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Everything posted by kidlewis

  1. Hannan was awesome last night, I only hope his popularity increases over the next 10 months and the conservatives can do nothing but listen to him and his ideals. He appears to be far more libertarian than many of the other conservative MP's and he stands for referendums and getting as many laws and regulations out of Brussels that don't really need to be there. I am a fan of economic unity, it can only breed stability in that case. What is really hate is the idea of social laws being conceived in Brussels and put in place across europe. It is bound to fail and no wonder people are getting pissed off with it. Social laws are down to the country's parliament and moreso the local district councils, it's really the only thing that really worries me about the EU. They essentially want to turn is into one big unified state. Which unfortunately is more likely than Israel merging with Palestine (but just as tricky). The main issue with politics is no one can get their figures right and they can get a different figure about the same statistic just by interpretating the data differently. Like on question time when Farage said 75% of our laws come from the EU, then Hannan said 84% of our laws have a base that begins from the EU. Then Flint comes out and says some "independent" panel looked at this and found only 9% of our laws has an EU base. WHAT THE ****!? only one can be right surely? or NONE! Statistics and politics are irrelevant when they are posed together for me now. If a politician throws a stat at me I won't take it on board other than to realise it's probably not exactly truthful. What I look for are case studies to prove some legislation works, not a stat. 'Crime has gone down in certain areas' yeah because according to my bobby mates certain crimes have been 'reclassified' so no wonder things like burglaries are down because what actually constitues as burglary has changed. Ideally we need someone to come in and pick the best politicians from each party and flush the rest down the toilet. I have read into Hannan quite a bit and whilst he isn't perfect (the whole 'Icelands econonomy is awesome') and likening the Lisbon Treaty to the enabling act of 1933 (although significant similarities), he does stand for giving power back to the people, with more decisions at local levels, referendums and plenty more things that I totally agree with. Government is too centralised in London and unforunately the further away from London you are, the less you get. Fortunately (as I think Tony you pointed out to me), Birmingham and areas in the Midlands have benefited from EU distributed money, But I think Hannans Ideal is that local councils should be given more funding within this country to do so anyway rather than relying on the EU to do it for us. I voted conservative but most of my decision was based on the fact that Daniel Hannan appears to be the one MEP who is closest to what I want from governement, unfortunately until he gets more air time and more people listening to him, the conservatives won't be doing that.
  2. If you remove Stan in the second line it fits perfectly. I reckon that is the one for when Petrov achieves an assist or goal.
  3. I admit U2 have been shit since the late 90's but they do have some absolute stormers. S & G 'Sounds of Silence' is an awesome tune, it was in a film I watched years ago (cannot remember now) and it MADE th scene in the film. Listened to it ever since. I do need to review my Top 100, will edit this week.
  4. Going back to the Politics/Charisma discussion, I do feel that MP's and politics in general is not meant to be for everyone, certainly not to be as clear cut as watching Britains Got Talent. However, I do think that politics needs to be much more engagin than it is at the moment, we know how ITV dumbs things down and tries to simplify things but perhaps that is what the media in general need to do for the majority of the public to understand the complexity of UK politics. It appears to me you have to go searching for policy, information etc rather than it being brought to the public, I don't think politics is shouted about enough in this country unless it's negative press or some MP getting caught cottaging on Hamsted Heath in some 'moment of madness'
  5. shame our current PM has neither , but he was great on GMTV talking about Susan Boyle Tony you are so WIN!
  6. Brown looked more defeated than Stuart Broad after that awful overthrow. Fact of the matter is that faith in the major parties has wained a lot. A lot of Labour suporters either haven't voted or turned to other parties (mainly Tory). It's quite clear many of the Labour MP's are 'abandoning ship'
  7. My friend summed her up perfectly with the line 'how can someone who is so right.....sound so wrong?'
  8. I voted conservative because Gordon Brown is quite possibly the most inept person in the world right now. As Daniel Hannan put it, he is pathalogically incapable of listening to criticism. He either smiles like some kind of coked up ponce or talks to the person next to him about how great he is, or how awesome Stalin was.
  9. I am not sure, will either be tory or spoilt ballot.
  10. Slip inside the eye of your mind Don't you know you won't find A better place to play You said that you'd never leave Cept for the champions league But City paid your way So we'll start a revolution from the Holte 'Cause you said the club we had weren't good enough Step outside the City's in the Boom Stand up beside the Eastlands place Take that look from off your face You ain't ever gonna burn my heart out So Barry can wait, He knows it's too late, Villa's walking on by His soul slides away, but don't look back in anger I heard you say Taken from the place where you grew We sang songs for you, kept the skies from Grey You have put your life in the hands Of a Rock 'n Roll club Who'll throw it all away So we'll start a revolution from the Holte 'Cause you said the team we had weren't good enough Step outside the City's in the Boom Stand up beside the Eastlands place Take that look from off your face You ain't ever gonna burn my heart out So Barry can wait, He knows it's too late, Villa's walking on by His soul slides away, but don't look back in anger I heard you say So Barry can wait, He knows it's too late, Villa's walking on by His soul slides away, but don't look back in anger I heard you say So Barry can wait, He knows it's too late, Villa's walking on by His soul slides away, but don't look back in anger I heard you say At least not today
  11. what are your thoughts on this? basically flight routes in a underground map format.
  12. kidlewis


    Bauer because you have to be **** hard to be able to tourture someone like he does, neither bourne or bauer could morally or even mentally torture someone like that.
  13. most of the ones in the poll. Some Girls aloud tunes are alright. But the videos are better. Sugababes are probably the best girl band, but I don't really see them as a generic girl band, they offer much more than that.
  14. thats what she said are you trying to get to 6000 pretty quickly? that's what he said.
  15. get the touch HD, it's absolutely WIN! if you know how to use a computer then you shouldn't have a problem with the touch HD. Lots of cool applications out for it, that are free. Plus the screen is much better than the iphone (colour wise and clarity). Plus if you tell orange you are thinking of leaving and getting an iphone (like I did), they should offer you a deal like mine 1200 minutes to mobiles 3000 minute to landlines 500 texts unlimited 3G browsing £24 per month incl VAT. and the touch HD was just £28. (comes with 8gb micro sd card).
  16. Aspall Cider (blush cider is awesome) NFU Farmers Market Goldfinch. All pretty nice IMO
  17. "And this guy's called The Bear, all right, he's like a mutant. Uh, he's essentially a nice guy, but he's driven to violence by the society he inhabits"
  18. look at the size of it's hammys though, those puppies could keep up Ironbridge let alone 70% of it's weight That picture does look odd though, he was clearly the dinosaur that got the mick taken out of him at sports day for "running a bit special". Had a kid at our school who ran at a slight angle, i.e. running forward but actually looking slightly to the right....
  19. I like your thinking, but the chances aren't that big. better off with 30,000 bears.
  20. Prehistoric Bear, I reckon 50 of them would bring the bastard down!
  21. It depends if they Bears wouldn't be scared of the T-Rex, If we are saying that Bears WOULD attack the T-Rex regardless of the fact it's way bigger, more powerful and no doubt a large portion of the pack would die, then I reckon about 25-30 bears would do it. 50% of them would get Nommed, but the T-Rex would fall eventually. I just don't think the Bears are nimble enough to avoid it's wrath. Thinking back to the Raptors in Jurrasic Park, they were so fast and had huge tallons to dig in and hold onto the animal. I would probably think 20 - 35 lepoards might do it as they are fast enough to avoid being eaten. maybe only 10 Comodo dragons as they have poisonous bites? the T-Rex would die eventually.
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