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Everything posted by RunRickyRun

  1. Won a round in sudden death with only a minute total time on Hollywood. We managed to hold the objective in overtime then proceeded to escort the payload all the way to the finish. It was an epic round with defenders desperately trying to shove us off. Managed to rack up a 20 kill streak with Mercy - currently the best in the world on ps4 in season 2!
  2. The guy is an idiot. I mean you would have to be an idiot to sink money into a basket case like our club. Football is popular with the communist party at the moment so this is why we are seeing all the interest (there's not much appetite from the general population - the tv deal for the PL is one of the poorest money earners in the region). Should football China fail to progress in the next few years, then interest from the party will decline and poor Tony will be left holding a club with a negative balance sheet rocking up massive losses every year. It will end in tears. I'm looking forward to what happens afterwards. We may be in such a dire position that fan ownership may be the only alternative.
  3. 3 time national champion at 3km track pursuit. She is also a former medalist in swimming. The athletes are categorised by disability so she does not have an unfair advantage over her competitors.
  4. Has Sony's hand been forced by VR? With the new headset launching in October, the original ps4 might be too underpowered to handle it properly. The PS4 slim is bizarre. There seems to be no usp to it and, with ps4 fat consoles flooding the preowned marketplace after the launch of the Pro, it may struggle.
  5. Season 2 has started and there is a free trial this weekend for anyone interested. I would heartily recommend the game. With over 20 characters there are tons of ways to play and I think most people will find their niche. Those not accustomed to fps can play as healers or mobile tanks with Tesla cannons. There's not much you can't do!
  6. Really enjoyed my time with this and it's largely delivered on what I was hoping for. The endgame is really where it falls apart but this is a common problem for open-world ganmes. I think this will be addressed in time and with mods.
  7. Sport (n) a game involving physical and/or hand eye coordination.
  8. It has horrible controls and a press square to win combat. Instead of addressing these, they made compromises such as you only have to be in the vicinity of items to loot them. I've tried a few times to get into the game as it clearly has a lot of depth and gwent is ace but I can't get past the nauseating controls.
  9. Bob Hayes is my shout for the fastest man ever (with all things being equal). You can only get grainy youtube vids of it but his run in the anchor leg in 1964 is hand timed at 8.5 seconds...on a cinder track!
  10. Without doubt, the most talented forward I've seen at the Villa on his day. Had absolutely everything pace, skill, strength and finishing. His career did not quite live up to the talent he possessed but he left us with some great memories. I love his run at the start of this clip. Bear in mind, it's 120 minutes played when he does it.
  11. A lot of National Lottery funding goes to into funding these athletes and they are very medal focused when handing out money. Dressage gets £18m over four years (not including another £3.5m for paralympic dressage) which gives you an idea of the scale of money spent.
  12. I don't know if i've mentioned this (I do bring this up a lot) but I'm the brother of someone who once validated John Gregory's parking ticket in Solihul
  13. Far too early to give up yet! - especially as she has the potential to get up to 7000. She also will clean up in the indoors for years to come (no Javelin!) Tony Minichello could be out of work soon and would be an ideal coach to take her to the next level.
  14. KJT has a lot of class but seems very fragile. Her points ceiling for the Heptathlon is greater than Jess'. She could easily take another half a second off her hurdles and 200m times, improve her shot put & Javelin by a few meters and then she will be getting into Kluft territory.
  15. Couple of points from above Just been offered a ship for 45 million units. Yeah, no thanks. Will be very interested to pick this up in a year or so's time on PC - There is so much potential for modding.
  16. I think you achieve true space enlightenment when you can explore and shut out the words 'Life Supports System Low'
  17. A few Screenshots of my adventures: Some people have described me as a giant golden c*ck. Having found such a thing I'm happy to report I look nothing like one: Hang on a minute lads, I've got a great idea: I've named a planet in honour of Chindie as I don't think he's going to play this:
  18. I swear the beeb's athletics coverage gets worse. Why show live action when you can cut away from it and show 3 people in a studio talking or a showreel/interview recorded 3 months ago?
  19. I've had quite a few (20 odd) but they tend to come in bunches. Restarting the PS4 seems to calm this down. Found an even better way of getting 100% on planets which may be broken:
  20. Just managed to 100% one. I've shared a few tips below Still loving the game. Am really impressed with the subtle narrative as I explore.
  21. Jess Ennis' last Heptathlon starts shortly. I first saw her 10 years ago in the European Championships and she's had a great career.
  22. Do you have a blueprint to craft antimatter yet? If you do it should show as craftable in the crafting options when you hit square on your inventory. If I remember, I started with a recipe to craft warp fuel, then found a recipe to create antimatter then found a recipe to make the rare element that makes antimatter (meaning I can now craft warp fuel really easily)
  23. Got 2 million credits burning a hole in my pocket but cannot find a ship sexeh enough. I found an awsome pink machine but it only had 18 inventory slots
  24. I love the art style so it looks really well to me. I imagine PC players used to ultra settings will think it's not much. I spent 3 hours on my first planet . You get hooked on a trail - one question mark leads to a transmission beam which leads to an abandoned outpost and so on. The lack of a bounty system is a glaring omission. I can make up for it though by flying from a space station with a few valuables and waiting for the pirates. There doesn't seem to be much in the way of rewards for space combat (20 or so minerals) so my dreams of being a full time pirate will have to wait. They also need to have a 'recharge all' button.
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