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Everything posted by AndyClarke

  1. He's been around the u18s for a while, I've certainly seen his name a few times. To set the scene here, the players came out, there were no floodlights on, they turned the floodlights on and it hosed it down....Still pissing it down now. In other news, the songs over the tannoy are presumably chosen by the players tonight, we've had lyrics including "****" and "bitch"....kids!!! Hoping the weather eases off so the Barn Owl comes out to hunt in about an hour.
  2. So the tactic is to hoof it and play off the bits? That is about as "back to basics" as it gets to be fair.
  3. I was there in August. Make sure you go to Mannys Original Chophouse in Haines City. Best advice I can provide!
  4. There is no road next to the queue and in many places no space to walk past let alone anything else. You'd also suddenly go from a line to a huge scrum, including people not involved in the queue in the first place.
  5. There are no F16s permanently based in the UK, the Aviano based Vipers have been at RAF Lakenheath though. Any escort mission flown by the US in British airspace would be carried out by Lakenheath based F15s. To answer the earlier points, the Typhoons and Falcons are fairly regular and routine training with the Falcons flying as aggressors. They could be practising a Queen or Ukraine based scenario but the flights themselves are common.
  6. Embarrassing, bored of this now, might flip over and see how many Haaland can bag tonight.
  7. You should be! Next time, just as the Sun is setting (was about halftime) look towards the treeline behind the goal to the right.
  8. I presume he'd either say. "This idiot doesn't know what he's talking about" Or "Maybe 1st half I wasn't tracking etc like I could have been" Most likely though, as a professional footballer he wouldn't care, particularly as I am entitled to my opinion. Do you think he'd celebrate if he read a rave review on his performance on a fan forum? Does anybody ask the same question that you did when a post says "xxxxx was excellent"? Either way he was good second half so either someone had a word with him or opinions should be based on the game time and not a half.
  9. Too dark for football, the McPhee's have packed the goal away. Brad Young has missed his 3rd sitter and when I say sitter, I'm being kind. I've never seen 3 chances this easy missed in one game.
  10. Gerrard is on the phone! Shakpoke on for Afoka.
  11. Doesn't really look interested half the time.
  12. Austin McPhee and what I assume to be his young kids have been having a kick around since about minute 20. He even nicked a goal and rolled it onto one of the Academy pitches, since then they've had some of the yellow dummies to play in goal. To be fair, his kids look pretty good but at least that answers the question of what he actually does!
  13. Kadan Young in tracksuit bottoms with drawstrings (I'm not joking here) that reach down to his shoes. Incredible scenes.
  14. Gerrard is here, Lange is on the phone a lot and I've just seen a Barn Owl. Brad Young is having a shocker, Tyreik Wright trying too hard but how we've not scored 4 is a mystery. More Owl news to come.
  15. Iroegbunam here to watch in some serious gear (rascal I think Lee Hendrie would call it) absolute hero. Gary Shaw commentating, recognised by absolutely nobody it would appear.
  16. "Commentary" on the OS is just croad noise, so was trying to work out if the cheer was in a Brummie accent!
  17. Not the post I was expecting Rob to quote to be fair, disappointing!
  18. Can't be on £180k surely, bang average, no resale value and just the sort of player a newly promoted club don't need. Madness.
  19. Thar would be the worst decision ever wouldn't it! As part of the same dream I was in a Limo with my boss going to see an angry customer when I realised I was naked. Perhaps I should deal with the rest of the dream with same contempt that I gave that bit!
  20. Not sure to be honest, there have been a few key landmarks that have affected me, the first one (even though I was loved up and happy at the time) was seeing a picture of her with a new bloke. Which, stupid as it was, broke my heart, I didn't understand my feelings then in the same way as I don't now. I don't want her back, pretty sure of that but she was the first person I loved, the Mother of my perfect daughter and we believed for a long while that we had the perfect relationship......That is until she turned around out if the blue and said it was over. I suppose it feels like there is unfinished business and much like a scab () I can't help but have a scratch and pick at it. Sure I will feel differently tomorrow but has knocked me for 6.
  21. Strange one, well over 3 years since I split up with my (now) ex wife. I mentioned a few pages back how my life has gone from strength to strength and I'm very much in love with and happy with my current woman. I've kept away from the ex as much as possible, blocking her on WhatsApp so I don't have to look at her face, for a while I didn't drive past her house and went around it. This changed a bit when Covid came along and swapping my daughter was done at each others houses (no contact) rather than via school. She is away with my daughter at the moment abroad so I had to unblock her on WhatsApp so my little one could call. I have had the odd dream where the ex features but why wouldn't that happen when I still sometimes dream about school and other things from the past. Anyway I dreamt about her last night, seemingly quite vivid and about her thinking about us getting back together, it has really messed me up today, concerned about the beast that I have suppressed in my head!
  22. Great info from the OS, nice to see, in years gone by it was all a bit of a mystery.
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