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Everything posted by Amsterdam_Neil_D

  1. I find it strange, ban Abortions but let everyone kill each other with guns. I don't understand. If they cared about life then why the guns? It makes no sense to me.
  2. Their problem is that you say everything is the Tories do is wrong or corrupt if they ever get into power then they have to reverse where possible or they will just look like idiots. As soon as Labour talk about Brexit, boat crossings, Scotland or pay rises then we will see what's what. The cost of living is all Johnsons fault according the Starmer (its not), it should be a flick of a switch to fix and to reverse then ?
  3. We just need to wait. It will be completely empty at one point in the future, well maybe 1 old bloke left with a smoking AR-15 and a misguided sense of achievement, self awareness and forward thinking.
  4. I would guess they have some of the most complex "Family Trees" known to man This proves how free they really are.
  5. The users of the gas and oil from Russia determine the speed of the death. Set a date (EG 90 days), and class Russia as a Terrorist state which it basically is. Remove the ability of countries to pay money to them for goods and services as this would be the same as giving money to the IRA / Taliban.
  6. Considering only the war crimes committed by Russian soldiers it would be morally wrong to let any of them walk out of the war alive. The victims deserve some justice, they kill women and little kids for fun and the world knows within a few miles where all these words removed are. We might as well keep going and remove them from the world one by one. Let them live and they will do it again, they have a taste for it now. If they get back to Russia parading around Red Square as heroes, this cannot happen under any circumstances. I suspect the West has a plan to end this, just not quite yet.
  7. It just seems the customer suffers more than the airlines / airports. They did get rid of loads of people from their jobs and this seems a bad decision.
  8. This is the key to it all. Stop giving the words removed money for energy. Turn it off and solve the problems that brings.
  9. I thought she was alight for the 1 day. She came across quite well, seemed like she was quite nice and was trying to help them. It was super funny and everyone else in the meeting was a class A word removed. Nice diversion for a day I suggest.
  10. We could drop them as our local rivals. Like when Nike drop an athlete for worrying sheep or something. They just are not good as rivals, no ground, no fans and no clue. If it was boxing, it would have been stopped a long time ago. Matey mate mate.
  11. Why can't they just apply a ratio at the airports. 30 % staff shortage then 30 % less flights ? They cannot be allowed to grab as much money as they can, keep it all for a few weeks and then give it back to those who ask. It should be that if your flight is cancelled within a week of flying there is a 30-40 % compensation add on. This would stop them selling flights they know wont go. (I hate airports and airlines with a passion, they are both scammers but because they are earners for the Government they get away with it). All industries are crying out for staff so Schipol is giving €5 euro extra if you work in the summer so they can steal workers from other industries, surprise surprise, it reduces to €1 after the summer.)
  12. I went to maccie D's in Haarlem for the 1st time in 6 months. It was brilliant, food on table within 4-5 minutes. Super tasty and really enjoyable. They do waiter service now so you don't need to ever go to the counter. (Is this a world wide thing? So you grab a table number thing and add that to the electronic order?) .
  13. Its mid term and the things they cant control (War / inflation) would hit any Government hard I would think. Another way to look at it is 7%, given that almost everyone labour and specifically Nandy has spoken to up and down the country wants the Tories gone especially after Partygate / 10% inflation etc. Given the circumstances, are they happy with 7%, and what majority historically has it given Labour at a GE when ahead by 5+% at half time. They will still lose the GE even from here IMO. If the PM getting an actual fine from the Police gets you 7% what would he need to do to get Labour 20 % lead ? (Which is what they would need going into a GE). (Not having a pop, just how I see it from far away)
  14. I agree to a certain degree but on the other hand that means that a great policy ideas invented by Labour, is then stolen by the Tories in full view of everyone and then implemented by a Government led by Boris makes Labour somehow weaker ? Or what would the reason not to let anyone know what they are ? The Tories can't be totally incompetent as Nandy says if they are nimble and clever enough to steal ideas from the opposition and capitalize on them. (if that makes any sense ?)
  15. (Bit of a rant as they drive me insane) Shouldn't he and everyone around him already know this as a long term plan that the team know by heart and not only that but how to get there? Isn't it a bit weird he hasn't got a communicated vision allready? They are up against Boris Johnson so its an easy win the tactic in interviews is the same as always. a) Look at X the government has done / not done, its outrageous. Question "What would Labour do?" well..... b) When speak I to people up and down the whole country they ALL say to me "Made up sentence/viewpoint " c) And that is what I and Labour really care about is the "Made up sentence/viewpoint " that I keep hearing from everyone. (Nandy comes out with this for everything and its pathetic) - If it was true they would be in power years ago. It's just a lie they all come out with, why look at polls if everyone up and down the country says the same as Nandy ? (It really annoys me and is just trying to connect with people who believe anything they hear the 1%) Pandemic, War, 10% inflation, PPE contracts, 130k dead and a Prime minister that gets fixed penalty notices. Still in touch in 2nd place though so there is that.
  16. Its an astonishing series. People of all ages seem to like it. I watched the last one of this batch last night. 10/10
  17. I would absolutely love it. It would be a great day for Birmingham and a great day for football as a whole. Their fan base now compared to the 80's . They go bust, not a lot of people would actually care as they don't have many fans left anyway. They deserve it.
  18. He reached the threshold for Defamation IMO. I watched it almost everyday. She did the piece to gain from other women's struggles, not hers though. She wanted to be the next Kardashian I think and was using him to open the door for her. She is just not that clever to think it through. He didn't deserve it. As for her lawyers, felt sorry for them as they realized half way through, they had lost. No evidence is always a killer. Heard is a victim of herself only, no one else. I suspect she would have done the same to anyone who married her. If she had married Warwick Davies she would have accused him of kicking her in the word removed every day by wearing big shoes to reach. On the flip side, Amber Heard WB 10 /10
  19. No. Really not seen for some reason.
  20. I lot of bad things seem to happen at grocery stores, I didn't want it to come to this but there is no other solution. A fruit based solution that increases gun ownership and increase safety for everyone.
  21. Part of Putin's brain is child like in nature, the internet should come up with better rumours. Putin's pet name for Lavrov in private is "Buttercup" for example.
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