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Everything posted by Nigel

  1. what the **** is he doing taking albrighton off when we need a goal, whats the matter with one of the 5/6 defenders?
  2. So let me get this right, the ref lets man u go on to have an attempt at goal while they have a player down, as soon as we get the ball he blows! Figures!
  3. We are in danger of losing to a cricket score here!
  4. Wonder whats odds you would get for a 5-1 villa win?
  5. I’m probably not going to renew but it would be unfair to put one of the reasons above as it’s really a mixture of the three. My kid is due to be born any day now and I’ll have to lose one of my weekend social pursuits, I have decided after much soul searching that it will probably be this. One of the main reasons is that going to VP just doesn’t have the same pull as it used to have, even during Houliers reign. It’s not only the ridiculously sterile football served up but also the general feeling of hostility on the stands, its poisoning an already flat atmosphere that quite frankly taking the enjoyment out of my match day experience. I also don’t trust the board and Learner to pull us out of this redundant state. Even when we do drop the manager, who will replace him? Even the best managers in the world would struggle with the combination of restraints and expectation levels here, and the best managers we most certainly won’t get with this current set up. However as I said to blame it on the manager or Learner alone would be unfair, as its also got a lot to do with the realisation that I’m slowly falling out of love with the whole game, and its bias towards the money men and their teams. As I said, no one particular reason, just a probable no from me.
  6. I really will just be sitting in fear of who Learner will replace him with TBH!
  7. We conceeded only when the extra striker came on....maybe he should have stuck with his defensive formation?
  8. Nigel

    Stan Petrov

    Just heard the shocking news this morning. The suddenness of this makes the news even more horrible, if that were possible. Good luck to you Stan!
  9. Really? Never really understood the love of horse racing, other than for pure gambling sakes.
  10. Has to be Saunders, a bona fide top player coming to us in his prime. Closely followed by Collymore.
  11. Just remember to turn off the mains water first!
  12. UFC for me. Used to love boxing as a kid but it just seems tame now in comparison. Tennis can be good too as can cricket and athletics but only if the national team are being represented.
  13. Good engine, slightly lacking in skill, an annoyance in the box....we have signed Tommy Johnson
  14. Nigel


    The only one that works for me is hair of the dog, even on a bad one! A couple that never agree with me are full cooked breakfasts, which just make me feel sick, and sport/fitness of any sort.
  15. I suppose (taking the positives from my new addiction) I have inadvertently found out how long my battery lasts playing constant from a full charge. ....6 hours!
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