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Everything posted by Big_John_10

  1. I was kind of hoping it would be sacking Lambert.
  2. This is what one guy on TBAR is saying. Well he said its AEG, will be announced next week and Lerner will leave a parting gift.
  3. Did he accidentally hire mcleish? Did he just forget his managers needed their squads improving the last 3 January windows? He certainly did gamble with our premiership status and it was 100% intentional. That's unforgivable IMO.
  4. He's barely good enough for us let alone man u.
  5. Well I guess it comes down to people having different expectations with what can be achieved with £40m, a complete rebuild and injuries to key players. You obviously think he should have done a lot better than he has. I personally think he should have done a bit better. However, if we finish between 11th-14th I'd say he's actually done a pretty good job considering injuries. However if we finish 17th then that's a poor job. But then again I look at the finishing position rather than points accumulated. Whereas others believe that points totalled means more than finishing position. I expected better than two relegation battles, only achieving around 40 pts in both seasons and playing absolutely abysmal football most of the time. He hasn't pushed on from last season and if anything has gone backwards. If you can't progress with more money and more time then I see little point giving him even more money and even more time.
  6. People still think he deserves a chance? Haha I just don't get the love for Lambert at all. Its not like he's done anything to make you think things would be brilliant under him. It's all based on hope. And once again I love how losing lots of games is no classed as a silly little stat. That's brilliant. Oh well, he came, he failed and he won't be here much longer.
  7. Like collymore is really going to be the only sports journalist who found out one of the richest people in the world was at villa park. Rubbish.
  8. Do you think Leeds fans are still happy with risdale because they played in the champions leagues? Those years were good but because of how poor he is its led to shocking past few seasons.
  9. He's got a year left on his contract, the season ends in less than a week and the best he can say about his future he is "I hope so." See ya paul. Not much wrong with saying that. It is really only what most managers can say. Oh I agree there's not much he can say because he's going. If he was going to be here I think he'd sound more confident about it.
  10. The only thing in the world that ever winds me up is Aston Villa and even that's just posting on a forum. Its fair to say he's done some good with things that don't really matter. We're a football club, in terms of on the pitch and things that matter to a football club I think he's been awful.
  11. For the first time in awhile its going to be nice to just watch the game and not really get worked up. We're safe and I'm very confident both Lerner and Lambert will be leaving so if we win, great! And if we lose its not a big deal.
  12. Robinson over bacuna? How? Bacuna is consistently playing in the prem and has scored goals. Surely if those 3 are the only options bacuna runs away with it.
  13. Most golf shops will have starter kits where you get a full set and bag. I started with a golden bear set and it did the job, once I realised I was into golf then I got myself a proper set.
  14. He's got a year left on his contract, the season ends in less than a week and the best he can say about his future he is "I hope so." See ya paul.
  15. And you only need to look at the appointment of McLeish and the gambling with our premiership status over the last 3 years to see that he really didn't. The lack of funding in the last 3 January windows tell me more about the man than the pub. Always seems strange to me how those that continue to defend Lerner seem to care more about things that have nothing to do with football. The only pathetic and embarrassing thing is what Lerner has turned this club into and despite that there's still fans like you ready to pipe up for him.
  16. There hasn't been the smooth for 4 years. That might be the problem.
  17. Missed this first time round. Funny stuff. Lambert has already set some of his own worst disgraces in villa's history so I really doubt him leaving will be one of them.
  18. I think all the bull is because of what collymore said.
  19. I'd be surprised if collymore was the only sports journalist to have found this out. I think it's rubbish to get attention on Twitter and for his radio show.
  20. Of course he's going. The only scenario in which Lambert will be here next year is if Lerner decides to be ambition again and let's be honest there's no chance that's happening. If lerner doesn't sell and things stay the same I could see Lambert walking. Why continue to damage his reputation and struggle? And if we get taken over, which looks very likely, then he will be replaced.
  21. Yes all those idiots using actual facts and evidence instead of just claiming he's done a good job.
  22. He'd be great for about 18-24 months, then he'd lose the dressing room and it would all go tits up. Also, I don't know if he has experience in building a squad from the foundations up? If we're looking at Mancini then we're aiming for the very very top, in which case who do we have capable of playing at that level? Benteke, Guzan, and, erm... You'd like to think if someone like mancini took the job it would then mean funds being made available to buy players capable of playing at that level.
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