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Everything posted by Big_John_10

  1. If there's no takeover I'd still want him replaced. To get less points after having another season and money to spend is very poor and I've seen little to suggest sticking with him would be worth it. I wouldn't trust Lerner to bring in someone good but I'd be happy to gamble given how bad the last two years have been. Saying all that I think a takeover is nailed on so its not really a major concern.
  2. I think I've got one more reminder in me.
  3. That's because there's no much to actually use to defend him.
  4. Meaningless stats though I hear.Yet still managed to pick up more points at home despite those 10 defeats.Great. Still lost record number of games. Last time I checked its points that matter. They do. 21 pts from 19 games is an awful return.
  5. Meaningless stats though I hear. Yet still managed to pick up more points at home despite those 10 defeats. Great. Still lost record number of games.
  6. Meaningless stats though I hear. Like Beating Sunderland 6-1, Knocking money bags Man City out 4-2 on their own patch earlier in the competition. Beating Arsenal at the Emirates. Beating Man City at Villa park & Chelsea 1-0. Meaningless stats though you hear. Deserved credit for them. Good results.
  7. Meaningless stats though I hear.
  8. He might be planning for his next job but I'd be surprised if he's seriously planning for next season. I think he knows exactly what's happening.
  9. The vast majority have just been as bad as McLeish. Stats show the lack of possession and long ball football we've played most of the time.
  10. I think all links will be made up rubbish. Lambert won't be planning for next year and we have no idea who the new manager will want.
  11. I wouldn't be against them but I would be dissapointed. I'd question why they'd be sticking with him and it would raise doubts as to their immediate plans for the club.
  12. I'd much rather villa park be developed but at the same time the etihad and emirates are two fantastic stadiums that surely help both clubs be financially stronger.
  13. If new owners get rid of him will you be against them from the start?
  14. Yet two years ago anyone who thought we'd be in a relegation battle was mocked and laughed at. They weren't though were they because 2 years ago McLeish was in charge and we were in more of a mess watching far worse football than we are now. OK sorry. Around 21 months ago if we're going to be like that. Towards the end of the first transfer window Lambert had anyone who thought we'd struggle were mocked and laughed at.
  15. Haha so you can't answer. I don't need randy to tell me its pretty obvious how he ran things under MON and its pretty obvious how he's run things since.
  16. So what have been the approaches to running a football club Lerner has taken?
  17. Or rather - Which was the most necessary? Well 2) was needed thanks to 1) and a complete lack of interest in the club. I don't think either are the right for the future. Which is a complete pipe dream the last few fans who continually defend Lerner hang their hopes on. Its not true.
  18. The lerner approach is the best one? There have been 2 approaches from lerner. 1) spending amounts that can't be sustained with little thought for the future. 2) drastic cost cutting, gambling with survival till the club is sold. I'm curious as to which one of those is the best option.
  19. Yet two years ago anyone who thought we'd be in a relegation battle was mocked and laughed at.
  20. You've made our point for us in that paragraph. There is no improvement, there is no real progress and on that basis he doesn't deserve more time or more money. Well if i would have said what you have suggested I did I can see why you would think that. The fact that I have not said what you have suggested sort of negates the rest of your post for me. So where's the progress and improvement? Results? Points? League table? Performances? 2 years and really not much different to what he inherited.
  21. You've made our point for us in that paragraph. There is no improvement, there is no real progress and on that basis he doesn't deserve more time or more money.
  22. Keeping Lambert makes no sense which is why it won't happen.
  23. Other teams spending can effect our progression in the league but it doesn't really effect the way we should play. We've gone so far back from how we ended last season.
  24. I have a feeling a manager that has less potential than Lambert is going to win an award that Lambert will never win.
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