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Everything posted by Genie

  1. Genie

    Formula One - 2024

    Rain looking less likely too
  2. Genie

    Formula One - 2024

    Despite it being the fastest, clearly, like it has been for several years. Perez is crap is the answer. The Mclaren only beat it last week because it was broken. Perez in the Red Bull is like Man City signing Scott Hogan.
  3. My advice would be to open with the cock thing to save everybody some time.
  4. Awful video, I saw it on Twitter earlier. Goes to show how celebrities manage to keep themselves out of jail. Money talks.
  5. Genie

    Formula One - 2024

    That would be great. Not sure if it is mind games but George Russell said he thinks Mclaren will be fastest.
  6. Genie

    Formula One - 2024

    I watched the start of it, great fun.
  7. You can’t really compare real jobs to sports people. In her case, she has entire departments of experts who look after all of those things you mentioned. She isn’t doing it all by herself. It’s an obscene amount of money for 1 person, especially a company doing so much damage.
  8. I expect it’s very high across all trades. I know a few and they have all been divorced at least once. Often in these roles it’s working away from home which puts stress on relationships (especially when working away appears like a massive piss up and the wife is at home juggling the house and the kids).
  9. Obviously the answer is to bring back Boris Johnson
  10. I’d be more worried (as a Spurs fan) if he was fine or content with fans wanting to lose the City game. He is rightly annoyed about it.
  11. Cheers mate, just hopped on that. £25 saving and a new 12 month period fixed
  12. That reminds me of a few years back, I bought both children an iPhone 6s as a present. Got it all set up and everything ready for them to open several weeks before the big day. The problem was for the life of me I couldn’t remember the pin locks I setup on either phone. After a few failed attempts they lock for hours. I wasn’t very popular. Had to connect them to iTunes to reset them but had all sorts of hurdles like updating the software on the phones, updating the software on the laptop. Absolute nightmare. Took **** hours.
  13. Genie

    Formula One - 2024

    I wonder how many times the commentators will mention the prospect of rain on Sunday (to the nearest thousand)
  14. I do quite like being on an island at the far end of Europe in times like this
  15. and closed the police stations. Tamworth doesn’t have a front desk anymore, and if you want to report a crime on the phone be prepared to wait 40-60 minutes for them to answer.
  16. He’s hinting at another NI cut in the Autumn. Setting the stall out for when they’re in opposition and Labour have to undo these irresponsible decisions. ”we cut taxes 3 times in 2024 and Labour are putting them up, can you beliiiiiieve it????”
  17. Cheapest here for Diesel is £1.54.9 I think. Tamworth always used to be relatively cheap but it has reversed in recent years.
  18. This sort of salary is obscene for even a well run high performing business. She’s earning over £60,000 per weekly 1,100 sewerage spills. link
  19. Phone has been at the Warrington sorting office for 2 days now I used the companies pre-paid Royal Mail label, I hope it covers the value of the phone if it never emerges
  20. They are very rarely needed with the ring pull top on most tins now.
  21. What do you mean by “near totally efficient”? What money does new investment produce for governments? They make a shit load from tax and duty in petrol and diesel currently. Plus all the money from road tax linked to emissions levels. link Next stage is to produce as much of the grid electricity as greenly as possible. Combustion Engines waste a huge amount of energy through heat, noise and movement. Then of course produce lots of poisonous and greenhouse gases causing various illnesses and contributing to climate change.
  22. Sainsbury’s here is opposite Asda and they just price match each other so if one goes up they both go up. Then everyone just holds that sort of lowest price. Garages that were always 10p (or more) a litre more expensive are about the same as the supermarkets now.
  23. The supermarkets used to hold the market down but in the last couple of years they have also moved to charge as much as they can get away with rather than the least. Maybe it was since the Issa brothers bought Asda.
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