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Everything posted by Amsterdam_Neil_D

  1. Agreed but I view the world as the bigger the money involved then there will be corruption as a given % depending on where you are in the world. Sytems and the mechanics to deliver as much as possible a corruption free re-build right under Russia nose must be done at any monetary cost.
  2. It will be impossible for Russia I agree but as with the West Germany project after the war they can come out of this OK ish long term. In theory the West will help rebuild Ukraine to a high standard only when the West can control the corruption aspect of the money distribution. I would hope the west go down the "Bullseye" route, look at what you could have won to Russia and rebuild it in an amazing why right in front of the Russians.
  3. Number 1 is a given, people will never be able to afford it. Number 2, Why pick these only as they had no choice or influence on the profits ? (Just thinking out loud really, what could oil / gas companies do to not have to pay more tax). (Eg go for Apple / Microsoft , Covid meant they sold loads more laptops and made a lot of profit ?) Looking at it from the other side.
  4. Oil price will get Russia. Same price as pre war, they are selling it at around 40% discount now. There is not a lot of movement available. They might end up with <3k barrel hopefully. Waste of time that.
  5. 40,000 a day some days. A full VP a day. A million a month. Maybe not widespread after all? 50 quid fine is a lot of money a day.
  6. The idea of not turning up to appointments in NL is just not a thing. It is not as far as I know ever a problem really. I missed a Dentist appointment once when I first got here in 2000. €40 fine, invoiced to me same day, it is more than that now I think. I suspect the Doctors and Hospitals are even higher fines. To not go to an appointment is pretty bad and it messes everything up. I am sure I saw 10 pound fine or something proposed in the UK. I would make it 100 pound and no more appointments until its paid. If you call the appointment + 24 in advance then no charge , no problems.
  7. I can't remember where I saw it over the weekend, something about fining people for not turning up to NHS / Dentist appointments ?
  8. Its a pretty good system, you throw out some words and we will do the rest I am intrigued by "Tike wasting" a small heath ritual of sort's ?, At a guess, is this the small heaths away fans all pi****g themselves in unison whenever they get a corner ?
  9. That reminds me, how you getting on with the Tourette's mate ?
  10. 6. No more Homework. 7. Free sweets for everyone. I find them so vague and almost meaningless, the 5.
  11. If they are going to do it, it will be from multiple directions at the same time at night. A proper shock and awe type thing. I don't think they are ready to go yet, need more weapons' first I suspect. I think when they do go there will be no doubt about it.
  12. I am starting to think the UK / US are pulling the strings in terms of the actual wargame. Russia can only lose from here IMO. Once Ukraine get a grip of the new weapons' they will just pick them off from range. Phytologically this must be getting difficult for the Russians, they are not getting rotated on the front line from what I understand.
  13. Questions and few thoughts about Planes: Russia has 500 ? Boeing and Airbus planes, Russia has them all on lease as I understand it. Part of the lease is that they all get repaired in a specific way with specific parts and there is some sort of sign off procedure or the repair is not valid ? (So violation of the lease ?) Russia has had no spare parts since Feb, how often do planes need repairs ? At some point they can't fly surely ? I wonder if their Airline / Travel within Russia might start to decrease over time + the wages in Russia went down 7% and inflation is at 12% so who can afford to fly and where can they fly ?
  14. I didn't know what Foreflight was, just had a look. It's not an App that someone has thrown together in a shed on the weekends or when the wife is at her sisters. Could be wrong.
  15. Do they use it on their mobile or have they a portable car version that they plug straight into the cigarette lighter ?
  16. Maybe not but (I am guessing this) to keep an aircraft in the air completing objectives day in day out you need a few things to be available all the time. Pilots, ammo, spare parts, repairs, fuel and reliable command and communications. Without any of these it doesn't fly effectively?
  17. I thought Brexit was all flag waving and this country is the best type of stuff ? Which goes against not getting a vaccine ? (If said country is the best then why not have the vaccine that they are giving you unless you don't trust the country but Brexit etc ? ) Not a pop at you but do you see what I mean ? You are probably correct but I don't understand their logic.
  18. Pre-February borders automatically invokes a cease fire.
  19. A cemetery is the only place that journalists can't trample over and get near you and the dead people there by definition can't ask any difficult questions either because they are mere props in a photo "Opportunity"
  20. This is 200 Meters from my house. I am so glad I am in my house. They are all mental.(Live webcam)
  21. I think Russia is going to try and self insure their own oil tankers for $100Billion. These will go to China and India. There is no reason to let the ships go to India. Just stop them as Russia has stopped the grain ? They can do this becasue of a loop hole where Russia subsidiaries in other countries can insure the ships via other companies. However, ship insurance works differently to other normal insurance, all the insurers insure everything. 1 massive oil tanker is cross insured by all the ship insurers because an oil spill cannot be covered by 1 insurer alone (think clean up and compensation costs). With the insurance structure required I don't think they are properly insured (Russia), maybe enough for 1 disaster at most. You cant just decide to insure ships as a business, its 400 / 500 year old business. It seems a bit dodgy.
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