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Everything posted by Nigel

  1. Does Robbie Fowler look uncomfortable in a suit or what!
  2. Nigel


    ....and man citys cleaners have gold mops!
  3. Id say he will be given the next two hard games then the change will be made. Easier to sell the club if theres a chance of a couple of early victories.
  4. Charlie Chaplin fans weakness is concrete.
  5. I think you mean pedestrian Too much pedantic in pedestrian?
  6. A song for Jores sung on the way to palace... [To the tune of Jesus Christ Superstar] Ooo-korrr-aaaar suuuuper-star Sent down from Heaven after Paul McGrath [Repeat]
  7. I cant believe they didnt just ask one of the shopkeepers for a pair of scissors. They knew how anal Sugar would be about it.
  8. No he's not. Yes he is How can you argue this point?
  9. Stick it on you tube, that'll embarrass him!
  10. Now Im a Lambert sympathiser, I actually like the bloke and hope he does well for us for many a year yet. In saying that Id like to know what the people were watching to give his tactics an 'excellent' vote.
  11. Absolutely mugged them. Kudos to the ref for not bowing to the pressure of the crowd.
  12. 10% of people who have posted on the misuse of statistics thread are party poopers!
  13. It really depends on what his mates creations had created. If the Zogs or the Keons were far more advanced God may be the butt of some good old fashioned ribbing, he may actually be quite furious about it too. Shouldnt have killed of the Egyptians so quickly, let that be a lesson to you!
  14. ....and the other 17% is just used to confuse people!
  15. Nigel

    Christmas '14

    Just bought my oldest his first bike....hes gonna love this christmas!
  16. I know it had to happen but Took a lot away from the show imo.
  17. Don't bother, it really jumps the sharkthats a piece of advice that i dont think will be taken.
  18. We are playing some good stuff here!
  19. Joe Cole looks good in that midfield, gives us that unpredictability factor that has been sorely missing for years!
  20. I'm impressed you've managed to see it being as it's not out for 7 months. Most of us have only seen the short sub-90 second trailer Thanks for teaching me todays lesson! (However it could be argued that as the trailer is supposed to sell the film Id say it is a fair representation of what it will be like.)
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