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Everything posted by Amsterdam_Neil_D

  1. Dunno about that, I hear they have developed a Lada minus ABS. They don't need ABS, no snow or ice in Russia + minus all the rubbish safety stuff, The Lada is lighter, faster, stronger and no way of stopping it.
  2. Lada & mobilization in the same sentence. A hindrance surly.
  3. Would be funny if they lost in referendums due to an unfortunate comical mis-communication between senior Russian soldiers, that is very much in the style of "Once foot in the grave"
  4. The fear is real it seems. Once Ukraine push on into what Putin thinks are Russian areas then he will be gone. They won't risk it. The line about the US is quite interesting, Russia only imports % billion a year from the US but its what they import, this is all the good tech they need. (Approx. exported to US per year is 16 Billion) They can't survive at their current technological level without it Medical / Chips / Oil / Gas(Does it get cold in the north of Russia?) are all finished medium term without a supply of groovy new tech, downgrade it all, yes. Keep it current up to date, no chance. A stupid example but, you can still buy a Lada, brand new in Russia. The tech for the Safety modules (Eg ABS) does not exist in Russia, nowhere near. So new Lada, no ABS(How dangerous, the car that needs it most, shame) . If this is magnified across all sectors they are in trouble. Also, It seems they don' t have the right bearings either so train rolling stock is decreasing every day, these all effect the population eventually. I am not sure how their Russian flights are going (Aeroflot), hopefully it starts reducing.
  5. The greatest weapon the west has is a comma it seems. Putin reads that as almost 1 dozen soldiers dead.
  6. I love coincidences, it blows my mind. A lot of things need to line up nicely if you break it down, from episode choice to me stealing the picture from somewhere yesterday but only posting it today.
  7. I am 100% the same. If I see for example a Elephant get abused or killed on TV, I am about 4 different emotions all at the same time and I stop watching. I can watch Russian soldiers getting blown to bits all day long and not raise an eyebrow. I could fly the drones and drop the grenades and never ever think about it again.
  8. Total removal of all Russian troops from Crimea and Ukraine, pre 2014 borders basically. There is no out for Russia, the US / UK didn't give them the weapons and expertise for nothing. The is a plan behind all this, they can and will bring Russia to its knees. Russian propaganda only works if you can eat, heat, work, & travel. These are all going to slowly ebb away, every day its costing them billions and they turn off their sources of income (Gas / Oil). Its all going to go wrong. Ukraine will go for a Russian surrender or a Russian run away and they will pretend it never happened.
  9. I think its 70 day round trip iirc. Even if you want only 2 ships a day, there aren't enough ships on the planet and they can't get insurance. G7 hold insurance rights for shipping afaik. This is why they use the pipes to Europe, easiest and most efficient way to move oil / gas (especially gas as it needs to be liquid on a ship then back to gas. The EU need to get in front of Russia and start dismantling the Noord steams as soon as possible. It will finish them, as we dismantle them they will be on the phone begging. Remember, they cannot turn the production off for the oil and gas. This is not an option, sell it or lose it.
  10. How do they get it there ? It is just not possible in the amounts required, Putin is mental. What route as there is a tiny pipe only, all of the assets are in the North of Russia near the Arctic circle.
  11. Until he rides around topless on a horse looking like a deflated Matt Lucas he still has a way to go.
  12. Russia / Putin needs the money and the control. The sanctions will get him in the end and it will all cave in soon enough, hence the money grab. Also, nobody can be bribed or controlled if Putin has all the money also.
  13. They have no shame, you couldn't make a proper human using the best bits from both. Little tiny small men trying to clamber onto the world stage no matter what, they can't reach metaphorically or in reality the pair of words removed. Why stop there, go and see chunky boy in North Korea.
  14. Shame, we could have picked him up from the airport and re-enacted the end scene from "Long good Friday". Throw him over the fence to the lions in London Zoo and just walk off. He can Judo the lions to death if he wants.
  15. Are there odds available for the next election ? Be interesting to see how they see it. They are right more than polls I suspect.
  16. Until Ukraine's leaders meet Putin in some weird railway carriage of Ukraine's choosing, just to sign some documents, keep going until Putin or some other word removed asks for this very scenario.
  17. Putin, "in 2023 the reduction in GDP will be approximately -2.0 %" Verified Russian internal government document "The Reduction in GDP will be -8.3% and will take 8 years to get back to where we were if they we start now" -8.3% will kill it hopefully. No inflows of money.
  18. "Brainwashing" of populations means you end up with a human product that is essentially damaged, same a all religions, ISIS or all terrorism I suppose. They have no choice. But they are damaged. Brainwashed people will gladly blow themselves up for a cause they didn't even want to be in. I agree with everything you said above but they believe that Ukraine has Nazis in it. If you asked them all, should the west be destroyed they would almost all say yes (The majority). Anti brainwashed people is fine so they never get a voice until they are fixed. Listen to what Russian wife's of soldiers tell their own husbands to do to Ukraine women. IMO they are , at the moment a very dangerous people. Its not their fault I agree but it is what it is.
  19. Agreed. Now to get Russia to pay for the crimes they have committed. They will have to pay or they can't play in the world anymore.
  20. As soon as we see a few hundred Russians surrender with white flags in the media I think we are nearly at the end for the military operation. They are looking for any way out now and the realize the Himars etc are not beatable long term. Hopefully they will get tired of running soon enough. The sanctions are a different thing alltogether. No matter what, Russia as an economy is finished.
  21. Jeremy Clarkson and Karl Pilkington have let themselves go.
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