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Everything posted by Big_John_10

  1. No to Mancini? I'd be pretty excited about that appointment. It would mean new owners were prepared to spend big and I think Mancini could attract top quality players
  2. Where's he posted that? I can't see it on that site. The second post on this page. I have no idea how I missed that. Cheers.
  3. Where's he posted that? I can't see it on that site.
  4. We know that this season hasn't been good enough.
  5. We've picked up more points at home this season though and then you mention things might be different if he had more money to spend. He may as well get that chance here then! It might have been different but he's done nothing to deserve that chance and he won't get it.
  6. Bit harsh. I think that was nice. Failed at owning the browns, failed at owning villa, failure in his marriage. He's a failure who was fortunate enough to have a rich father. In a few months he won't be anything to do with villa. Can we please declare this one of the worst posts of 2014? Getting personal like this is absolutely ridiculous. Lerner needs to get out for all our sakes before we drop like a stone, yes. However, calling a rather private businessman who the public on both sides on the Atlantic know little about a "failure in marriage" is about as wide of the mark as you can get. We don't get to read the divorce papers, and we don't know how little Johnny or whatever thinks about it. Just put a little perspective into it, the man's a fecking human being. Have some of you read the things people used to say about doug, mcleish, heskey, hutton etc.. I don't remember too many being disgusted with what was said to them. What i said about lerner wasn't half as bad as some of the abuse given out to others. I guess lerner did give us a scarf.
  7. To have 2 years and be no better and actually in some areas be worse is not just not good enough. The owner has stuck with him because lambert was happy to work under these conditions to just survive. He'll be gone soon and while things might have been different had he had more money to spend unfortunatly the facts show he's been awful. I think he'll probably get one more chance at being a premiership manager somewhere else.
  8. Maybe if the last few years had been different then i'd feel differently towards bowery but i'm just so sick of watching poor football players playing for this club. I'm sure he's a nice guy and yes he does try hard but it's not enough. I'm bored of it, i want better and fingers crossed a new takeover means we will get better.
  9. Hopefully things start happening as soon as the season is over so we have chance to build properly to avoid a 5th consecutive relegation battle.
  10. Couldn't score goals in lower league on a regular basis and for the vast majority of his time here has looked out of his depth. Trying hard is the minimum expectation not something to be praised because they lack ability. Thanks for helping yesterday but he has no future at this club or this level.
  11. That doesn't solely make you a failure. But when you combine it with two failing sports teams it adds to it.
  12. No facts show I've been right.
  13. I don't think I've ever blushed in response to a forum post before but I am very embarrassed for you right now. Why is that?
  14. Yeah, such a "failure of a man" says more about the clown putting it than Randy. Haha sorry my dad wasn't a billionaire
  15. Common sense tells you he's not going to be here. Common sense about football is the reason I'm mainly correct with my opinions. You don't have to be ITK.
  16. Common sense. Don't need to be ITK
  17. Haha that's a good post.Is there any need for these sarcastic replies BJ10? He doesn't understand football, what else can he do? For someone with a lack of understanding I've been right more than most. Keep believing though.
  18. So hard not to post on poster in response to rubbish like thisWhy? Has he been a good signing? Has he contributed to Aston villa being successful?Stoke last year, hull today. Two massive contributions to keeping us in the league. I don't understand why you feel the need to be such an aggressive and hateful guy towards people who were brought in to do a job. Is Bowery good enough? Nothing has shown he is, but it's hardly his fault he (or any other player) is at Aston villa. The guy has never once shown a lack of effort when on the pitch, so even if he's nowhere close to a premiership player, he deserves none of the guff the likes of you give him. He's tried hard, he's not good enough, and he'll likely be moving on. Why the need for the pathetic posts about him? I don't get it. Did you have this opinion to those against McLeish, Hutton, heskey etc? Did you ****.
  19. Shocker, good performance from Bowery and you manage to moan and moan and moan. Haha because I'm not fickle. Shit is shit.
  20. He's gone. Enjoy it.
  21. Well if one or two decent performances is good enough Heksey should be a villa legend. Strange how people change their views to suit the manager they support.
  22. He's gone with the majority of the rest of the shit that's been signed. Good riddance.
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