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Everything posted by kidlewis

  1. Aspall Cider (blush cider is awesome) NFU Farmers Market Goldfinch. All pretty nice IMO
  2. "And this guy's called The Bear, all right, he's like a mutant. Uh, he's essentially a nice guy, but he's driven to violence by the society he inhabits"
  3. look at the size of it's hammys though, those puppies could keep up Ironbridge let alone 70% of it's weight That picture does look odd though, he was clearly the dinosaur that got the mick taken out of him at sports day for "running a bit special". Had a kid at our school who ran at a slight angle, i.e. running forward but actually looking slightly to the right....
  4. I like your thinking, but the chances aren't that big. better off with 30,000 bears.
  5. Prehistoric Bear, I reckon 50 of them would bring the bastard down!
  6. It depends if they Bears wouldn't be scared of the T-Rex, If we are saying that Bears WOULD attack the T-Rex regardless of the fact it's way bigger, more powerful and no doubt a large portion of the pack would die, then I reckon about 25-30 bears would do it. 50% of them would get Nommed, but the T-Rex would fall eventually. I just don't think the Bears are nimble enough to avoid it's wrath. Thinking back to the Raptors in Jurrasic Park, they were so fast and had huge tallons to dig in and hold onto the animal. I would probably think 20 - 35 lepoards might do it as they are fast enough to avoid being eaten. maybe only 10 Comodo dragons as they have poisonous bites? the T-Rex would die eventually.
  7. ID cards will make bugger all difference, except a waste of £60. They will be cloned in days, will not keep anyone safe....at all. Better off giving everyone £1,000 ISA.
  8. That too. I know some right lazy bastards who in no way could motivate themselves to work at home then make sure they don't get a job working from home. Might I suggest Maccy D's you get stars and everything.
  9. well it depends if you can motivate yourself. If not then no.. if you can then ofcourse.
  10. If I was running a business and could find a loophole, I'd utitlise it. As long as it's legal. I am looking to setup a small business in the coming months and it basically looks like you only get half of what your company brings in. Everything else goes in one form of tax or another. Great thing about the internet is as long as "business decisions" and the property of the business "servers the info is held on" is in another country, you're OK....I think.
  11. kidlewis


    The quote I posted was meant to show class can be, but is not always defined by intelligence. and I think you meant has nothing to do with it. yes I did indeed. I was merely trying to make the point that people assume everyone with money suddenly changes the class they are in. the Harry Enfield sketch "considerably richer than yaou" is a classic example of how money doesn't really have bearing on "class". I think you can judge someones class by having a chat with them.
  12. kidlewis


    Class is purely based on behavior and intelligence, money had absolutely nothing to do with it.
  13. kidlewis


    I'm English.. and I can't stand it. Cricket should be banned for putting people through days and days of boredom. you have never seen or played a village cricket game have you? it's the best level of cricket in the world.
  14. kidlewis


    try hooking a 70mph cricket ball out the ground off your nose.... I have.
  15. because she was Conservative?
  16. Barring you picking that Ivan up for his spelling the other day that may be the most ironic comment I have ever read on VT. Labour's supression of free speech , right to free assembly and protest is good but when the Tories do it it's bad? I agree with what you have written but for Jesus Christ's F'ing sake why have you never pulled up Labour for doing the same and worse recently? Read it, and weep for our stolen rights I think now you have to organise and basically BOOK your protest in London nowadays. You won't find any protests going on anymore around the HP. There have also been cases of people being arrested under the terrorism act for taking photos of public places like train stations. This government is like that nobbish dad off the fast show http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkhpnrGBTRc
  17. So large numbers of people assembling to intimidate people who are trying to go to work to feed and clothe their families is okay? I think it still would have been best to leave the police out of it until something went terribly wrong at one of those flying pickets. Which would have happened, Then you move in heavy with full backing.
  18. NOT this. :shock: who were the bullies number of miners found guilty in court after Orgreave - 0 police compensation for illegal jailing - £500k what about the miners that killed that taxi driver? I don't believe anyone said the miners were all innocents in this no but I doubt the NUM compensated the taxi drivers family, or did they?
  19. NOT this. :shock: who were the bullies number of miners found guilty in court after Orgreave - 0 police compensation for illegal jailing - £500k what about the miners that killed that taxi driver?
  20. OK , maybe I should have phrased the question better .. why is it ONLY Thatcher appears to be seen as the destroyer of communities when the pit closures in Wales which also decimated communities , happened long before she came to power don't you understand it is the way that she did it ? check out the pictures of the time and the massed ranks of the police that were designed to 'shock and awe' state power at it's worse Ian I don't agree with you very often mate but ^ is exactly how I see it too. The only flaw in our view is that I don't know how else she could have overcome a militant union. Any ideas? you'd leave them to it and move in IF things got really nasty. More likely to have the whole country on your side then. What if the police weren't there and the pickets got violent towards the people wanting to work? remember it was an unofficial strike wasn't it? no ballot was taken.
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