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Everything posted by Phumfeinz

  1. My favourite defender when I was a kid, get well quickly
  2. My data for the month being used up within a few days because an email I tried to send failed, and then constantly tried to resend again non-stop over and over again by itself for several days until I got a message stating my internet data had been used up.
  3. These nonsense articles popping up on Facebook lately like "Tired all the time? It's a sign of your brainpower" or "Constantly late to things? It means you're intelligent and creative", they're nothing but positive affirmation for idiots and useless people so they can feel better about being so crap at not getting enough sleep or having basic adult skills such as punctuality. I fully expect to see something like "Fat, unemployed and have terrible hygiene? It means you're actually super smart, creative, talented and wonderful at everything" cropping up soon. Basically, **** this "everyone's a winner!" cotton-wool wrapped world we live in now.
  4. I got talking to an elderly woman about the lovely weather we're having lately whilst waiting for a bus the other day. Inevitably the "Summers were longer when I was young." popped up followed by "but you wouldn't know, you're just a child". Damn grandma, I'm 28 That said, looking young runs in our family on both sides and I still get asked for ID even though I'm sporting a beard and am clearly older than 17.
  5. It would be extremely Aston Villa-ish
  6. When you put it like that then yeah it sounds like I'm being somewhat unfair. My counterpoint is, you say joint 3rd highest goalscorer and assists - ok it's true but (and I had to look this up because I didn't know) the stats are: 3 goals and 2 assists. That's somewhat indicative of the poor team we had until after January but personally I was hoping that Grealish would have really kicked on and lit up the Championship this season. 2 assists is poor for a player of Jack's position and supposed talent. That said I've hardly watched any games this season due to being very busy and them simply not being broadcast, so all I'm going on are goals and assists which maybe doesn't reflect his true contribution (as you say, defence-unlocking passes).
  7. We're doing just fine without him, and he very rarely impacted any game when we did play him. Not bothered with this guy anymore to be honest.
  8. Strange thing to feel the need to say if it wasn't, hmm.
  9. They don't like us so we don't get the bold text and blue highlight treatment
  10. Phumfeinz

    Pre Match thread

    We've come a long long way together. That midfield.
  11. Phumfeinz

    Pre Match thread

    If we win this, we'll get the three points.
  12. Oh I've done that before, it ended with my mate winning the damn thing and leaving me with a £26 eBay fee for the pleasure of it.
  13. That was absolute turd and I feel super vindicated in not staying up to watch it live.
  14. Even if we somehow pulled off this miracle and went on an insane winning streak to finish 6th, we'd still bottle the actual play-off because This Is Aston Villa and that's 100% the kind of thing we'd do.
  15. Me and my friends all agreed to just watch this tomorrow instead of live after what happened last year.
  16. How whenever I sell something on eBay there's never a late flurry of bids in the final few seconds. You bet your ass though when I'm trying to win something there's at least 10 other people all bidding on it too.
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