeah but we smashed you 5-1, injuries don’t make a difference”
  7. Back alley of a club, it was dark, so I can’t be sure to be honest.
  8. I once had Poppy on my face. True story.
  9. I support a local charity that supports homeless veterans. I don’t shout about it. I have 3 charities that I donate to monthly. I don’t feel I could to do anything more than what I am. If my circumstances get better, I’ll do more at that point.
  10. I always see it as the fact I can respect our war heroes but I don’t need to wear a poppy to do that. I haven’t worn one since I was at school and I don’t plan on buying one. Wearing or not wearing doesn’t make me a better person, it means I’m grateful to those who allow us the freedom of choice through their efforts and to those who have died so that I can choose.
  11. The only time Mount and “toss” appear in the same sentences, it’s usually alongside Southgate.
  12. And they are the ones who cry that their freedom of choice is constantly impacted. Wonder if they would wear the poppy if it came with a COVID jab.
  13. He should have just sat on his phone and sent a photo of an expensive car.
  14. Am I blind or has this been totally missed on the BBC football front page?
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