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Everything posted by flamingsombrero

  1. Watched most of the game at home but caught the last 5mins at the pub by me. Front and centre huddled by the screen when I got there?? Three concerned looking noses of course... mate.
  2. Little throwback to Villa learning a valuable lesson about unfiltered twitter feeds on an offical site.
  3. Don't be too harsh, how were they supposed to know the lower tier of a football stand can have people in it?!
  4. Trust me 4.0 is going to be great... money please.
  5. Back on topic... hopefully Emery can get something decent out of Bertrand, even if this is only happening because we couldn't get a deal over the line. Think he could actually fit quite well into how we are set up now.
  6. It's almost as if people might have different standards when applying a subjective label to player
  7. Did a job but clearly doesn't fit our medium term plan. No problem with doing this now rather than leave £10m+ on the table when he was inevitably moved on in the summer anyway. Appreciate it leaves us short as it stands but big difference this time is we'll probably put the money to good use. Wish him all the best and hopefully he gets to enjoy the Championship next year.
  8. Other than Croatia in the Euro's I cant think when you've beaten a decent team in a competitive scenario in the last 25 years.
  9. Every major tournament I get misty eyed remembering France '98 when the red button let you turn off the **** commentary. God it was glorious.
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